how to become a leader Many of us, having received an invitation to takeleadership position, would gladly have agreed. After all, whatever one may say, becoming a boss means an excellent career, power and material prosperity. But few people think about the fact that the director's chair carries not only some pleasures that being a leader is hard work and often ungrateful. This is known to those who have been managing the team for many years, come up with business strategies, solve conflict situations. And very often a person who is not prepared for such a position simply can not cope with the mission entrusted to him. Nevertheless, almost every one of us can achieve a long-awaited position with a strong desire and become a really competent leader. In the end, the bosses are not born - they become. But in order to achieve the desired goal, you need to know exactly how to become a leader, able to cope with any given task. And not only know, but also develop the qualities necessary for this post. become a leader

The qualities necessary for a competent leader

Before being labeled as a leader,think about whether you have sufficient knowledge and qualities necessary for successful promotion. 100% responsibility Being subordinate, you can always disavow the unsuccessful result of the transaction by simply executing the instructions of the authorities. As soon as you become a leader, such an opportunity will no longer be. Here either the pan, or disappeared. You will be fully responsible not only for your actions, but also for the results of the activities of the whole team. The decisions you make will determine the course of all further work, and only your deep knowledge, confidence, and sometimes intuition, will help to avoid mistakes. Dropping the blame on subordinates is the quality of a useless leader. Responsibility for all the troubles and mistakes will have to be assumed. The ability to make quick decisions A good leader is a leader, and a leader is simply obligated to make quick and confident decisions. If you belong to the category of people who are fearful in such a situation, if you are afraid to make a mistake before "death" and "sit down in a puddle" - perhaps the position of leader is not for you. A good leader not only knows how to cope with his emotions and make serious decisions, but also knows that in case of failure, the error can be corrected. Oratory You will be surprised, but the ability to masterly master a speech is not at the very last place in the list of virtues that can help you become a boss. Napoleon also said that a person who does not know how to talk will never make a career. You really need to learn the correct, literate speech. To do this, it is necessary to constantly replenish your vocabulary, to learn the methods of adjusting your speech to the target audience. Believe me, it's hard not to notice the employee, who looks straight into the eyes when speaking and clearly articulates his ideas. Organizationality A good leader manages to remake a thousand urgent cases, hand over a myriad of reports on time and always knows exactly what work is to be done the next day. Least. If you are awfully unassembled and unorganized person, then it will be very difficult to stay on as head. Can you imagine what stress you are expecting, if you do not have time to do anything, get bogged down in the unfinished reports and reprimands about the eternal delays from the higher leadership? In order to avoid such trouble, urgently accustom yourself to order and organization. Start a daily schedule, make schedules of all forthcoming affairs and events - this will help not only to manage to do all the work on time, but also to find time for rest. Stress-resistance Imagine the situation: your boss at the general meeting announces that sales have fallen sharply, that the entire department is deprived of premium and suddenly begins to sob, wiping her eyes with her hands. Incredible picture, is not it? And all because "these are not taken into the astronauts." Stress-resistance is one of the main requirements for a candidate to be a manager or a top manager. The fact that the boss has to constantly risk taking important decisions, resolve conflict situations, fire workers and fine them, says that the weaklings are not here. Only an emotionally balanced person, capable of being cold-blooded in any critical situation, can win the firm authority of a leader. If you think that you do not possess some of the above qualities, then do not despair: they can and should be developed. In addition to working hard on yourself, you are not forbidden to attend special seminars that help people increase their own potential. In addition, you can go to various trainings designed to improve your professional skills. Constant self-improvement will certainly help you to climb up the career ladder, because the roads open up to hardy and purposeful people. how to become a leader correctly

How to become a leader

What if you have all the qualities,necessary for entering the leadership position, but luck for some reason does not want to turn to you. What to do: continue to fight for raising or lowering your hands? There is a well-known saying: "You will work hard for 8 hours a day, and become a boss. After that, you will work hard 12 hours a day. " Let's say you have fulfilled the first part of this condition for a long time, but the leadership position is also far from you, as in the case of a job. You diligently carry out all instructions of the management, successfully cope with the crisis situations and significantly increased the level of the company's revenues. But the authorities do not even think of raising you in their posts. In this case, it is worthwhile to think carefully: what is the reason? Why does not the management notice your efforts and offer a promotion? In fact, there can be several reasons. Before complaining about the fact that you are not promoted, ask: Is it customary in your company to appoint your own employees to the management positions? Perhaps, the personnel policy of your firm is that people from outside are invited to such posts? Remember who has been promoted from your circle for the last time, find out how your boss got his job. After all, if a company does not practice "cultivating" its own staff, then it is meaningless to wait for miracles! If you go up the ladder in your company quite realistically, then think over your own strategy, how to get the position of the head. And it does not matter in which team you work - in female or male: the chance is always there! Of course, there are companies whose personnel policy does not imply the appointment of a woman to the position of leader. And even if the rules are violated, then her salary may be significantly lower than what a man could claim. Here you decide: go to another company with less chauvinist views, or agree to a position, having borrowed in the work book a long-awaited record "head of the department." At least in this case it will be much easier to find a job in another company for the position of headmistress. But if there are no obstacles, then where do you start your journey "up"? Let's say you have been a professional in your field for a long time (without it, in fact, everything loses its meaning), but the excellent results of your work activity do not yet provide you with an unhindered take-off up the career ladder. It is important to show your organizational skills, as well as the ability to plan and think strategically. It is important to discard false modesty and do everything to ensure that as many employees as possible learn about your successes and achievements. Surely in your environment there are a lot of "gray mice" that work from morning till night, without raising their heads, but no one particularly notices the results of their work. And not because their activities are ineffective, but because most of you suspect that this girl is engaged and what successes she has achieved. Do not want to repeat this sad experience - declare yourself as often as possible, always be on the lookout. True, with self-piracy you need to be cautious: the hour is not equal, as you will be written down in a self-tattoo and an idol. No less important role for your image is played by the style of clothing in which you appear in the office. Remember the simple truth: if you want to become a leader, then dress like a leader. A girl in a short skirt with excessive make-up is unlikely to be taken seriously by anyone, despite all her working qualities. So, keep a close eye on the dress code and be flawless. Another good opportunity to show the company's management that you have outgrown your position is to be interested in the work of your immediate superior. Ask questions, ask to entrust you with assignments that are within the competence of the head. If your boss is a competent and far-sighted person, he will certainly see your potential and will try to disclose it. At least, leaving on a business trip or going on vacation, he may well leave you as his deputy. Well, who can be promoted to the vacant position of a manager, but not his acting president? Well, in the end, try to talk directly with your boss about the fact that you have sat on your post and are quite capable of taking a higher position in the company. Of course, you should not hint to him that you do not mind taking his place. If there is no immediate vacancy for the position of a manager, your boss will be able to identify a group of employees of your department, appoint a new project and entrust you with his leadership. If the decision to climb the career ladder - not a momentary desire or an unreasonable dream, then with some effort, you can quite achieve your goal. The main thing is not to stop and go forward to meet your plan, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles. Only a strong and determined woman can achieve this goal, and since you possess these priceless qualities, nothing will get in your way. Good luck in building a career! We advise you to read:

