teen depression The theme of today's conversation will bea sensitive issue like teenage depression. Surely all parents of teenagers know how unstable the child's nervous system is during this period. He is either angry or crying, and after five minutes he is happy about life. As a rule, in most cases such emotional instability is explained by several things. First of all, this is the process of so-called self-awareness, revaluation of values. The world for a teenager literally turns over from foot to foot, many things are opened for him on the other, before the unknown side. Agree, this psychological burden is quite severe even for an adult, not to mention the fragile psyche of a teenager. And add to this the first love, most often unhappy ... And in second place is the physical reason - a sharp change in the hormonal background of the child. In adolescence, there is a global hormonal alteration of the body. And this phenomenon can not pass without consequences, primarily affecting the hormonal background. In order to understand what is at stake, remember yourself during pregnancy. Was it hard to keep yourself in hand? The same thing is happening now with your child. In most cases, parents are aware of these characteristics of the adolescent period. And it is to this that the depression, irritation and tearfulness of one's child are written off. But is this always the case? Unfortunately no. As numerous studies by psychologists show, about every eighth teenager suffers from depression. And often quite a serious depression requiring immediate medical attention. Strictly speaking, any depression deserves the closest attention from adults. After all, depression is a serious psychological illness, which in no case can not be allowed to run its course. Treatment of depression should deal with children's psychologists who thoroughly understand all the subtleties and characteristics of the teenage psyche. But very much depends on the parents themselves, because no one knows their child better than them.

Causes of depression

Doctors very often face the samethe question of parents who learned about the diagnosis of their child - why? Why did this happen? After all, a child is loved so much, he is not denied anything - he has the best clothes, the best phones, computers and other teenage joys. They spend time with him, are interested in his life, almost do not scold or condemn. What happened where the parents overlooked? But do not rush to dust your head with ashes and blame yourself for all mortal sins. This can happen even in the most responsible and caring parents. There is a huge number of very diverse causes that can provoke the development of adolescent depression:

  • Poor school performance

Many parents feel that in a teenagemost children are not interested in studying at all. However, most often it is not so - in the depths of the soul the child is acutely experiencing all its failures, although more often than not trying to show the mind. Moreover - they can hide these experiences under the guise of indifference or even blatant boasting.

  • Social status of the child

For a teenager his social status is extremely importantin the eyes of peers. Any child wants to be if not a leader, then at least have an indisputable authority and influence on their peers. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. And in the event that a child feels rejected by his peers, depression is usually within reach of the depression.

  • Psychological situation in a teenager's family

Not the least role is played by the generalpsychological situation in the family. In the event that in a family quarrels and scandals are common, it is unlikely that a child will feel comfortable. And many parents mistakenly believe that if they find out the relationship in such a way that the child does not hear it, then he will never know about it. But they are very mistaken - the teenager will still feel the tension that will be between the parents. By the way, we can not speak of any benevolent atmosphere even if quarrels occur between parents and a child. Sometimes teenage maximalism leads to the fact that the child even quite innocuous remarks of parents perceive with hostility and scandal erupts. Therefore, parents should show maximum wisdom and endurance during this difficult period.

  • Sexual orientation

Fortunately, a similar reason for a teenagedepression is rare. But it still has a place to be, so it's worth mentioning. It's about sexual orientation. It just so happened that to date, unconventional sexual orientation is not something out of the ordinary. Of course, for teenagers, but not for their parents. The child understands this well and anticipates the reaction of the parents in advance. He simply does not see any way out of this situation. But teenagers do not recognize halftones - either black or white. As a result, the child has a feeling of guilt, anger, fear that everything will soon be revealed. And the result is the strongest depression. Of course, only the main possible causes of depression are listed above. In fact, they are much more and it is difficult to say unambiguously what will serve as a push in this or that particular case. depression in adolescents

Signs of teenage depression

Parents should immediately seek helpto a psychologist if the child is in a depressed state for a week or longer, and there are other symptoms of depression. What signs indicate the possible presence of depression in a child, we'll tell you now. But do not forget that every child is a unique person. And it may very well be that the symptoms will differ in each specific case - in terms of aggregate, degree of severity and other indicators. However, parents can fully compose a general idea.

  • Closed

In the first place, behavior changes dramaticallyteenager. Yesterday it was a smiling cheerful child, willing to go to contact. And today he avoids all kinds of conversations, coming from school, hurrying to go to his room. At all attempts to talk responds briefly and monosyllabically.

  • Break off contacts with friends

Closure concerns not only family members, but alsofriends of the child. He stops walking with them, talking on the phone. In especially difficult cases, the child may even refuse to go out to friends if they went to visit.

  • Absent and forgetfulness

In some cases, the child has a strongabsent-mindedness and the inability to concentrate on anything, let alone make at least some decisions, even the simplest ones - tea or chocolate. The child becomes impossible to ask for anything - for example, he can go to the store and return empty-handed only because he forgot what he needs to buy. Or forget to take a little sister or brother from the kindergarten. Or lose the second account in a month's phone ... Most parents are angry, faced with this behavior, believing that it's all a trivial disorder and irresponsibility.

  • Changing a teenager's appetite

Parents are also pricked up ifthe child will suddenly change his appetite. And he can both completely disappear, and intensify at times - maybe even the body weight change very much. By the way, about the change in appetite - I would not want to scare my parents, but in some cases, changing appetite - especially its episodic increase - may indicate that the child began to abuse drugs.

  • Appearance of a feeling of fatigue and physical pain

In some cases, the child can regularlycomplain of pain, for example, in the abdomen, back, or headaches. Parents take the child to the doctor, he examines it but does not find any pathologies. Nevertheless, the pain sensations persist. Doctors call this phenomenon psychosomatic pain. They are often a constant companion of depression. In addition to somatic pain during depression, chronic fatigue syndrome can be observed. The child feels exhausted and broken from the very morning, all actions are given to him with difficulty, he constantly wants to lie down.

  • Violation of normal sleep patterns

Sometimes constant fatigue is far from beingthe only problem of a teenager with depression. Very often there is a violation of sleep. The child can be tortured either by insomnia, or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness. Both one and the second state should cause anxiety in parents, since they can indicate very serious violations in the work of the central nervous system.

  • Bunker behavior of a teenager

Sometimes depression makes itself felt not by apathy andindifference to everything that is happening, and. on the contrary, defiant and rebellious behavior. Before a calm and balanced child begins to rebel, keeps parents. Sometimes it seems to adults that the child as if on purpose does everything against them. In especially severe cases, a child can start smoking, using drugs and alcoholic beverages. Accordingly, problems with the law may begin. It is very important that parents react in time and take the necessary measures. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all cases, because most parents spend too much time at work.

How to identify adolescent depression?

No less interesting issue for parents - howdiagnose this very depression. Even doctors can not give a definite answer. After all, mental disorders - this is not a cold and not appendicitis. And there are no tests that would detect depression. Yes, and X-rays and ultrasound in this case, too, absolutely powerless ... Therefore, the psychologist is forced to diagnose adolescent depression, based solely on the complaints of the child or his parents and teachers, as well as the results of various psychological tests that will necessarily be offered to a teenager. Based on all the data obtained, the doctor assesses the severity of the disease, finds out whether the adolescent has a propensity for suicide, and chooses the optimal treatment regimen. Depression of adolescents

Methods of treatment of depression

To date, medicine knows enoughMany ways to treat teen depression, including psychotherapy and drug therapy. However, be sure to remember that in no case is it inadmissible to independently give the child whatsoever it was not pharmacological drugs. Pharmacologists in one voice argue that taking a number of antidepressants can not only not improve the child's condition, but also encourage him to commit suicide. Especially in the case when the depression is very difficult and is in a neglected stage. Therefore, all medicines should be selected exclusively by the attending physician of the child. By the way, the treatment itself should be carried out exclusively under strict medical supervision. In the event that the doctor notices any deviations, he can immediately adjust the therapy. Parents are unlikely to succeed, so do not risk the child and even try. Most likely, your child will have to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist who will conduct corrective sessions. Sometimes a child refuses to visit a doctor - this greatly exacerbates the situation. Therefore, if this happens, doctors often offer hospitalization. Parents in no case should not abandon it, because at stake is the most expensive - health, and perhaps the life of the child. But the same depends on the parents during the treatment period. In order for the child's condition to normalize as quickly as possible, he needs to feel the love, care and support of both parents. He must clearly realize that you will love him, no matter what happens. Well, in the event that the relationship in the family leaves much to be desired, think about the possibility of visiting a family psychologist. Who knows, perhaps with the help of a specialist you will be able to restore peace and harmony in the family. And depression in adolescents will recede. We advise you to read:

