Thai cuisine The reason why most Asian cuisineshas a weakness for spices, it is understandable: the unfavorable climate for storage of products forces us to take measures to make them safer for consumption by using acute spices with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The basis of Thai cuisine is rice. The famous Thai rice, jasmine, is one of the most fragrant and delicious. At a premium in Thailand, fish and seafood, as well as coconut milk. Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country, so there is no such restriction on the use of any meat, as in neighboring India, where they profess Hinduism, or Muslim Malaysia and Indonesia. Thai cuisine is diverse in its composition and taste. It can not be imagined without such spices as ginger, chili, coriander, lemon grass, mint and basil. In addition to rice, various types of noodles are popular: rice, egg noodles from flour and noodles from bean mung beans. An important kitchen attribute of Thai cuisine is a frying pan-wok. Cooked in wok products are more dietetic, less fatty. This is achieved due to the fact that all products are concentrated in the center of the pan, the liquid is evaporated more slowly and therefore less oil or fat is required. Dishes in a wok are cooked over a large fire, at a rapid pace, with continuous stirring. On the one hand, it saves time. On the other - to save more vitamins in foods, reducing the process of heat treatment. Recipes of Thai cuisine are now enjoying increasing popularity, as, indeed, other eastern cuisines. The emergence of specialized stores with products from Asia expands the possibilities of lovers of gastronomic experiments. Now you can surprise your home with unusual tastes and healthy dishes. Shall we proceed?

Khau Phhat (fried rice)

Thai cooking recipes Generally fried rice is a traditional dish,which you will meet in Thailand at every step. And every time it is likely to be a little different. To the fried rice are supposed a variety of additives: chicken, pork, seafood, beef ... And a lot of spices. We will prepare the basic version. You will need:

  • Welded rice
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1 fresh tomato
  • 1 tbsp each. fish and soy sauce
  • Additives for rice: fried pieces of chicken, pork, shrimp, pieces of pineapple - all of your choice.

Cook rice in advance. We take a variety of jasmine, which mainly uses Thai cuisine. Thoroughly rinse (in fact carefully, without regretting water and hands). Fill rice with boiling water at the rate of one and a half glasses of water per 200 grams of rice. Bring to a boil, cover with a dense lid and cook over low heat for 13 minutes. Turn it off, leave it for another 10 minutes. In general, ideally rice for this dish should be infused and cooled. The longer - the better. Will go even yesterday. In the wok, heat the oil. Fry in it garlic, chili, chopped finely onions. Do not forget to constantly interfere. Add the sliced ​​tomatoes. We pour in soy and fish sauces. After two minutes, add the rice. Fry for a minute. Serve, sprinkle with herbs cilantro. Before pouring rice, you can add other ingredients to the frying pan: sweet pepper, finely chopped and fried in advance chicken or pork, pineapples, boiled shrimps, or simply pour one or two raw eggs and mix. And then add the rice. In general, the ingredients can be many, that is, you can safely mix and chicken, and shrimp, and pineapples, and oyster mushrooms. And you can do with one. Do not be surprised that there is no salt in the recipe - its role is played by soy sauce. But you can add a little sugar. Especially if the pineapple was greedy. Thai fish sauce is the most specific ingredient here. If it does not exist, you can do without it. Moreover, of those who are aware of how it is prepared, not everyone will risk trying it. But about this another time ... Let us repeat that the recipes for fried rice Thai cuisine has many. As with the Russian borshch, every mistress, of course, has her own tricks and ideas. So no one bothers you to show imagination ... Another classic dish, a business card of Thailand, is Thai fish soup Tom Yam.

Tom Yam Soup

recipes for Thai food For soup:

  • Chicken broth - 2 cups
  • Coconut milk - 1 glass Raw shrimp (peeled) - 450 g
  • Lime leaves -2 pcs, cut
  • Lemon sorghum - 5 cm (replaced with lime peel or half of one lemon)
  • The root of ginger is grated, 1 tbsp.
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp. l. Thai fish sauce
  • 8 shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms or champignons, cut in half
  • Green onions, coriander for decoration

Pasta Tom Yam:

  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Shallots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 5 denticles
  • Chile pepper - 2 pcs.

First we prepare the sauce. Heat the wax with oil. We throw in it the chopped garlic for a few seconds. How did a characteristic smell - we get it with a spoon and put it aside. Next, chopped onions and chili are sent in turn to the oil. And also quickly extracted from there. Everything is mixed in a blender, and the same pasta is produced that volume, without which Thai cuisine would not be Thai. Next, this paste is sent to a saucepan with heated broth. There we put ginger, lemongrass and that there we still had an exotic. Cook for 5 minutes, tasting. At this stage, you can add fish sauce, another chili pepper (for those who like more sharply), sugar and coconut milk to soften the taste. In general, we make the broth acceptable for consumption. After 5 minutes, add mushrooms and shrimp. We cook for a few more minutes and - it's ready. Pour into deep bowls (for authenticity), sprinkle with green onions or cilantro, and invite the hungry to the table. If you are intrigued and interested in Thai cuisine recipes which, in practice, are not at all difficult, then finding sources of inspiration will not be difficult. The growing popularity of Asian cuisine is also evident in the worldwide network. The only problem that can catch you is the lack of exotic ingredients. But here, as they say, everything is in your hands ... We advise you to read:

