How does your morning start:with a cup of coffee and a cigarette or with a morning jog? Most people do not think about whether morning jogging is beneficial and prefer the first option for waking up the body. There are also those who are sure that morning jogging is harmful, that it is additional stress for the body, which after the night is in a state of "morning hibernation": all processes are slowed down, and suddenly it will have to work in an enhanced mode, mobilizing all its resources. For such people, the benefits of morning jogging are not obvious, and they would prefer evening jogging, when the body has already gotten used to being awake. Of course, no one will deny that jogging and health are inextricably linked, however, since the level of this very health is not the same for everyone, you should take the necessary precautions before starting to practice morning jogging: it will only be beneficial if the load is chosen correctly. If you are not feeling well, you should definitely undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, and with the doctor's conclusion, go to the instructor - he will select an individual training plan and an acceptable level of load for you. Otherwise, the benefits of running will turn into complications, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases. Most working citizens say that they do not have enough time to run in the morning, and therefore they postpone it until later. Is running in the evening useful? In general, it is the same running, only at a different time of day. Undoubtedly, it is useful, but supporters of morning exercise note that in the evenings the environmental situation is worse: the air is polluted, which does not have the best effect on well-being. And those who are engaged in physical labor at work or are forced to work late get too tired to force themselves to run. However, you should not think about whether running in the evenings is useful for weight loss if for you this is the only possible time for training. The main thing is to start. If you have been unable to get out of your warm bed in the morning to go for a run for many days (weeks, months), remember that it is much easier to do this in the evening, when the body is still active. And after some time, when running has already become a habit, you can switch to morning exercises.
The health effect of running in the mornings and evenings
The best tool for dealing with naughty kidsнервами — это именно бег утром или вечером. Также начать тренировки и сделать своей привычкой пробежки трусцой стоит тем, кто страдает от бессоницы. Эффект очень прост и поэтому вдвойне интересен: после бега с утра ваш организм мобилизован и готов к труду, в результате чего его работоспособность повышается. Ну а пробежка вечером дает возможность успокоиться, «сжечь» полученный в результате стрессов адреналин, снять накопившееся за долгий и трудный день напряжение. Можно даже не задумываться над тем, полезен ли бег по утрам и вечерам, а просто начать подобные тренировки. Отличное самочувствие и впечатляющее спокойствие будут лучшими ответами на невысказанные вопросы. Почему бег вечером или утром является эффективным средством против стрессов и нервов? Все дело в эндорфинах: выделяемые во время занятий, они оказывают состояние «спокойной эйфории». Причем интересно, что для этого не обязательно бежать быстро. Можно начать свой путь к оздоровлению с бега трусцой или даже просто на месте — эффект все равно будет впечатляющим. Если заниматься достаточно интенсивно, эндорфинов будет выделяться в 5 раз больше, чем во время сидения. Пятикратное повышение уровня гормона в крови дает ощущение радости и благополучия, причем как физического, так и морального, подавляет те эмоции, которые могут нанести вред нервам (чувства злости, разочарованности, обиды), позволяет забыть о боли и голоде. Эндорфины — это источник хорошего настроения, а значит и психоэмоционального здоровья. Поэтому если вы еще не бегаете, как раз стоит начать, пусть даже трусцой или на месте — главное, чтобы занятия были регулярными. О том, полезен ли бег по вечерам и утрам, можно даже не спрашивать у подруг или знакомых, практикующих его в течение 15-20 лет. Достаточно посмотреть на этих девушек и женщин и пообщаться с ними, чтобы увидеть, какой эффект дает бег. Если практиковать его в течение нескольких лет — дома на месте, в спортзале на беговой дорожке, на стадионе легкой трусцой,- он к лучшему изменит психологический портрет, сделает личность более полной. Увлекающиеся им девушки и женщины не испытывают недостатка в эндорфинах, стрессовые ситуации не наносят вред их нервам, так как они просто спокойнее относятся к трудностям жизни. Бегуньи со стажем доброжелательны и милы, общительны и неконфликтны. Начать тренировки действительно стоит, особенно зная, чем полезен бег в долгосрочной перспективе. Он дает нервной системе отдых, уменьшает нагрузки на организм. Если такой эффект присутствует постоянно, то на первых порах физическая и особенно умственная работоспособность повышается, после чего в течение долгого времени держится на стабильно хорошем уровне. Также благодаря активному действию эндорфинов значительно увеличиваются творческие возможности, причем даже в возрасте за 50 лет. Учитывая все это, просто неразумно быть против бега с утра или вечером. Также стоит учесть то, какое действие оказывается на иммунитет и кровообращение. Полезный эффект от бега по утрам и вечерам, даже легкой трусцой или просто на месте, проявляется в увеличении выработки гемоглобина, эритроцитов и лейкоцитов. Все это повышает защитные свойства крови и сопротивляемость различным микроорганизмам, тем самым снижая риск возникновения заболеваний и вред, если они, недуги, все-таки проявились. Так что начать бегать стоит, причем регулярно и круглый год, даже зимой. При постоянных занятиях улучшение кровообращения идет об руку с повышением надежности сердечно-сосудистой системы и аэробной продуктивности. Результаты многочисленных исследований показывают, что ключевые показатели (например, ЭКГ) женщин в возрасте 40-50 лет, постоянно занимающихся бегом с утра или по вечерам, находятся на том же уровне, что и у здоровых молодых девушек 18-25 лет. Начать бегать, хотя бы на месте или трусцой, стоит еще и потому, что это укрепляет сердечные мышцы (главным образом — левый желудочек), причем без их патологического увеличения. Это уменьшает риск возникновения заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы, вред от которых, как вы понимаете, может быть огромным. Также в пользу бега с утра или вечером говорит снижение частоты пульса, как в состоянии покоя, так и во время тренировок. В результате чего как нагрузки, так и стрессовые ситуации организм переносит легче.
Will running help lose weight in the mornings?
If you want to lose extra pounds,You probably have a lot of questions. Is morning jogging effective for weight loss? How can I achieve a slim figure? What training program should I choose? Is morning jogging useful for people who are very overweight? When is it better for me to train, in the morning or in the evening? What can I achieve, how much will I lose, by running three times a week for 20 minutes? The answers to these questions are strictly individual. Of course, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and find out whether morning jogging is useful for you personally, or, on the contrary, such loads are contraindicated. Remember that you can’t overdo it in this matter, so as not to harm the body. But in general, the question of whether morning jogging will be useful can be answered in the affirmative. It has been proven that even fast walking, exercises in place, and especially jogging help burn more than 400 kcal per hour (energy expenditure depends on body weight). If you start running at least every other day, you can easily get rid of 3500-4000 kcal in two weeks, or, in other words, more than 500-600 grams of fat. And this is in winter! In summer, in hot weather, the losses will be even more significant and pleasant. You will be able to see how useful regular morning running is when you burn a kilogram of fat in a week and a half. Agree, for such results it is worth overcoming laziness and starting to exercise! Let's list general recommendations for those who consider morning running as a way to lose weight:
- Before jogging, drink sweet tea, a glass of yogurt or eat an apple, and have breakfast an hour after classes
- running in the morning for weight loss is most effective in combination with diet
- After jogging (or before it) do additional exercises: for example, shake the press
- fat burning begins after thirty minutes of exercise, so gradually try to increase the time
It should also be noted that jogging in the morning is forLosing weight also gives a “residual” load on the muscles. Even after completing the workout, they still consume oxygen in increased quantities for 2-3 hours, resulting in additional energy being expended. Thus, fats are burned even when you are already resting. And a similar “residual” effect, although not so active, is observed even during jogging or walking in place. So, for losing weight and improving your health, it is really worth starting feasible workouts. Please note that running gives another tangible benefit: it has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes breathing, restores proper functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of bones - in a word, it helps those organs and systems that are most harmed in our reality. In addition, running is an effective anti-aging tool. Training has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, resulting in an increased flow of fluid to the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage. This increases the shock-absorbing properties and gives the ODS good protection against age-related degenerative changes.
How to start running
If the question is “Is it good to run in the morning?”» you answered yes for yourself and it is obvious to you that running and health are closely connected, we can give you some advice on how to get started easier and what you should pay attention to:
And it is very important to start training from the first dayrun correctly, without overtiring the body, but at the same time not giving it a break. So, if you exercise for 25-30 minutes, you do not need to immediately squeeze out all your strength and finish the session, holding on solely by willpower. If you are running with someone in a pair, do not hesitate to take a slower pace, start with jogging or in place. Exercise so that the loads are feasible and do not harm your body. Of course, with active training, the muscles will get tired, and you will feel it. Therefore, many girls find it difficult to determine when an intense run is extremely tiring, but at the same time beneficial, and when an intense session is already threatening health. But you will not have such a problem, because we will tell you one simple formula. Guided by it, you can always understand how effectively you are exercising. So, the formula: take the number 220, simply subtract your age from it and multiply the resulting figure by 0.6. This is the "lower limit" for your activities. Now subtract your age from 220 again and multiply the resulting number by 0.8. This is the "upper limit" for your training. So, for example, for a girl aged 25, the limits will be 117 and 156, respectively. These limits are nothing more than your pulse during exercise. Measure it during exercise using a heart rate monitor for running. And then look at the results: if your pulse is between the limits, it means that you are exercising effectively enough. If it is less than the lower mark, you can safely increase the intensity of your running. If your pulse goes beyond the upper limit, it means that the loads are already harmful and you need to slow down. But remember that this formula only gives an approximate result: the decision to start your runs, focusing only on it, will not be the most successful and correct. It is better to first contact a trainer who will develop an individual running program (at a fast pace, jogging or even on the spot - it all depends on the state of the body). As a result, you will have a detailed training plan in your hands, and this is what you can check with the formula.
Where to run
Of course, to start running correctly, you need tocarefully choose a place for your workouts. There are no special requirements for the surface: if you are exercising outdoors, you can run on natural and artificial grass, on asphalt, on hard ground. If you are in the gym, you can run on a treadmill or just on the floor. The main thing is that your “working” surface is as flat as possible - it is safer, because there is less risk of tripping and getting injured. But remember that softer surfaces (for example, the same grass) put less stress on the joints of the legs. It is clear that if you decide to start exercising in the summer, then your choice is the widest. You can run in the forest, enjoying the fresh air, you can go to the nearest well-paved sports ground, you can finally go to the gym. But in the cold winter, it is better not to risk your health and legs, making your way through the snow and ice. As in bad weather, it is more practical to go to the gym with its exercise machines. But an electric treadmill also has its advantages. When working out on such a machine, you can run according to several different programs, control their intensity and constantly see your current results. Running in the gym in winter can be as effective as running in the fresh air in summer. So don’t think about when to start training – your first run on the way to excellent physical fitness can be done comfortably at any time of the year. We hope that the benefits of running are now obvious to you. But remember: success comes only with regular exercise, which is carried out according to a well-designed program and brings maximum benefit, not harm. Make a running plan with a trainer, choose a site and start working out. Be healthy and love running! We recommend reading: