how to cleanse the intestines In recent years, the fashion for a healthy lifestylecarries away more and more people. Doing sports, eating healthy - all this ceases to be just words. And along with these concepts, talk about cleansing the body is heard more and more often. Doctors very often hear from people the question of how to cleanse the intestines. And more often people explain this desire by necessity to get rid of slags. Doctors refer to such a phenomenon as slags in the body, is very ambiguous. Someone argues that the body is not a blast furnace, and there can not be any slag in it. Others agree that in the human body can actually accumulate harmful substances. But whatever the doctors say, people will continue to seek answers to the question of how to cleanse the intestines. But the cleaning is different. In some cases, purification does go to the body for good, but sometimes it can greatly damage. Therefore, if you are going to put your intestines in order, do it without harm to the body. And we will help you in this, telling you about the most effective and safe methods. But remember that in any case, before beginning cleaning of the intestine, in any case it is worth consulting with your doctor.

What where When?

Let's try to figure out why in generalneed cleaning of the intestine. It is very difficult to overestimate the function of the intestine - it takes part in digestion, removes the remains of undigested food and harmful substances from the body. In the event that the intestine is clogged, his work deteriorates sharply. Harmful substances remain in the body, and in addition, there is accumulation of stool. And this phenomenon has a very negative effect on the functioning of the whole organism. How can one understand whether it is time to clean the intestines, or not yet time? In principle, your body will let you know about it. The main thing is to notice these signs in time:

  • Increased flatulence

And it occurs almost "out of nowhere", is not associated with diet or dysbiosis.

  • Frequent constipation

And sometimes they can be accompanied by intestinal colic.

  • Frequent diseases of the respiratory tract

In a number of cases, frequent respiratory problems can also indicate poor bowel performance. Yes, do not be surprised - because in the body everything is very closely interrelated.

  • Skin rashes

Another very clear evidence of problemswith the intestines is a problem with the skin. Do you have frequent eruptions - acne, pustules, or the skin is just covered with red spots and scaly? If there are no other reasons, you should pay special attention to your intestines with a high degree of probability. cleanse the intestines

Diet for cleansing the intestines

So, with the question, when it is necessary to cleanintestines, we figured it out. And now let's find out what to clean the intestines, so as not to harm your health. We offer your attention the safest ways, harm to health from which reduced to almost zero. All these methods are available and you can easily find something suitable for yourself. But before applying a prescription, make sure that you do not have any allergies to a particular component.

  • Rosehip berries

To prepare one portion of this remedy for you150 grams of rose hips are needed. Of course, ideally it should be fresh berries, but, in extreme cases, the dried ones will do too. They must be pre-filled with a liter of steep boiling water and leave for 5 - 6 hours. After that, peel the berries and pass through the meat grinder. The resulting mass must be eaten in the morning, on an empty stomach. And be sure to drink a glass of warm water. After that, you can not eat breakfast for one hour. Such a recipe helps the intestine work much better than many pharmacological preparations. The course of purification should be at least 10 days, but not more than one month.

  • Cleansing vegetable salad

No less effective for cleansing the intestinenext vegetable salad. For its preparation, you will need raw vegetables such as croquant celery, carrots, beets and white cabbage. All vegetables you will need 100 grams, but white cabbage - 300 grams. All vegetables should be grated on a small grater, and cabbage - finely chopped. As a dressing it is desirable to use olive oil, but you can replace it with any other vegetable. Naturally, salt salad in any case impossible.

  • Fruit salad

Take 100 grams of apples, black berriescurrants and gooseberries. Crush the apples, and the berries through the meat grinder. A similar salad can be eaten before going to bed, or during the day, instead of dessert. Of course, one way to purge the intestine you are unlikely to succeed, but as an auxiliary tool it can not only be used, but also necessary.

  • Fruit juices

No less effective is the cleaning of the intestines with the help ofnatural juices. It is recommended to use spinach juice to cleanse the entire digestive tract. It is drunk as follows - in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice, for dinner - a third of a glass, and half a glass - before going to bed. The cleansing course should last at least a week. Exactly the same action has fresh juice of cabbage and tomato juice. But the dosage should be increased to a glass for each intake - three times a day. A course of cleansing should last exactly 10 days. The only case in which this method of treatment is contraindicated is gastritis or stomach ulcer. In this case, the use of juices is possible only after consulting your doctor. Otherwise, the risk of developing an exacerbation of the disease is very high. By the way, in this case, you can try to replace the juice with a milk kissel - it has about the same effect, only more mildly expressed. And the course of cleansing should last exactly two weeks. than to clean the intestines

  • Drinking water

Also a very effective way of cleaningThe intestine is ordinary drinking water. The recipe is simple to disgrace - just before every meal, you need to drink one glass of drinking water without gas. And in between meals, you should also remember to drink - at least three liters of water should be drunk a day. And this is without regard to teas, coffee and soups. But in no case is it inadmissible to use this method to those people who suffer from any kidney disease.

  • Cleansing enemas

One of the most popular ways to cleanse the intestinesare enemas. In medicine, this procedure is called colon hydrotherapy. This procedure does not deliver any pain. However, some people note some discomfort during the cleaning enema. But those people who tried this procedure on themselves, say that the result is really worth it. First, there is instant weight loss - up to two or three kilograms, without any diets. Secondly, digestion and metabolism are greatly improved. And, in addition, very quickly the skin condition changes for the better - the rashes disappear, the complexion improves. As a rule, such results are noticeable after the second - the third procedure. By the way, pay special attention - you can carry out a cleansing enema no more often than once a week. Unfortunately, very often a person, trying to quickly achieve good results, makes enemas almost every day. However, such abuse can lead to very sad consequences, among which dysbacteriosis will not be the most serious complication. Also it is necessary to note one more fact. Very often a person prefers laxatives, mistakenly believing that they will successfully replace cleansing enemas. However, doctors say that the systematic use of these laxatives leads to a thinning of the intestinal mucosa, dysbiosis and other problems. Therefore it is much more reasonable to replace laxatives with cleansing enemas. But they, as already mentioned above, should not be abused. About what decoctions can be used for this procedure, will be told just below. In the meantime, let's talk about how this procedure is carried out. In order to make a cleansing enema, you will need an Esmarch mug with a hose and a tip. You can buy all this in any pharmacy. To make an enema is necessary with broth, having room temperature. This requirement is explained by the fact that warm water is very quickly absorbed into the intestine and will not bring the desired result. Prepare the cream in advance in order to lubricate the tip. For this, you can use baby cream, or boiled sunflower oil. Fill the mug of Esmarch with five liters of broth, lie on your side and gently insert the tip into the anus approximately 5 centimeters. Make sure that the water pressure is not too strong - the introduction of the entire volume should take about 7 - 8 minutes. The broth should be in the intestine for at least 5 minutes. It is best to cleanse the enema before bedtime. Now it's time to talk about how to prepare a decoction for these most cleansing enemas. To prepare a cleansing broth, it is recommended to use herbs such as chamomile, wormwood, dandelion and calendula. These broths are prepared equally. 250 grams of dry grass should be placed in enamelware with a capacity of at least 6 liters. Fill it with 5.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 40 minutes. After that, cover the pan with a lid, wrap with a towel and insist for about an hour. After this, drain the broth with gauze cloth and cool to a temperature of 37 degrees.

  • Salt water for bowel cleaning

It is worth paying attention to another veryAn interesting way of cleaning the intestines, which has been practicing yoga for centuries. For this you will need only ordinary table salt, drinking water desire. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink one glass of warm water, in which you must first dissolve half a teaspoon of salt. After about 5 minutes, stand up, putting your feet to the width of your shoulders. After that, you need to make 10 slopes in each direction. Rest for five minutes. Drink half a glass of warm salt water again. After another five minutes, start making rotational movements with a basin, as if you are twisting an imaginary hoop. This exercise should be done about three minutes. In the evening, before going to bed, drink half a glass of water again and do the following exercise. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and start to tilt forward - very slowly reach the fingertips, take a deep breath and straighten up. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. Rest a few minutes, drink half the glass and proceed to the next exercise. Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Slowly bend down as low as your stretch allows you to - ideally you need to touch the tips of your fingers on the floor. You need to repeat this exercise 10 times. Continue this course of cleansing should not more than five days. And those people who have tried this cleaning complex, are advised to spend it on vacation, because the person's favorite place in this period is the toilet. In addition, pay special attention - this way of cleaning the intestines can in no case be used for people who suffer from such diseases as ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum, acute colitis and hemorrhoids. We hope that the above methods will help you, and you will be able to cleanse your intestines. After all, as already mentioned above, the health of the whole organism depends very much on the healthy intestine. But remember that everything should be in moderation - do not abuse cleaning too much. In addition, doctors recommend that after each cleaning complex take bifidobacteria, which normalize the intestinal microflora and activate its work. And remember that there is a category of people who do not clean the bowels in any way. To this category doctors include:

  • Children and young people under 20 years old
  • Pregnant women
  • Elderly people after 70 years of age
  • People with acute illnesses

Probably, there is no sense to explain this prohibition - the answer is obvious and lies on the surface. All the rest - success and a healthy bowel. Be healthy! We advise you to read:

