cauliflower with meat Cauliflower is a unique product of its kind. Thanks to its useful composition and special neutral taste, it can become an excellent addition to any table, both everyday and festive. What is she so good as how to cook this beautiful vegetable?

And again about the benefits

Thanks to the high content of vitamins andmicroelements it is recommended to introduce into the diet to everyone, especially those recovering from illness. Will help delicious and appetizing cauliflower survive spring avitaminosis with minimal losses. This vegetable, like a flower, is useful to everyone who follows the figure and the state of their health. Coarse cabbage fibers improve digestion, give saturation and play the role of a mechanical bowel cleaner. And in combination with low calorie, this property makes such cabbage an ideal product for a diet. Also, the vegetable surprised scientists by its ability to slow the growth of cancer cells and prevent their appearance. Only half a glass of juice a day or a couple of inflorescences, significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Thanks to the high content of potassium, cauliflower helps prevent heart disease. With such a "vegetable friend" to control the pressure and heart rate is much easier. This vegetable is especially useful for pregnant women, it is rich in folic acid, which ensures normal development of the fetus. With regular use of cabbage dishes deficit of this element can not be feared, and therefore, after agreeing their actions with a doctor, you can abandon synthetic drugs. Beauty cabbage almost does not cause allergies, it is one of the safest vegetables. It is due to this property that it is one of the first introduced into the feeding of babies. Ingredients for preparation of cauliflower with minced meat

Secrets of preparation and cooking

Thanks to its neutral but pleasant tastecauliflower is a part of many dishes. It is combined with products with bright flavors and aromas, and it becomes a worthy frame and a complement to the exquisite table. But before you start to choose a suitable recipe, you need to figure out how to prepare a fresh and beautiful head, because the first stage of processing is the same for almost all recipes. First of all cabbage head should be washed, cleaned of the foot of dirt. If on the inflorescences are observed darkening, they need to be removed with a sharp knife. Depending on the selected recipe, head out on a medium-sized inflorescence or leave it in its original form. Then you can start cooking. The next step should be blanching or boiling cauliflower. In the first case, the inflorescence should be put in a colander and 4-5 times lowered into boiling salted water, and then cooled. If the vegetable should be boiled, proceed as follows. In a large saucepan pour water, filling half the volume. Bring to a boil, lightly salt and put the inflorescence or head. After repeated boiling, boil for 4-5 minutes, drain the water and allow the useful vegetable to cool. In no case can not digest delicate cabbage, otherwise it will acquire a puree-like consistency and become unsuitable for the further preparation of delicious and fragrant dishes. The most popular recipes are cooking cauliflower with meat. And you can use absolutely any kind of protein product. Pork will have to taste lovers of a hearty and dense dinner. Beef is appreciated by connoisseurs of nutritious and healthy dishes. A bird and a rabbit will be an excellent addition to the dietary table. The special charm of any proposed recipe is that this type of meat can be safely replaced with another, thus varying the calorie content. baked cauliflower with meat

Delicious dishes for a thin waist

  • Easy casserole with chickenhelp support the figure. You will need: directly cabbage, chicken fillet, milk, a pair of eggs. Prepare the vegetable in the manner suggested above, disassemble into small inflorescences or cut into small cubes. Bird pre-cook, cool and disassemble into small fibers. Mix the vegetables with meat, season with salt, add a few favorite spices and put them in fireproof utensils, you do not need to add oil. Whisk the eggs with milk and fill this mixture with a half-finished product. Bake in the oven over medium heat for 15 minutes or until the egg whites are completely folded. This casserole with meat can be eaten hot or cold.
  • By a similar principle can be preparedvegetable pancakes or meatballs with meat. They will help to quickly satisfy the hunger and do not harm the figure. The following ingredients will be needed: cabbage, chicken meat, egg, olive oil for frying. You can also bake a dish, the recipe allows for such retreats. Cabbage must be prepared, cut very finely or passed through a meat grinder. From poultry meat to prepare forcemeat, but without eggs and biscuits. In a deep bowl you should mix vegetable and minced meat, add your favorite spices, egg and mix well the resulting mixture. Then in the palms or a spoon, form small flat cutlets. Fry them in a small amount of olive oil or in a dry frying pan. It is also possible to bake in the oven. The recipe is beautiful in that such cutlets do not need a side dish and, even after eating a significant amount, you can not be afraid of gaining weight.

casserole with cauliflower

For a festive or casual table

  • Cauliflower with meat, cooked onthe next recipe, is worthy to occupy a central place on the festive table. You can use any minced meat, but it has proved to be the best kind of pork or mixed, since the meat juice, impregnating the vegetable, makes it soft and fragrant. It will take: a large head, ready forcemeat, sour cream, salted hard cheese. Cabbage must be prepared and disassembled into small inflorescences, making sure that the leg remains long enough. Prepare minced meat, add an egg, a little white bread and, of course, spices. From the stuffing to form a ball, put it in a fire-resistant dish and flatten it: the thickness of the meat will depend on the time of baking. In the meat layer, insert the inflorescence of cabbage, gradually, as if covering them with the lower one. As a result, it should look like a whole head out. Then grease the cabbage with sour cream and cover with food foil. In this form, bake for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, after that open the foil and sprinkle the dish with pre-grated cheese, send it to the oven for another 10 minutes for browning. Ready dish, cooked according to this recipe, it is better to serve hot, and cut into portions chunks directly on the table. Such cauliflower with meat will surprise and satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmets.
  • For a casual dinner, you can cook stewmeat with inflorescences of cabbage. It will take: meat, preferably beef, onion, bell pepper and, of course, cabbage. Vegetables are washed and cleaned, cabbage prepared by the proposed method. Cut the meat into small slices, about 2 by 2 cm. Put it on a heated frying pan with a drop of butter and fry until you get an appetizing crust. To him add onions and peppers, fry for another 5 minutes. Then put the resulting mixture in a suitable dish, add a small inflorescence of cabbage, pour water so that it practically covers the ingredients. Stew under a closed lid for half an hour. Light meat with vegetables, cooked according to this recipe, will be an excellent alternative to boring side dishes.

During an exacerbation of an allergy

Only allergic people can understand that floweringplants do not always bring positive emotions. Inflamed eyes, runny nose, cough, incessant itching. What is to be done, because you want so much to enjoy the amazing awakening of nature. Of course, you need to take prescribed antihistamines, and the effectiveness of treatment will repeatedly increase a special diet without irritating components. A cauliflower with a bird or veal cooked according to the following recipe can become a saving dish. But it is worth remembering that the allergic reaction to cauliflower is extremely rare, but still happens.

  • You will need: cabbage and chicken breasts or low-fat veal. Vegetable inflorescences should be prepared and slightly boiled. Pre-cooked meat cut into small cubes and mix with the prepared mashed potatoes. You can decorate the taste of this dish with a small amount of salt, fresh green parsley and a dice of butter. With this recipe, you can quickly prepare a light dish that is suitable for children, for allergy sufferers, and, of course, those who carefully monitor the amount of calories consumed.

Cauliflower is a magnificent vegetable that allowscreate delicious and useful masterpieces in the kitchen. Excellent compatibility with any products has made it, perhaps, the most versatile vegetable garnish. And for the ability to shade vivid tastes, she received the "right of access" to the kitchens of the most famous restaurants in the world. Is not it time for us to take advantage of all of its advantages?

