Modern women manage not only to give birthand raise children without interrupting their work and career, but also travel around the world without letting the baby out of their arms. For greater convenience, it is possible to transport the baby either in a stroller or a special carrier, or in a very convenient sling. It is the sling that can become an excellent means of carrying a small child and, most importantly, will leave your hands absolutely free. The cost of such a device depends on the fabric from which it is sewn, and of course, on the brand under which it was released. But is it worth overpaying for the brand? It is much wiser to sew a sling carrier for your baby yourself, in which he will feel comfortable and cozy during a trip in transport or a walk. The convenience of any sling is primarily in the fact that you can fix the child in a position convenient for him and for the mother. Such a carrier will be an ideal option for nursing mothers, because thanks to the width of the fabric, you can feed the baby almost anywhere without embarrassing strangers with your appearance.
Types of sling
Before you start sewing the sling,you need to decide which one you need. After all, there are different types of slings - depending on the needs and age of the baby - May, scarf and others. The most practical are:
- Sling - scarf
This sling resembles a scarf and is idealfor carrying children of any age - both newborns and one-year-olds. The only drawback that distinguishes it from other types of slings is that you need to know how to tie it correctly. If you do not have this skill, you will need some time to learn and get the hang of it.
- Sling pocket
This type of carrier does not take up much space, it is easy andIt is easy to put on the mother, it is convenient to take the baby out of it. And the main advantage is that it can be used for older babies who like to look at everything around - children are very inquisitive!
- Sling with rings
This is a fairly easy-to-use carrier that will be convenient for walking. By the way, this particular sling is especially popular with young mothers today.
- May sling
This sling is perfect for carrying babies.after six months, which are located facing or back to the mother. Such a carrier resembles a backpack, which is often offered in stores for children over six months. But, of course, a mei tai is much more convenient for both mother and baby. There will be no particular difficulties in creating a sling even for those mothers who cannot boast of particular success in the field of needlework. The main necessary condition is your desire. If you suffer for a long time, then something will work out. To create a sling, you will need fabric of a certain density, threads and special rings to fix the ends of the carrier. Ideally, of course, you will also need a sewing machine. Although many mothers do without it. You can buy everything you need at the nearest fabric and accessories store. But let's talk about this in more detail.
What should I buy for a sling?
So, how not to get confused in a fabric store andbuy exactly what you need? Carefully study the information below. Or even better - write it down on a piece of paper and take it with you to the store - that way you will definitely not forget to buy anything.
- Tissue
When choosing a material for a baby sling, it is worthtake into account not only personal color preferences, but also its density, wear resistance and ease of washing. It is best if it is a dense knitted fabric 220-250 cm long and at least 90 cm wide. You need to choose the color and thickness of the fabric depending on the season. So, for example, in a sling made of woolen fabric in the summer, the baby will not feel very comfortable. But in the winter, it will become additional protection for your baby from the cold. If you do not have a sewing machine, we will reveal a little secret to you - to avoid processing the edges of the fabric by hand, you can either choose a fabric that does not require this. Well, the second option is to go to a studio, where they will do it on professional equipment. It is especially important to consider this if you decide that you need a scarf - this sling is quite unique.
- Rings
Plastic - or even better metalrings with a diameter of about 9 cm, will be needed to attach the ends of the sling and adjust the position of the child in it. When choosing plastic or plastic rings, it is worth checking their strength to avoid their breakage at the most important moment. This is a matter of your baby's safety and should not be ignored under any circumstances!
- Threads
No less attention should be paid to the threads.- they must be strong enough. Perhaps this is one of the few cases when it is worth giving preference to synthetics - such threads will be much stronger.
Sling with rings
So, the fabric is bought - we can startdirectly to making the sling. First, you need to fold the material "accordion-style" - you will need about eight to nine folds in total. If the fabric "crumbles", do not forget to pre-process the edges with an overlock or at least by hand. Lavsan threads, which stretch slightly under load, are best suited for this. After the fabric is folded into an accordion, thread one end through both rings and bend it by about three to four centimeters. Sew the resulting fold - it is best to use a sewing machine. It is better to make several seams, each of which will tightly fix the material. If you sew by hand - make sure that the seams are very, very strong. That's it, the sling is almost ready. If you want your sling to be lined, you will have to work a little more. We lay out the fabric and baste the lining. By the way, you can make a seal under the back - this will provide better fixation. Then we pass one end of the fabric with the lining through both rings and bend the free edge into one of them. Sew tightly and ... that's it! You can safely seat the baby in the sling and go for a walk or a trip. One of the main advantages of such a carrier is the ability to place the child in any position: lying or sitting, facing or back to the mother.
We are sewing May-sling
In order to sew a mei tai, you willYou will need fabric, synthetic padding and a desire to create an original baby carrier for your baby. When choosing a material for this type of sling, you should consider not only its color, but also its texture. It is best to choose thick denim, jacquard, corduroy for winter and thick linen for summer. Cutting out the fabric when sewing a mei tai yourself is quite simple. You will need fabric about 90 cm wide and about 200 cm long. Cut out two pieces 35 by 45 cm - for the future back, 2 upper straps 200 by 20 cm in the amount of 2 pieces, a lower strap 160 by 15 cm. It is best to use synthetic padding as a sealant. After cutting the fabric, assemble the future sling: first, pin the seams with tailor's pins. If you don't have them at hand, you can resort to the help of basting stitches. Sew the back, laying the padding polyester. From the wrong side, stitch all the straps along the length, then turn them inside out. Insert padding polyester into the straps for softness and sew them at the ends. That's it, the main part of the work is done - you can start assembling the sling. Remember a few tricks - firstly, iron the fabric thoroughly to straighten the seams. Secondly, so that the padding polyester inside does not slip and does not get knocked down in lumps, it is worth stitching the strap with a decorative stitch. Which, by the way, will give the product originality. Attach two identical straps to the back, which will be thrown upward, sew them at an angle of 45 degrees. Attach a shorter strap to the lower part of the back and also carefully sew it. Iron the finished product again. For greater convenience, it is worth sewing on a pocket in which you can put napkins or a bottle of water. It is no less convenient to make a fastened pillow so that the baby can sleep during a walk.
We sew a sling-pocket
Any woman can handle sewing such a productmommy - even one who has never picked up a needle and thread except for school lessons. To do this, you need to stock up on perseverance, buy the right fabric and set aside a couple of hours for this difficult task. Before you start buying material, you need to correctly calculate its quantity. A sling pocket that is too long or too short will be uncomfortable for either mom or baby. And keep in mind - a sling pocket is not suitable for newborn babies! It is better to pay attention to a scarf - we will tell you about it below.
- Calculate the amount of tissue
For correct calculation you will need a regular onea measuring tape and an assistant. Measure the distance from the right shoulder to the left hip. Having received a certain number of cm, multiply it by two, and then add 16 cm to the final result. And also do not forget about seam allowances and their processing. In addition, it should be taken into account that to wear a sling in the winter, you will have to put it on a jacket or coat and, as a result, the fabric consumption will be higher. This means that you need to measure in outerwear. When choosing a fabric, you should take into account both personal preferences and the season during which the sling pocket will be used. Thick chintz is perfect for summer. And in winter, jacquard, corduroy or denim will do as the top (outer) layer. The same chintz of various shades will do for the lining.
- Cream
After purchasing the fabric, you can start sewing it.I will cut it out. Having laid the first layer of material on the table with the wrong side up, we apply the lining panel on top of it with the wrong side up. We pin them together using tailor's pins or a basting stitch. We stitch the panels with a double seam along the length on both sides. If you have an overlock, you can additionally process the joints to avoid excessive fluffiness. Then we turn the future sling blank to the front side and steam it with an iron at the highest temperature. After steaming the fabric, we proceed to cutting out the pocket in which the baby will be placed. We fold the panel in half lengthwise and again with the short edges towards each other. Having measured 10 cm from the outer edge, we draw an arc, cutting off the excess. We get a panel of fabric with two rounded edges. We fold the sling in half and stitch them on a sewing machine. To avoid folds and hide the raw edges, we start sewing from the middle. Carefully iron the seams. Turn the sling right side out, throw it over your shoulder and seat the baby in the resulting depression.
Sling-scarf for the most advanced moms
Original moms prefer to chooseAn unusual sling is a scarf that can be tied in several ways and can comfortably accommodate a child of any age and at any time of year. By the way, it is a scarf that is recommended for newborns. And the scarf is very easy to sew - no skills are needed. Depending on the season, we choose a fabric that should not be too stiff or too elastic. Thick knitwear, chintz, calico are an excellent choice for summer, and winter slings are made of thin but dense wool, corduroy or denim. If you want to sew such a scarf, keep in mind - its length should be at least five meters, and the width - depending on the material - from 50 to 70 cm. It is also worth considering how much the fabric stretches so that the child cannot fall during bends or sudden movements. You should buy material with a reserve. And it is best if the edges do not require additional processing on an overlock - this will allow you to give it shape yourself, without resorting to the help of a professional tailor. After all, the scarf should be moderately elastic and it will not be easy to process the edges properly on your own. For small children, it is better to choose natural fabrics without the addition of synthetic fibers, which can cause allergic reactions in the baby. The scarf can have several shapes - your choice. The classic rectangle, the simplest option, is suitable even for those who have never picked up a needle. The sling model "scarf" in the form of a parallelogram with ends truncated in different directions, is most convenient to tie. An oval-shaped sling scarf will require mandatory processing of the edge on an overlock to avoid shagginess of the fabric. The spindle model is suitable when choosing a dense fabric, when the knot turns out to be too voluminous when tying. As you can see, making a sling with your own hands is not that difficult. So if you have decided - go for it, don't put it off for later. After all, folk wisdom says that the road Then leads to the square Never. We recommend reading: