Stretch marks are a very, very common phenomenon.unpleasant. There is an opinion among ordinary people that stretch marks are the lot of pregnant women. However, this is not true at all - stretch marks can appear in absolutely anyone, even a teenager. In fact, this article will talk about stretch marks in teenagers. Stretch marks are an unpleasant phenomenon that upsets even adults. What can we say about teenagers, for whom the slightest flaw in appearance becomes a real tragedy! However, you should not panic under any circumstances. It is much wiser to start fighting this problem in a timely manner - even at the stage of prevention. But even if you failed to protect yourself from stretch marks, you should not give up. After all, in most cases, stretch marks can be, if not completely eliminated, then so well disguised that they will not be visible at all.
What are extensions and why do they arise?
The concept of stretch marks is familiar to many people.Does everyone know what it is? If a person's skin is subjected to sudden and strong stress, its internal layers may be damaged - a kind of microcracks. And the body immediately reacts to this damage by actively producing collagen - a substance necessary for skin regeneration. This collagen fills the cracks - in their place, connective tissue is formed, which differs in structure and color from the rest of the skin. This phenomenon is called "stretch marks" or, as medicine calls them, striae. Stretch marks visually look like stripes on the skin. Their color can vary significantly - from bright pink to almost white. The color of stretch marks depends on many factors - including the natural color of a person's skin and the time since these stretch marks appeared. Fresh stretch marks always have a redder tint than those that appeared a long time ago. Over time, stretch marks become paler and paler - almost invisible. However, they become most visible on tanned skin. As a rule, stretch marks are most often localized in the chest, abdomen and thighs. As mentioned above, stretch marks most often occur in expectant mothers, because their skin is subject to serious stress due to the growing belly. In this situation, everything is more or less clear. But what is the cause of stretch marks in teenagers? After all, their skin should be very elastic. It should be, but, unfortunately, in practice this is far from always the case. It is difficult to say for sure what exactly becomes the provoking factor that leads to the appearance of stretch marks in teenagers. However, doctors still name several possible reasons:
- Genetic predisposition
In the event that the mother of a teenager has on her bodystretch marks, they are highly likely to occur in a teenager. Therefore, they need to be given due attention to prevention - treatment will be a much more complicated process.
- Weakened immunity
It would seem that immunity and the appearance of stretch marksare practically not connected with each other. However, this is not so – the work of absolutely all organs and systems without exception depends on the work of the immune system. And with a poor state of the immune system, the elasticity of the skin decreases several times.
- Growth spurt
In some cases, stretch marks may appeardue to a sharp growth spurt. In addition to growth, the child is actively gaining weight. As a result, the skin is overstretched and thinned. Done, meet stretch marks! This happens especially often if the child was especially thin before adolescence - a growth spurt, as a rule, cannot be avoided. Parents should be especially attentive - we must not forget about prevention.
- Hormonal disorders
In some cases, the development of stretch marks may beprovoked by a hormonal imbalance in the teenager's body. This means that all diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalances can provoke the development of stretch marks.
- Lack of muscle mass
Rarely, but still, stretch marks occur on the back.If stretch marks appear on the back, there is a high probability that they are caused by a lack of muscle mass or some diseases. This symptom – stretch marks on the back – is very serious, so you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications are possible. Therefore, do not ignore the fact that your child has stretch marks on his or her back.
- Fast breast growth
Sometimes a teenage girl gets stretch marksnamely on the chest. On the rest of the body they are not there at all. This usually happens if the chest begins to grow very quickly. However, do not despair - with proper treatment, such stretch marks disappear almost without a trace.
Treatment of stretch marks
Unfortunately, stretch marks are not a cold, you can get rid of themIt is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of them within a week. Treatment of stretch marks is a labor-intensive process and takes a very long time, so you should be patient. Moreover, the sooner the treatment is started, the more successful it will be, and the less time it will take to get rid of stretch marks on the body.
- Cosmetic preparations
Modern pharmacology offers a great deala variety of products that successfully cope with their main task - eliminating stretch marks. This effect is achieved due to the substances that are part of the creams and gels - collagen, silicone, etc. These products nourish the skin, prevent moisture loss, and prevent excessive stretching of the skin. Such a product must be applied to the skin in an even, thin layer. A kind of film is formed on the skin, which does not allow the skin to lose moisture and stretch excessively. However, the effect will only be observed if the use of creams is combined with massage and moderate physical activity. Moreover, consistency plays an important role - one-time applications will not achieve the desired effect.
- Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is the most effective method todayan effective method of combating stretch marks. It is absolutely safe, so it can be successfully used to eliminate stretch marks in teenagers. The essence of the method is as follows - using a special thin needle under the skin - to a depth of 4 mm. - a drug is introduced that has several properties at once. It stimulates the restoration of injured areas of the skin, stimulates metabolism. Sessions are held twice a month, and the course of treatment should last at least six months.
- Laser resurfacing
Laser resurfacing allows you to get rid ofvisible stretch marks after the first session. However, this method is very expensive and, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.
Folk methods of treatment of stretch marks in adolescents
But don't be upset if you don't have for expensive treatment. Often, traditional medicine recipes are no less effective than the most modern cosmetic procedures. They are also absolutely safe, so they can be used without fear to eliminate stretch marks in adolescents. However, please note - the child should not have allergic reactions to any component of the product.
- Honey Cream
Ingredients such as honey and aloe are usedfor the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Including the removal of stretch marks. To prepare the remedy, you will need five tablespoons of honey, five tablespoons of aloe pulp and 100 grams of clean boiled water. To make the pulp, first place the aloe branches in the freezer for 5 days, then mince them. Mix all the above ingredients thoroughly, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. However, that's not all. You need to prepare the cream itself. To do this, mix five tablespoons of aloe pulp and two tablespoons of honey in a glass container - as a result, you should get a homogeneous mass. After that, mix the resulting mass in equal proportions with the simplest baby cream. Now you have everything ready - you can begin treatment. And the treatment is quite simple. Once a day - preferably before bedtime - you need to take a hot shower. Use any body scrub – thoroughly cleanse the skin in problem areas. After that, apply a thick layer of the resulting cream to the skin, cover with plastic wrap and leave for at least an hour. After that, rinse with water and apply any moisturizer. In the morning, after waking up, remove the ice cube from the previously prepared mixture and thoroughly wipe the skin. Do not rush to get dressed, as you will stain your clothes. After about 15 minutes, rinse with water and lubricate with moisturizer. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. After five days, the course of treatment can be repeated. Please note – this method is most effective if the stretch marks are localized on the chest.
- Oat flakes and cucumber
This method of treatment is especially good for the treatment ofstretch marks on the skin at the very initial stage of their formation. To do this, prepare the following mixture. Grind five tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix with five tablespoons of sour cream. After taking a shower, the resulting mixture should be applied to problem areas of the skin and left for half an hour. After this, massage the skin thoroughly for several minutes and rinse with water, apply a moisturizer to the damaged areas. The duration of the course of treatment is at least one month.
Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks
As mentioned above, it is very important to pay attentionsufficient attention to the prevention of stretch marks on the skin. And it is necessary to start doing this at a fairly early age - at 10 - 12 years. There are several general rules, the observance of which will reduce the risk of developing stretch marks to a minimum:
- Diets and excessive physical exertion
During adolescence, many children -especially girls – are unhappy with their appearance, in particular – their weight. And they begin to exhaust themselves with all sorts of diets and physical exercises, trying to get rid of extra pounds, often mythical. This should never be done, since it is precisely sharp fluctuations in weight that can cause stretch marks.
- Hormonal background
During puberty, it is necessary to at leastperiodically check the child's hormonal background. Ask your doctor to take this issue under control. The analysis itself does not require any effort, and its implementation can help to identify a particular disease at the very beginning. Once again, I would like to remind you that the presence of teenage stretch marks should not become a cause of frustration. They can and should be fought - the main thing is to start treatment in a timely and correct manner. Be beautiful and healthy! We recommend reading: