There probably isn't a person whohave not heard of separate nutrition. But how many people know what exactly should be understood by this term? And what separate nutrition for weight loss menu suggests? A couple of centuries ago, scientists began to pay attention to the fact that some combinations of products can cause heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness. The theory of separate nutrition itself was finally formed at the end of the last century by the naturopathic physician Herbert Shelton. In his theory, Shelton is based on the results of research into the physiology of the digestive system of the Russian scientist I. I. Pavlov. Hundreds of thousands of people with many diseases have become confirmation of the effectiveness of this theory. The result of completing the separate nutrition school created by Shelton was a significant improvement in the health of the participants.
What is proper separate food?
In fact, the theory of separate nutrition itselfelementary: when incompatible foods enter the stomach, the digestion process becomes difficult. As a result, fats and carbohydrates that have not oxidized turn into subcutaneous fat. To prevent this from happening, when eating separately, it is necessary to maintain a 2-hour interval between meals of incompatible foods. You can find out about the compatibility of certain ingredients using a special table of separate meals, which provides an ideal combination of foods, acceptable and prohibited. Herbert Shelton believes that there is no benefit from food that is not absorbed by the body. This is just a waste of food resources. When lingering in the digestive system, foods begin to rot and toxins are formed, which are extremely harmful to the body. Our body spends a lot of energy to fight these toxic substances, which is intended for other purposes. This is exactly the effect that can be achieved through separate meals. When switching to such a diet, many note that it becomes easy and there is a lot of energy. This happens because with separate nutrition the body stops spending energy reserves on processing and removing waste and toxins that clog the body with improper nutrition. And all this free energy is available to you. The advantages of separate nutrition:
- Intoxication of the organism decreases;
- Noticeably improves well-being;
- Disappears bad breath;
- Cleaned from the harmful "sediment" of the intestine;
- Disappear problems such as dysbiosis and constipation;
- With separate nutrition, gastritis is safely treated;
- Gradually, the excess weight goes away;
- Allows you to maintain weight.
Disadvantages of separate power supply:
- A rather complicated process of habituation;
- The need to change the regime for separate meals;
- Feeling of hunger at first time;
- Feeling of dissatisfaction with unusual food;
- Difficulties in choosing meals at a festive table with separate meals;
- Problems with the stomach when returning to the previous diet.
Opinions about separate nutrition
Many doctors and nutritionists believe thatseparate nutrition is not good for the body. In their opinion, the method of separate nutrition itself artificially changes normal digestion, since from the very beginning of its formation as a separate species, man ate mixed food, and his digestive system is naturally configured to digest such products. With long-term adherence to the principles of separate nutrition, the digestive organs will simply "forget" how to cope with sandwiches, herring under a fur coat or pelmeni, which means that a supporter of such a "diet" dooms himself to refuse holiday pies and various traditional dishes for the rest of his life, to which we have become accustomed since childhood. And the restrictions of separate nutrition can spoil the impression of the holiday. Supporters of separate nutrition prove by their own example that it is not only possible to eat like this, but also necessary. With the help of separate nutrition alone, without medications, many people have cured gastritis, diathesis, dysbacteriosis, kidney and liver diseases. This healing effect occurs due to the competent selection of products according to the separate nutrition system and their better absorption.
Basic Rules in Separate Nutrition
Eat only when you are hungry.It is necessary to learn to distinguish between hunger and simple appetite. To check, imagine that you are chewing a crust of bread or a cabbage leaf. If you like it and eat it with pleasure, you are hungry. If you do not like cabbage, but want a sweet candy, this is appetite. This rule in separate nutrition allows you to switch to 2-3 meals a day and eliminate unnecessary snacks that disrupt the digestive system and lead to excess weight gain. Water consumption time. According to the separate nutrition program, you must stop drinking water 10 minutes before eating. After eating, you are allowed to drink at least 30 minutes later if you ate fruit, 2 hours later if you ate starchy foods, and 4 hours later if you ate protein products. You need to chew food long enough for it to be well moistened with saliva. This is an important rule in separate nutrition and not only in it. Before and after eating, a little rest is necessary to bring the body to a state of rest. Remember that when stressed, a person can eat much more food, which is unacceptable with separate meals. Set yourself up for a positive attitude. Do not think about problems or unpleasant situations at the table. Let your thoughts be bright, this is important in separate meals. Do not overeat. With normal moderate nutrition, your stomach is filled only 2/3 of the total volume. About this much food will fit in your palms folded together. When on separate meals, you are unlikely to be able to eat more. Do not mix too many types of food in one meal. Of course, it is necessary to eat different foods so that the body does not suffer from a lack of essential substances. But it is not recommended to mix them in one meal with separate meals. Choose local products, not imported ones, as they are biologically better suited for your body. About the temperature of food in separate meals. Cold dishes should not be below room temperature at the time of consumption. And hot dishes should not burn the lips and tongue, there should be no need to cool and blow on the food. The main thing in separate nutrition is comfort. 50% of the daily diet should consist of raw plant foods. All kinds of vegetables, fruits, greens in separate nutrition will become your faithful friends and helpers. Berries and fruits. They are worth talking about separately. In principle, this is the ideal food for your body, but any berries or fruits should be consumed as a separate meal, for example, as a snack, which is acceptable with separate nutrition. Or you can eat some berries half an hour before a meal so that they have time to leave the stomach, but never eat fruits and berries after a meal, as many Russians do. Melon and blueberries are allowed only as a separate meal according to the separate nutrition system. Limit or completely exclude from the diet:
- Sugar and all that it contains;
- Smoked meat, sausages, pickles, etc .;
- Refined oil, mayonnaise, margarine;
- Cocoa, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks like Cola;
- Spoiled, sluggish vegetables or fruits;
- Milk powder, condensed milk and canned food.
Types of separate food
There are several different typesраздельного питания которые в целом носят одну идею Шелдона, но предлагают исключение из рациона различных групп продуктов. Раздельное питание по Семеновой включает в себя огромное количество всевозможных рецептов блюд, но полностью исключает из рациона раздельного питания всю молочную продукцию, рыбные, мясные супы и всевозможные бульоны. Надежда Семенова в своей программе советует полностью перейти на вегетарианство. Раздельное питание по Монтиньяку подразумевает под собой многоразовое питание с ограничением «плохих» углеводов. Помимо таблицы совместимости продуктов необходимо учитывать их гликимический индекс. Пожалуй, только в этой системе раздельного питания алкоголь дозволен. Мишель Монтиньяк рекомендует каждый день употреблять половину бокала красного вина. Раздельное питание по группе крови, пожалуй, самый популярный сегодня метод раздельного питания. Он подразумевает под собой определенный набор продуктов для каждой конкретной группы крови. В остальном принципы остаются классическими. В раздельном питании по Малахову все силы направлены изначально на лечение довольно широкого спектра заболеваний. В меню этого раздельного питания в больших количествах присутствуют настои и отвары из трав, овощные и фруктовые соки. Не смотря на то, что раздельное питание для похудения не предназначено, приятный бонус в виде уходящих килограммов вам все-таки «грозит». Хотя нельзя сказать, что вес будет уходить быстро. Скорее похудение на раздельном питании идет за счет очищения организма от различных токсинов, ядов и воды, которую последние задерживают. Ну и не стоит забывать о том, что на раздельном питании вы съедаете за раз меньший объем пищи, а желудок со временем уменьшается до нормальных размеров, а значит, вы едите еще меньше и не набираете лишний вес. Так что для похудения подобное раздельное питание является оптимальным вариантом, который позволит сбросить вес и не навредить себе. Но стоит заметить, что ждать результатов быстро на классическом раздельном питании не придется. Как правило, сброс лишних килограммов начинается лишь спустя 1-2 месяца регулярного раздельного питания Существует также более строгое питание для похудения, меню которого ограничивается определенным набором продуктов и объемом. Такой подход гарантирует избавление от лишних килограммов, однако не каждый способен выдержать такой жесткий режим раздельного питания. Не зависимо от того, с какой целью вы решили обратиться к раздельному питанию, обязательно посетите своего лечащего врача или терапевта, возможно у вас есть заболевания, при которых рацион раздельного питания стоит подкорректировать. Как таковых противопоказаний к раздельному питанию нет. Но контроль врача или диетолога станет гарантией того, что вы не навредите себе увлечением раздельным питанием. Ну и, разумеется, независимо от того, выбрали вы для похудения диету или «загорелись» раздельным питанием, помните, что физические нагрузки пока никто не отменял. Спортивная ходьба или элементарная 15-минутная гимнастика по утрам отлично дополнит систему раздельного питания и поможет вам укрепить мышцы и сделать свое тело более гибким. Удобно совмещать с режимом раздельного питания аквааэробику или простые занятия плаванием, ведь после тренировки чаще всего хочется есть, а заправившись до начала занятий овощами, вы смело можете перекусить по окончанию. Советуем почитать: