where to start repairs in the apartmentBuying a new apartment is certainlya real event for every family, and if the apartment is also bought in a new building, then this purchase becomes doubly pleasant. But as soon as the euphoria of owning a new home evaporates, happy new residents come to the conclusion that for them now the real pressing need is the renovation of the new apartment, no matter how strange it may sound. But reality in this case dictates its own laws, so you have to puzzle over and plan the renovation of the house. Where and how to start the renovation of the apartment? What materials and where exactly to buy? What is the most important thing in the renovation of the apartment? All these questions begin to arise one after another faster than you finally decide on them. As a rule, the stories of experienced people about this event say that it does not present any special difficulties. Especially often you can hear a common misconception that everything basic in a new house has already been done, and for this reason it is possible to reduce the renovation in a new building to the bare minimum. After all, you will not have to do a major renovation! But in reality, things are often far from this.

Possible complications

So, where exactly to start renovating an apartment innew building? First, let's find out what is the difference between renovating a long-used home and renovating a new building? Surprisingly, only one thing - a new building shrinks within two years. That is why cracks inevitably appear on the walls, leaks occur in the heating and water supply system, the floor "swells" and other not the most unpleasant consequences of inevitable shrinkage. When choosing any finishing materials for renovation, you should try to give preference only to those that have the ability to withstand deformation of ceilings, floors, walls, and, in general, shrinkage of the house without any significant changes. So the choice of such materials for finishing is the necessary and very first condition for starting renovation of an apartment in a new building. This is not just an important point, the cornerstone of the whole problem, if you undertake the renovation of a new, newly built home. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of money, and in two years you will again find yourself in front of a new need, if not for a major, then for cosmetic repairs.where to start repairing

Floor Repair

Where to start renovating an apartment, if not from the floor,more precisely, with the solution of the question: is a finishing screed necessary? After all, the construction one is already good enough. This question torments almost everyone who simultaneously solves another question: where to start renovating an apartment with their own hands. If you look at it from a practical side, then leaving the construction screed without finishing it should not be done for two main reasons.

  • The first reason. The smoothness of the screed is almost always not as good as it should be, because the screed often crumbles under your feet, and you have to sweep the dirty concrete dust every day.
  • The second reason. The roughness of the screed will cause problems when you lay linoleum or laminate. And if you still manage to properly place the floor covering, the concrete dust that accumulates under the floor will begin to penetrate your home and poison your body.
  • So, the finishing screed will “knock down” the dust,left over from the builders, and will achieve an acceptably flat floor, where any covering can be laid without any problems. It is best to use natural parquet for the floor in a new building. It is almost not afraid of any deformations.

    Wall repair

    But here's where to start renovating an apartment ina new building does not need at all, so it is with laying tiles in the bathroom. It is better to lay them later, when your house has completely settled, and you can do a complete overhaul. But if you are impatient, then choose the simplest tiles, so that later without unnecessary pity you can remove them and lay new ones in their place. Another controversial issue affecting the issue of repairs in a new building are the walls or, more precisely, their alignment. Most often, they seem even only at first glance. If you take measurements using a water level or a plumb line, it will suddenly turn out that all the walls have their own unevenness and distortions. Of course, this will not affect the strength of the wallpaper. However, if when gluing wallpaper it is necessary to adjust the rolls, the pattern will not match as it should, and all your efforts will be in vain, the cost of expensive wallpaper is unjustified. That is why repairs in a new building must include finishing the walls before you glue the wallpaper. You shouldn't stick expensive wallpaper on the walls either, as it will most likely crack or swell. Although, if you've chosen fabric wallpaper, there's no reason to worry. Installing panels can be a temporary measure. Of course, there are other different options for finishing the walls.

    Repair of the ceiling

    The third common misconception in the dispute ison the topic of repairs in an apartment in a new building is repairing the ceiling. As a rule, most of us are inclined to an inexpensive and angry option. Almost all newly-minted owners of brand new apartments agree that it is worth gluing tiles to the ceiling, which will well hide all the existing construction flaws. Naturally, such a solution makes sense. Just do not forget that polyurethane ceiling coverings, despite all their decorative value, tend to turn yellow over time and are an excellent magnet for dust, and sometimes can fall off almost in whole rows. So this option is considered a temporary measure. As an alternative to polyurethane foam in recent years, when repairing apartments in new buildings, plasterboard is increasingly used. After all, ceilings made of this material can be installed even by someone who has no experience in construction work. In addition, painting or gluing wallpaper on such a ceiling will be a very easy and even enjoyable activity. And, by the way, the visual perception of a well-made plasterboard ceiling can exceed all your wildest expectations and will cause a feeling of deep satisfaction from the result. A stretch ceiling is also very well suited for renovating an apartment in a new building, since when the house shrinks, it will simply take the desired shape. Today, this option is not so expensive, and given the long service life and resistance to deformation, it will be the most optimal solution. It is better to immediately make the water supply and heating system from plastic pipes during repairs. In addition to the fact that they are much more durable than their other analogues, they are also not afraid of deformations that are possible when the house shrinks. Window repair and soundproofing By the way, where to start renovating an apartment, if not with installing plastic windows. They can be installed immediately and for a long time. Just before installing plastic windows, warn the company installing them that the house is new and shrinks. In this case, the installers will leave the necessary gaps in the seams to avoid deformation of the windows. When renovating a new building, you also need to take care of reliable soundproofing. Common practice has shown that within 4-5 years after moving in, all residents are sure to be actively renovating, and some begin a major renovation of their home. Therefore, for your peace of mind, it is worth spending a little on soundproofing materials. In this regard, cork panels are best suited, since they reduce the noise level, and again, are not afraid of subsequent shrinkage of the house. The best option for renovating new buildings is when you entrust it to a specialized company. And during the renovation, your family, for example, can go on vacation. This option will solve several pressing issues at once: a specialized company will do the entire comprehensive renovation and install plumbing and electrical wiring, and you will not be in a house where something is being drilled, painted and knocked on all day long.repair where to start

    Repair by own hands

    How to start a DIY renovation correctly? Если вы решили самостоятельно заняться ремонтом дома, то начинать нужно со своего собственного проекта по обустройству нового жилища. Для начала вам следует забыть на некоторое время о покое и составить список необходимых строительных материалов, которые понадобятся для ремонта квартиры. Рекомендуем, разделить их по отдельным комнатам. Например, коридор, кухня, ванная комната и так далее. Конечно, можно закупать строительный материал сразу для всей квартиры, а можно и поэтапно: по ходу ремонта очередной комнаты. Здесь, как кому удобнее. Но вот с чего начинать ремонт квартиры своими руками действительно надо, так это с расчета расходов отдельно на ремонт пола, потолков, стен, а также стоимости дверей и окон. Такие расчеты значительно облегчат вам задачу по планированию благоустройства вашего дома. Если вы собираетесь делать косметический ремонт, то тогда в ваши планы не должны входить перепланировка квартиры и какие-то глобальные дизайнерские решения. Потому что речь должна идти только о покраске, побелке, оклейке стен, дверей, окон, а также обновлении линолеума или ламината или циклевке и покрытии лаком паркетных покрытий, облицовке стен и пола плиткой. Также в рамках своего косметического ремонта вы сможете поменять наличники, подоконники и плинтуса. Надо отметить, что даже косметический ремонт – это чрезвычайно трудоемкая процедура и, естественно, заслуживает уважения и внимания. В особенности, если все ремонтные работы в квартире выполняются своими руками. Но за какой бы ремонт вы не собрались взяться, у вас не получится все сделать «голыми руками». Если вы наймете строительную бригаду, то, конечно, можете даже не задумываться об этом моменте, но, если вы принимаетесь за ремонт самостоятельно, то сначала обязательно нужно приобрести довольно большое количество строительных инструментов. При этом обычными уровнями и рулетками, пассатижами и отвертками список далеко не ограничится. Вам в любом случае придется освоить различные малярные приспособления, перфоратор, дрель, шуруповерт, пилу и многие другие простые и не очень простые ремонтные устройства. Перед тем как вы начнете ремонт в квартире, вам надо будет подготовить все помещения, в которых будете его делать. Для этого в первую очередь нужно будет освободить комнаты от мебели или передвинуть ее накрыть оставшуюся мебель. Необходимо также защитить все поверхности, которые вы не планируете включать в процесс ремонта, в противном случае вы им можете нанести серьезный ущерб. Еще следует заклеить все выключатели и розетки специальной малярной лентой и впоследствии помнить, что, работая с электричеством, следует соблюдать все необходимые правила техники безопасности. Довольно большое количество времени у вас отнимет удаление старых покрытий перед нанесением новых. Как правило, удалять их следует сверху вниз: от потолка к полу. Технологии удаления таких покрытий могут достаточно сильно различаться – они зависят от материалов, использованных в процессе предшествующего ремонта квартиры, если таковой имел место быть. Только все перечисленные выше моменты, к сожалению, являются лишь частными. Если у вас возникло желание сделать ремонт дома своими руками, если вы хотите, чтобы результат сохранялся достаточно долго, то следует перед этим пройти полную информационную подготовку, которая поможет вам узнать, как правильно начать ремонт. А уж косметический или капитальный – это вопрос назревшей необходимости и материальных возможностей. Удачного вам ремонта! Советуем почитать:

