It seemed like just recently your son was funnyread poetry at family celebrations, went to school. But time is inexorable and its course is simply impossible to slow down. And your yesterday's baby is on the threshold of adulthood. And, as you know, for a man, adulthood begins with military service. Different people have completely different attitudes to whether their children should repay their debt to the Motherland, or whether it would be better for them not to serve in the army. It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally. This article will not touch on the topic of morality and ethics, as well as ideology. We will simply tell you in what cases, according to the law, a young man can receive a deferment from the army or even be recognized as unfit for military service. So - deferment from the army 2016. The first thing that the boy's parents should know is that they simply need to very carefully monitor all medical documentation related to the health of their child. And this should be done long before the child reaches the draft age. In fact, this must be done almost from the birth of the boy. Unfortunately, medical records are often lost, accidentally or even deliberately. Wise parents never give their child's record to the registry for safekeeping, but simply take it with them every time they go to see a doctor. The same applies to all hospital records, if the child has ever been there. Do not give the originals to doctors, but make photocopies, which will be stored at the clinic. Be sure to seek medical help whenever the child gets sick. This must be done even if you yourself can easily cope with the disease. This must be done so that all ailments are recorded in the child's medical record. Such a measure can be of invaluable service to the boy in the future.
Grounds for postponing the army
According to the law of the Russian Federation, the decision onA special draft board decides on the deferment and release of a young man from service in the ranks of the Russian army. Only it can make a decision, but in no case can one person. All the grounds that give the right to a deferment from military service are clearly spelled out in Article 24 of the Federal Law on Military Service. These grounds are listed below.
Postponement for students
Deferment from military service due to study is the mostpopular and widespread among conscripts. Students of secondary general education institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums) or, simply put, schoolchildren have a deferment from the army. However, this type of deferment is granted only to those young men who have not reached the age of twenty. After twenty years, studying at school does not provide a deferment from military service. But in our time it is very difficult to meet a twenty-year-old schoolboy, so this reason is the least popular. Also, this reason does not apply to students of evening schools. A guy receiving basic vocational training, or secondary specialized or higher, also have the right to receive a deferment from military service. As a rule, the deferment is equal to the time required to complete the course of study. In total, there can be no more than two such deferments. So, for example, a child can graduate from a technical school and enter an institute. For the duration of his studies, he will be granted a deferment from military service. In order for a conscript to receive a deferment related specifically to the educational process, it is very important that he meets certain criteria. And only if all 4 requirements are met, the draft board must make a decision to grant the conscript a deferment.
In the last two years, it has increased significantlyпродолжительность весеннего призыва. Поэтому выпускники школ, достигшие восемнадцатилетнего возраста, должны успеть поступить в учебные заведения до 15 июля. Этот совет связан с тем, что отсрочка от военной службы для абитуриентов не предусмотрена. Однако, как вы сами понимаете, поступить в учебное учреждение, особенно в ВУЗы, до 15 июля практически невозможно. Ведь чаще всего вступительные экзамены начинаются только во второй половине июля, и ребенок просто физически не успеет поступить в ВУЗ или техникум. В данный момент этот вопрос находится на рассмотрении государственной комиссии. Однако никакого альтернативного решения пока не принято. Однако у некоторых выпускников шанс избежать службы в армии сразу же после школы. Для этого ребенок должен воспользоваться годовой отсрочкой от армии еще в школе, в 11 классе. Если ребенок успешно сдаст вступительные экзамены и поступит в ВУЗ, он сможет воспользоваться правом второй отсрочки, связанной с обучением. Если же таким образом поступить не удалось, родители должны иметь в виду, что в период между окончанием школы и до поступления в Вуз отсрочек никаких нет. А это значит, что в отношении призывника может быть принято решение о возбуждении уголовного дела по 328 статье уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации, за уклонение от призыва к воинской службе. Но в том случае, если призывник успеет поступить в ВУЗ или техникум до того, как судом будет вынесен обвинительный приговор, он имеет право на освобождение от уголовной ответственности. Происходит это на основании того, что произошло изменение обстоятельств, так как у выпускника появляется полное право на получение законной отсрочки от прохождения воинской службы. В том случае, если студент по каким – либо причинам вынужден оформить академический отпуск, длительность отсрочки от прохождения воинской службы увеличивается ровно на такое количество времени, которое будет длиться академический отпуск. Однако рассрочка не увеличивается больше, чем на два года – это также стоит иметь в виду. В том случае, если в процессе обучения студент примет решение о переводе на другое отделение или в другой ВУЗ, программа обучения в которых иная и срок обучения дольше, отсрочка также может быть увеличена, однако не более чем сроком на один год. Учитывайте это при переводе в другое учебное заведение. Отдельного внимания заслуживает аспирантура — отсрочка от армии дается следующим образом. В том случае, если молодой человек получил образование бакалавра, но продолжает учиться на магистра, призывная комиссия также обязана предоставить студенту отсрочку на время дальнейшего обучения. Однако если обучение происходит на специалиста, отсрочка от службы в армии не предоставляется. Однако тут тоже кроется маленькая лазейка. В большинстве случаев призывные комиссии просто – напросто не обращают внимания на подобные мелочи, в результате чего дается отсрочка на весь период обучения – примерно на пять – шесть лет. Но, к сожалению, в том случае, если призывник все-таки получил отсрочку для получения степени бакалавра – то есть четыре года, на дальнейшую отсрочку на время обучения на специалиста студент, увы, может даже не рассчитывать. Для того чтобы правильно оформить отсрочку от прохождения воинской службы, призывник должен лично предоставить в военкомат, находящийся по месту его прописки, необходимые документы, которые подтверждают право на отсрочку от службы в армии. Все документы должны быть подлинными, ксерокопии не допустимы ни в коем случае. Кроме этих документов призывник должен написать заявление установленного образца. Образцы заявлений есть в каждом военкомате. Обязательно также учитывайте тот факт, что ни одна призывная комиссия не примет решение о предоставлении призывнику отсрочки, связанной с учебой, если призывник не прошел медицинскую комиссию, необходимую для освидетельствования состояния здоровья молодого человека. Именно поэтому крайне не рекомендуется, чтобы написанное заявление и необходимые документы в военкомат приносили матери призывников. Без его личного присутствия и прохождения медицинского освидетельствования парень автоматически относится к «черному» списку уклоняющихся от прохождения воинской службы людей. И это может привести к возбуждению уголовного дела. А это – дополнительные хлопоты и нервотрепка, как для парня, так и для его родителей.
Postponement for health reasons
Also, a deferment from military service is very common.for health reasons. As mentioned above, if a conscript has certain illnesses, the draft board may grant a deferment or complete exemption from military service. As mentioned above, the boy's parents must consult a doctor about any ailment. Otherwise, even if the conscript has the appropriate illness that allows him to receive a deferment, he may be called up fit for military service. Therefore, be sure to ensure that all health complaints are recorded in the child's medical record. All medical documents you have - cards, X-rays, hospital extracts - must be taken with you to the medical commission. Of course, this does not relieve the conscript from the need to undergo a medical commission, but it significantly increases the chances of receiving a deferment from military service. There are strictly defined illnesses, provided that the conscript receives a deferment from military service. In fairness, it should be noted that the list of such illnesses is very, very long. Below are listed only a few of them, the most basic and most common:
- Intestinal infections and other infectious diseases, which are accompanied by skin rashes. For example, typhoid fever, hepatitis, salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, which are not amenable to successful treatment.
- Tuberculosis of the lungs, pleura, bronchi. And this applies to all stages of the disease - from the inactive, without the isolation of the tubercle bacillus, to the open form of the disease.
- Other types of tuberculosis. For example, tuberculosis of bones, urogenital organs, joints and skin.
- The presence of HIV and AIDS.
- The presence of syphilis - both primary and secondary.
- Presence of cancerous tumors of any stages.
- The presence of benign tumors in a conscript if they disrupt the normal functioning of internal organs.
- Such blood diseases as leukemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopathy.
- Non-toxic nodular goiter, which causes disruption of the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Diabetes mellitus in insulin-dependent form, as well as all forms of obesity, except obesity of the first degree.
- All sorts of mental disorders caused by trauma, brain tumors, degenerative brain lesions. And the severity of the disease does not matter.
- The conscript has chronic alcoholism, as well as drug addiction. These diagnoses must be confirmed by the conclusion of a doctor - an expert in narcology, and the draftee - should be registered with the narcological dispensary.
- Epilepsy of any severity, as well as mental retardation of any stage.
- Poliomyelitis, encephalitis and meningitis of any severity.
- The presence in the history of the conscript of at least one case of intracranial hemorrhage, regardless of what was the cause.
- Reducing the visual acuity is less than 0.09.
- Significant reduction in hearing acuity.
- All kinds of heart defects and other heart diseases that threaten the health and life of the draftee.
- Hypertensive and ischemic diseases.
- Hemorrhoids, accompanied by prolapsed hemorrhoids.
- Damage or disease of the larynx and cervical spine, resulting in a significant violation of speech function.
- The presence of bronchial asthma in the recruit, regardless of its severity and the frequency of seizures.
- Problems with the dental system - periodontitis, periodontitis, the absence of more than ten teeth.
- Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
- Cirrhosis of the liver, hernia, prolapse of the rectum.
- Diseases of the skin - recurrent atopic dermatitis, wet eczema, psoriasis.
- Violation of the structure and formation of upper and lower extremities, in particular - flat feet, which makes it impossible to wear military footwear.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system - a violation of kidney function, dropsy testicles.
- There is a history of fractures of the spine and the base of the skull, at whatever age they occurred, even in a deep childhood.
- The presence of a draftee scars and scars on the face, which disfigure the face.
- The draftee's body weight is less than 45 kilograms, and the height is less than 150 centimeters.
- Enuresis - incontinence of urine at night.
- Strong stuttering of the draftee.
If the conscript really has it thena disease that gives the right to a deferment from military service, doctors will give a conclusion on the medical examination of the guy's health. However, a controversial situation may arise. For example, if the doctors do not understand something, they can send the conscript for hospitalization in a hospital for a more detailed examination and clarification of the diagnosis. Please note that the conscript's examination must be carried out in an ordinary state hospital. In no case is it permissible to hospitalize the conscript in a military hospital. Only those citizens who are already actual army servicemen undergo examination and treatment in military hospitals. When going to the hospital for an examination, it is also very important to take all available medical documents with you. This will facilitate the diagnosis and increase the conscript's chances of receiving a deferment from military service. In some cases, certain misunderstandings may occur at the military registration and enlistment office. In particular, some military commissars may require that the conscript undergo a medical examination in a strictly defined medical institution. And therefore, they may try to refuse to accept the documents. This happens, unfortunately, because it is no secret that the Russian army often lacks conscripts. Therefore, sometimes military registration and enlistment offices have an unspoken agreement with some clinics, where doctors simply "turn a blind eye" to the presence of diseases in some conscripts that may give them the right to a deferment from military service. Of course, it is not customary to talk about this out loud, but still this phenomenon takes place. However, this is illegal and contradicts several laws at once, in particular, the right to choose. If you suddenly encounter such a situation, you can safely file a complaint with your superiors. And in this case, the truth will be on your side.
Postponement for family reasons
In addition to deferment due to study and conditionhealth, there is also another type - a deferment for family reasons. There are various family circumstances, but given that we are still talking about eighteen-year-old boys, consider cases when a conscript receives a deferment because he is a father of two children and others. A deferment from conscription into the army is given not only in the presence of children, but also in a number of other cases. But the following reason for receiving a deferment for family reasons can be very important, especially if your family, for some reason, is not complete. To receive a deferment, a conscript must have four conditions at the same time:
- The draftee has a father, a mother, brothers or sisters, grandmothers or grandfathers.
- If it is a question of a brother or a sister, they should not reach the age of eighteen at the time of recruitment.
- If we are talking about older relatives, they are notshould be on full state support, or they should be invalids of the first or second group, or be the elderly. Or, need constant care or supervision, as they suffer from serious diseases.
- All of the above persons do not have anyone but a draftee who would be legally obligated to take care of them.
Of course, all of the above circumstancesare quite sad, but unfortunately, they often take place. In order to receive such a deferment, the conscript or the person who needs care must apply to the military registration and enlistment office, as well as provide all the documents confirming the situation. Please note that the documents must be genuine, not photocopies. After reading this article, you have learned in general terms how to receive a deferment from the army. Whether you use it or not is up to you and your son to decide. And you will probably make the right decision. The main thing that any mother should remember is that her boy has already grown up and has become old enough to make his own decisions. Therefore, be sure to take into account your son's opinion when talking about such a serious issue as military service.