Sweating is a natural process,inherent in every person. But sometimes excessive sweating becomes a real problem, depriving a person of peace. And sometimes this happens at night - sweating in sleep bothers quite a large number of people. People who know about this phenomenon firsthand, often wake up at night absolutely wet - sweating is so profuse that a person is forced to change both bed linen and underwear. It would seem, well, nothing to worry about - you can endure it. However, night sweating has a lot of pitfalls that make this phenomenon not so harmless. But let's look at everything in order.
The essence of pathology and its causes
As mentioned above, nocturnal hyperhidrosischaracterized by profuse sweating during sleep. As a result, a person's sleep ceases to be full, concentration and performance decrease, and the overall quality of life deteriorates. In order to cope with this problem, you need to find the root cause - the cause of sweating at night. I would like to immediately note that in rare cases, so-called idiopathic sweating may occur - that is, it does not have clearly defined causes. But most often, the following diseases become the culprits:
- Hormonal background
Anything can lead to increased sweating.change in hormonal levels, no matter what causes it. Incidentally, it is precisely because of natural changes in hormonal levels that teenagers and pregnant women often experience increased sweating. But we must not forget that hormonal imbalance can also be caused by various endocrine and gynecological diseases. They must be excluded first and foremost.
- Metabolic disease
It can't be done without increased sweatingduring sleep, no metabolic disorder, no matter what it was caused by! That is, no matter how you look at it, it is simply unrealistic to do without a visit to an endocrinologist.
- Tumors
Unfortunately, sometimes sweating occurs in sleepare accompanied by various tumor processes. Do not be alarmed right away - in most cases, these tumors turn out to be benign. But if there is at least one chance in a hundred that the tumor may be malignant, you need to be on the safe side!
- Tuberculosis
If in addition to night sweats you noticeweight loss, constant slight increase in body temperature, cough - go to a TB doctor immediately! It is very likely that you have encountered such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis. And do not waste time - it proceeds for quite a long time almost asymptomatically. But the sooner the treatment is started, the more successful it will be!
- Acute infections
Increased sweating is almost alwaysis a companion of various infectious diseases - flu, infectious mononucleosis, malaria. Such intense sweating is an absolutely normal protective reaction of the body to an increase in body temperature. Well, why the temperature rises is probably clear to everyone.
- Problems with the cardiovascular system
Often increased sweating at nightindicates problems with the cardiovascular system - for example, with heart failure. Don't play with fire - such conditions threaten not only health, but also human life.
- Condition of the nervous system
If you've read this far, you probablyare already pretty scared. But take a deep breath and calm down - in about 90% of all cases, excessive sweating is just a consequence of the modern person's lifestyle. Chronic fatigue syndromes, constant stress - all this has the most negative effect on the state of the nervous system. And it, in turn, responds with profuse sweating at night.
Health care
We hope you take good care of your health.due attention and will not engage in self-diagnosis and will go to the doctor. Funny statistics - about 80% of all adults are simply afraid of doctors! And the nature of this fear is banal - lack of information. That is why we will tell you what to expect at the doctor.
- Selection of a specialist
As you understand from everything said above, the reasonswhich causes increased sweating, there are many. And a very reasonable question arises - which doctor should you go to first? The most reasonable solution would be to visit a therapist. And he, after talking with the patient, will decide which doctor to refer you to. The list of specialists is quite large: psychologist, neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, oncologist and even an allergist.
- What to expect?
Be prepared for a very detailed conversation.The doctor will give you a serious interrogation, so it would be a good idea to prepare for it in advance. Remember exactly when the excessive sweating appeared, how often it torments you, whether you take medications and which ones, talk to your relatives - maybe one of them has also experienced sweating during sleep. In most cases, a conversation alone is not enough to identify the cause of sweating during sleep, and the doctor will prescribe a number of tests. Firstly, you cannot do without a comprehensive blood test. Secondly, you cannot do without tests of the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland. And thirdly, in some cases you have to resort to an ultrasound scan.
- Treatment
Predict what treatment will be prescribedin your case, it is simply impossible - it all depends on the cause of the problem. By the way, this is why you should never follow the advice of friends or relatives - what is good for one may be dangerous for another.
help yourself
If the doctor did not detect any serious pathologiesand excessive sweating - this is just a feature of your body or the consequences of stress, you will have to cope with the problem yourself. In no case should you leave this matter to chance, because a person spends about a third of his entire life sleeping. So why put up with such inconveniences? Moreover, we are talking not only about convenience, but also about your health: a good night's sleep is vital for the normal functioning of the body. It is during sleep that a lot of the most important processes take place - energy restoration of resources, regeneration of all tissues and organs, cleansing of the body. It is easy to guess what the lack of high-quality, good sleep can lead to. But normalizing sleep is not so difficult - it is enough to strictly follow a number of recommendations:
- Temperature conditions
Too high, as well as too lowbody temperature has the most unfavorable effect on sleep, and the body's thermoregulation suffers greatly. Therefore, always monitor the air temperature in the room - ideally it should fluctuate within 18-20 degrees.
- Bed and underwear
Always give preference to underwear,made from natural materials - synthetics do not allow air to pass through well and do not absorb sweat. And this applies to both bed linen and underwear. Believe me, your sleep will become much stronger!
- Diet
The quality of your sleep directly depends onwhat and when you eat. Avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods, coffee and carbonated drinks in the afternoon. Moreover, you can have dinner no later than two hours before going to bed. Try to follow this diet and from the first day - or rather night - you will notice a huge difference. In most cases, these simple measures are enough to make sweating less intense and sleep more calm and deep. Sweet dreams to you!