how to get rid of acne on the back You think that acne and acne on the face iscatastrophe? So, you were lucky and you did not encounter acne on your shoulders. These pimples are much bigger, more painful and it's extremely difficult to get rid of them. But, as you know, nothing is impossible, there would be a desire. Of course, the most reasonable solution will be going to a dermatologist. Only a doctor can objectively assess the scale of the catastrophe, find out the cause of acne and choose the appropriate course of treatment. So, it is for the doctor to seek an answer to the question of how to get rid of acne on the back. Self-medication in this situation can not turn out very well. But very much depends on the person - if you want to get rid of pimples on your back, you will have to comply with a number of rules. And there is no need to forget about folk medicine - there are a lot of very effective remedies that will be a wonderful addition to the basic treatment of acne and acne. acne on the back how to get rid

General rules, which can not be forgotten

If you want the treatment to be really effective, pay attention to the following rules, which must be strictly observed. So:

  • clothing

The best choice for you now is naturalfabrics: linen, cotton, viscose, wool, depending on the season. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe and greatly exacerbate the situation if a person suffers from acne on the back. In addition, it is desirable to abandon the tight models of clothing, tight and tight straps. Firstly, it contributes to the elimination of itching and soreness, and secondly, the risk of repeated appearance of acne and acne is reduced.

  • Proper skin care

Without careful skin care is also indispensable. First, take a shower every morning. Secondly, every evening should be a warm bath with potassium permanganate. Only in any case, do not pour the crystals directly into the bath - the non-dissolved crystal in contact with the skin can lead to a burn. Therefore, dissolve the potassium permanganate in a small bowl, and then pour the solution into the bathroom, always through a gauze cloth. Do not concentrate too much - the water should be light pink. Otherwise, the skin will dry too much, which does not have the best effect on acne. If even with a weak solution of potassium permanganate you notice that the skin begins to dry out, reduce the number of baths - take them every other day. Another interesting point is the sequence of washing. In most cases, people wash the body first, and then the hair. However, with acne on the back, the sequence should be reversed - first wash your head, and then the body. And be sure to thoroughly wash off the shampoo and shower gel - if they stay on the skin, they can provoke a blockage of pores and, consequently, new rashes of acne and acne. Pay attention to the loofah for the body - it should be soft enough. Remember that the skin affected by pimples is extremely sensitive and very easily injured. And this should not be allowed in any case not to provoke a deterioration of the skin. It is best to use sponges designed for small children. And if the situation is very deplorable, there are a lot of pimples and they are inflamed, refuse for a while from sponges at all. Pay attention to the towel as well - doctors do not recommend wiping. The maximum that can be is to get wet. This is explained simply - most often the cause of the appearance of acne is an infection. And intense movements of the towel only contribute to its spread through the skin. By the way, do not forget to change the towel every day!

  • Ultra-violet rays

It is widely believed that in the treatment ofpimples on the back can not do without ultraviolet rays - many even go to a solarium for this purpose. However, dermatologists warn against this reckless step - the excess of ultraviolet radiation is not only useless, but also very harmful for acne affected skin. Therefore, during treatment it is worth not only not to visit the solarium, but also from direct sunlight.

  • Baby powder

In the summer, when a person sweats heavily,the amount of rashes, as, indeed, and inflammation of acne, significantly increases. In order to avoid this, you can use the most common baby powder without fragrances. Just sprinkle the skin on your back and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Multivitamin preparations

Get rid of pimples on your back without normalthe work of the immune system is almost impossible. And she often just needs your help. Of course, special drugs - immunomodulators, if necessary, can appoint only a doctor. But you can buy multivitamin preparations yourself - they will never be superfluous. Well within the reasonable, naturally.

  • Mechanical impact

The worst thing you can do istry to squeeze out pimples. There will be no sense from this, but harm is guaranteed. In most cases, trying to squeeze acne leads to infection and, as a result, inflammation. And furuncles are clearly not what you need right now. Inflammatory process can be so strong that it will be necessary to resort to treatment of antibacterial drugs.

  • Power Correction

In order for the treatment to be maximallyeffective, it is necessary to radically revise your habitual diet. From the menu it is necessary to exclude all spicy food, fatty and fried dishes and, of course, all sweets - especially chocolate. If you do not think your life without sweets, replace them with nuts and dried fruits. In addition, it is necessary to refuse carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee. The priority should be sour-milk products, fruits and vegetables, cereals and water. The more clean drinking water - the more. Of course, if you have no problems with the kidneys - in this case you need to discuss the drinking regimen with your doctor.

  • Stressful situation

Remember the winged expression, stating thatall diseases from nerves? It is also true in this situation - stressful situations do not contribute to the fastest disposal of acne. So try to keep your nervous system. Of course, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate stress from the life of modern man, but to minimize it is quite realistic. By the way, if necessary, you can ask your doctor to choose a suitable sedative. As a rule, there are enough innocuous means - tinctures of motherwort or valerian. how to get rid of acne on the back

Folk remedies for acne on the back

Some folk remedies, of course, from acneon the back to get rid of is useless. But you should not ignore them, if you want the result not to wait. Remember that before applying this or that remedy, you need to consult your doctor.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

If you have pimples on your back, hydrogen peroxidemust be in your medicine cabinet always. In order to reduce the incidence of inflammation of acne, it is necessary to handle problem areas of the skin with hydrogen peroxide at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Do not feel sorry for the cotton discs - it is undesirable to wipe the entire back surface with one disc.

  • Salicylic acid

Most likely, you will be told about salicylic aciddoctor - it is successfully used to treat a variety of rashes, including acne on the back. You can buy salicylic acid in any pharmacy, without a doctor's prescription. In addition, you will need the cotton swabs, since each pimple must be treated point-wise, avoiding healthy skin areas. To do this is very simple - moisten the cotton swab and set the pimple, as if with chicken pox. Repeat this procedure every evening.

  • Tincture of calendula

If acne on the back have a bad tendency toinflammation, it makes sense to replace salicylic acid with an alcohol tincture of calendula, which you can buy at a pharmacy, and you can do it yourself. And it's not difficult to do this - put three tablespoons of calendula flowers in a glass bottle, fill with 100 grams of vodka and put for 10 days in the refrigerator to insist. Wipe the inflamed pimples with tincture of calendula at least once a day, but ideally - the more often, the better. But do not overdo it - otherwise there is a risk of burns. Do not forget to take breaks - a week grease pimples, and three days give the skin to rest. First, the inflammatory process will disappear, then a crust will form, and then the pimple will disappear.

  • Salt bath

First of all, getting rid of pimples coststry salt baths. To do this, it is best to use sea salt, but you can get by and ordinary cooking, adding to it a couple drops of iodine. Salt solution should be very saturated - at least one glass of salt for every 20 liters of water. Pay attention - a similar bath should not be hot. And the duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes. Ideally, you should take a bath with salt at least three times a week.

  • Bath with decoction of herbs

Salt bath - a thing just irreplaceable whenrashes. But, alas, it is contraindicated in those cases if a person has a tendency to hypertension - an increase in the level of blood pressure. But do not get upset - we get rid of acne? We get rid of, so we will look for other ways. For example, a bath with a decoction of certain herbs. Buy the following herbs in the pharmacy: turn, bark of oak, celandine and chamomile. Mix them, place 10 tablespoons in an enamel saucepan, pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. Then wrap the pan with a towel or blanket and leave to infuse for five hours. In the evening, strain the broth and pour it into a warm bath. The duration of such a bath is 30 minutes. Such a bath can be taken at least every night - nothing but good will be. By the way, these baths will improve the general condition of the skin.

  • Blue clay

Very well removes inflammation and driesacne is an ordinary blue clay that is sold in any pharmacy. Dilute the powder with water so that you get a creamy consistency. Lubricate the rashes on the back and leave it until the clay is completely dry. As a rule, it takes quite a long time, so it is most convenient to make such a mask in the evening. It is enough two or three times a week, for a month. And then - if necessary.

  • Aloe

If you have aloe in your house, it would be foolish not touse its useful properties. For treatment you will need 10 leaves of aloe and a little honey. Aloe must first be held for three days in a freezer, otherwise the effect will be lower. So, peel the aloe from the peel, pass through the meat grinder and mix thoroughly with honey - the mass should get thick enough. You can make a reserve - put the mass in a jar with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Treatment is simple - plentifully grease all rashes with ointment, top put gauze napkins leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse the skin with water and brush with baby cream. Repeat this procedure until the inflammatory process disappears. Do not forget that people with an allergic reaction to honey this way of treatment is categorically contraindicated. But you should not give up aloe, and in this case - just replace honey with sour cream. However, in this case, the duration of the compress should not be less than an hour, polyethylene film is needed on top of the gauze tissue. Yes, and the reserve does not need to do this tool - more than three hours it is still not stored. As you can see, there are a lot of ways how to get rid of acne on the back. But remember that individually they are unlikely to be effective - not enough to go on a diet, or take a bath, or use outdoor means. Only comprehensive treatment will help you get out of the struggle with rashes winner. And do not forget that your main ally is your dermatologist. We advise you to read:

