Donachal VersaceDonatella Versace is definitely oneone of the most talented Italian fashion designers, as well as the chief designer and head of the fashion brand Versace. She got this role after the death of her brother, the famous couturier Giovanni. The woman has everything - wealth, fame, recognition. But to achieve this, she had to go through a winding and laborious path. About the trials that fell to Donatella's lot, and what she had to endure, you will read in our article.


The girl was born in Italy, in a small cozya town called Reggio di Calabria. She was the youngest in a family of four. At the age of twelve, her older sister Tina died. Doctors could not detect a tetanus infection, so they prescribed improper treatment, as a result of which the child literally burned out in a few days. Donatella's mother earned her living by sewing, and her father by trading, but her education as an economist gave her the opportunity to earn extra money - he consulted wealthy aristocratic Italian families. The Versace family owned a small studio and a hardware store. From early childhood, the little girl's older brother Donnie (as the girl was called in the family circle) Gianni was fond of sewing clothes, like his mother. He invented models himself, cut and sewed for his younger sister, and she, in turn, wore only his creations. When the guy turned 25, he left his hometown and went to Milan. After a short search, he got a job as a designer at several fashion houses at once: Istante, Genny, and Callaghan. After graduating from university, in 1970 Donatella followed her brother, in Florence and Italy she studied knitwear and plunged headlong into the world of fashion. Meanwhile, Gianni held the first show of a women's clothing collection under his brand (1978) and organized his own trademark. Santo Versace was appointed to the position of chief administrator in the Versace fashion house, in charge of finances, and Donatella was given a more creative role - PR director. She was responsible for organizing and conducting photo shoots and advertising campaigns for the company. Successfully combining work and personal life, in 1986 the woman married model Paul Beck. Soon they had their first child - a girl named Allegra, and three years later - a boy named Daniel. In 1995, paying tribute to his sister's love and respect, Giovanni released a perfume in her honor called "Blonde". A little later, he gave her the right to distribute her own brand of perfumes - "Against". Subsequently, they would become the internal line of the Versace house. Thus, having united their joint efforts, having invested their talent, soul and strength in the business, the Versace family team was able to build a grand fashion empire, with which only a select few can compete today.Donatella Versace


Giovanni adored his sister and believed that shetalent and skills will bring not only additional income, but also even greater popularity to the Versace brand. Perhaps that is why in the eighties he entrusted Donatella with a serious matter - to lead a youth clothing line under the Versus brand. Despite her comparative inexperience and youth, the girl fully justified the hope placed on her. It was she who first suggested using on the catwalk not only little-known models, but also popular show business stars. Thus, appearing at the Versace show, they spread their fame to the clothes of the fashion house, advertising it thanks to their name. Madonna, Halle Berry, Demi Moore and others repeatedly played this role. Thanks to such PR, competently organized by Donatella, the fame of Versace flew around the world. Their outfits became of interest not only in Europe, but also in America. In 1997, namely on July 15, a great misfortune happened in their family. Giovanni Versace was shot dead near the door of his own home while he was out for a walk. The killer was a homosexual named Andrew Cunanan. A few days later, when the police surrounded him and wanted to arrest him, the man committed suicide. There were no obvious motives for the crime, but speculation began. Some believed that Gianni's older brother and sister, Santo and Donatella, ordered the murder in order to take over the fashion house. Others blamed the mafia, which allegedly laundered its money in the boutiques. However, none of the versions were ever confirmed. To avoid such talk, the Versace family put everything aside and hid from annoying reporters for a while in their villa on the Caribbean islands. Unfortunately, many people not only like to talk, but also want to profit from someone's death. So, it is known that Donatella spent a huge amount of money in order to remove all information about her brother's death from the police files and stop the distribution of the investigative book about Giovanni. The author of the work was Frank Monte, a private detective who similarly cast a shadow on the entire family of the famous Versace. After the death of the couturier, most of the shares (50%) of the fashion house were inherited by his niece Allegra. She also inherited a villa on Lake Como and a huge house in one of the richest areas of Manhattan. Despite the fact that Donatella Versace owns only a twentieth of the shares, while her brother Santo has 30%, she heads the brand. Today, more than forty stylists work under her supervision, the company produces seventeen clothing lines and owns three thousand outlets scattered around the world. Connoisseurs and admirers of the Versace brand dress in three hundred boutiques located in different cities and countries.designer donatella Versace

At the head of business

Many were skeptical about the appointmentДонателлы главой модного дома. Завистники считали, что она недостаточно талантлива, амбициозна и не настолько умна, чтобы успешно продолжить дело брата. Однако она доказала, что они неправы. Женщина удержала империю на своих хрупких плечах, придав ей новые черты, но, тем не менее, не затерявшейся среди конкурентов. Спустя три месяца после смерти Джованни Донателла представила взору критиков свою первую полноценную коллекцию для весенне-летнего сезона 1998. «Я никогда не относила себя к разряду сильных женщин. Однако обстоятельства сложились так, что мне пришлось примерить на себя эту роль. И, по-моему, я справилась неплохо» — откровенничала Донателла. Еще большую популярность дизайнеру принесло Зеленое Платье, или, как его называют многие, «Платье-Джунгли», спроектированное ею лично. Появившись в этом наряде на вручении Грэмми-2000, Дженифер Лопес не только шокировала публику своим образом, но и дала лишний повод восхищаться и говорить о Versace. Ответственность за бизнес, которая мертвым грузом лежала на плечах Донателлы, а также эмоциональная травма после гибели родного человека, не могли не сказаться на ее поведении. Одной рукой управляя модной империей, другой женщина тянулась к бокалу. Постепенно она стала частым гостем на всевозможных вечеринках, закрытых тусовках селебрити, пристрастилась к алкогольным напитками и кокаину. Лишь благодаря стараниям близких ей удалось вовремя взять себя в руки. В 2004 году, после долгих ссор и уговоров, Донателла согласилась пройти курс реабилитации в специализированной клинике. Борьба с наркотической и алкогольной зависимостью прошла успешно, и уже через год обновленная Версаче выпустила очередную коллекцию. Модные критики единогласно признали ее «блестящим началом новой эры в истории Versace». В своей работе модельер не подстраивается и не копирует стиль своего великого брата. В рамках традиций модного дома она продолжила выпуск одежды, выполненной в стиле «сексуальный гламур». Несмотря на это, многие специалисты считают, что Донателла не смогла пройти по стопам Джанни и повторить его успех. «О моих показах многие отзывались не очень лестно. Но я всегда знала, что стать такой же великой, как брат, я не смогу. То, что делал он — эксклюзив. А нам, дабы оставаться на волне популярности, нужно искать новые идеи» — признавалась Донателла. Она не слушала сплетен, отбивалась от критики, пробовала и творила. В результате кропотливой работы ее коллекции стали более удобными и женственными, из них исчезла агрессивная, кричащая сексуальность, однако неизменный стиль Джованни все же остался — изысканная роскошь и эротика присутствуют во всех нарядах Versace. Несмотря на негативные отклики завистников, этот бренд все же остается популярным во всем мире. В него одеваются самые богатые и успешные люди: актеры и актрисы, политические деятели, звезды шоу-бизнеса и другие. Благодаря стараниям Донателлы, на сегодняшний день Versace — это не только одежда и аксессуары. Это также элементы интерьера, предметы коллекционирования, которые выставляют в самых крупных авторитетных музеях мира. Покинув этот мир, Джованни забрал с собой частичку праздника и великолепия, которыми он наполнял атмосферу вокруг себя. Конечно, творить так же, как это делал великий кутюрье, уже не сможет никто. Однако Донателла вместе со своим братом Санта сделали все возможное, чтобы слава Versace облетела весь мир. Помимо этого бизнеса, они являются владельцами люксовых отелей в ОАЭ и Австралии. beautiful donacete

Interesting Facts

Since the early 90s, Donatella has been headingaccessories production, some of which she designs herself. Subsequently, her works form a children's line called "Versace Young". Eight years later, the designer creates her first perfume, "Versace Woman". A couple of years later, a retrospective exhibition of "Versace" is held in London, where, in addition to the models created by Giovanni, exhibits designed by Donatella personally are presented. Wanting not to stand still, but to constantly develop, she improves in design - designs cars and yachts, and also launches a new line of sweets. In the winter of 2005, Versace received the award as "Woman of the Year", and later - "Designer of the Year". We recommend reading:

