a holiday romance Someone goes to the sea in search of adventure, andsomeone - to improve their health or just to escape from everyday life. However, often our compatriots traveling to hot countries are interested in resort romances. If you could not resist the pressure of overwhelmed passion, then going back to real life will not be so easy. Our tips will help you with the least loss to get out of a love adventure and get pleasure from such a thing as a holiday romance.

Features of the resort novel

Every woman, leaving for the warmer parts, onsubconscious level prepares itself for flirting and romantic adventures. Therefore, coming to the resort, she shows her behavior by all her behavior that she is ready to start a new relationship. Single men really understand that women on the beach are for exactly the same purpose as they are. Therefore, without wasting time, newly-introduced machos use all the ways of seduction known to them. Holiday romances have their own specifics. It is not necessary to hope that the beautiful stranger attracted you has flared up to you with tender feelings: most likely, in your place could be any other woman. Just you were at the right time and in the right place. Let's leave naivety aside. Are you still sure that you had love at first sight? Exactly the same feelings, or rather an outburst of feelings, you already experienced several years ago, when relations with your future husband were born, and which later developed into marriage. So where did your tender feelings go? The thing is that on vacation we have lower requirements for men, and we feel pretty relaxed. And if in ordinary life, as a worthy partner, we recognize only smart, caring, beautiful, wealthy and yet the devil knows which men, then at the resort we have enough fun jokes and a delicious cocktail for making friends. That is why resort romances rarely stop at something more. Consider the fact that on vacation many people have more free time to look well-groomed, cultured, lovely, charming and compelling. Imagine your new friend in another situation, when he has a job at work, the car has broken down, and the baby has a sore throat. Believe, at best your angel will turn into the most ordinary man, and at worst ... do not even want to talk about it. Many men at the resort give themselves out not for those who are in fact. How, for example, to check that your man in fact is the owner of a prestigious jewelry salon? Or maybe he just overheats in the sun and raves? A cute boy who met on your way, in fact, can be a polygamist, a thief-recidivist or just an Alphonse. Before you allow the course of events, think a hundred times, but do you need unnecessary problems that can lead to huge trouble. Computability and pragmatism is one of the easiest ways to throw a vacation romance out of your head when you return from vacation. After all, in this case, the woman knows in advance that having rested and relaxed in the embraces of the chosen object, she calmly partes with him without any remorse and will return to the bosom of her family, plunging into her usual everyday life. Therefore, if you still decided on a holiday romance, it is very important to develop a correct attitude and strategy of behavior in order to bring you exceptionally pleasant emotions. holiday novels

Tips for "lovers"

So, you are ready for love and romance. You have a rest and look good, you have a good mood and fighting spirit. What to do next? We have compiled for you a short list of recommendations on how to make a resort romance; our recommendations will help you to feel all its charms and joys.

  • At the beginning of the holiday do not rush to the firsta fallen man, and observe everyone who surrounds you. Roman on vacation, of course, is not the choice of a life partner, but his hero should be treated with due attention.
  • Do not forget about self-esteem: flirt, but beautiful and elegant - so that a man does not think that you hang on him. Remember that he is by nature a hunter, and your behavior should inflame his instincts and imagination.
  • Do what you would not risk doing in the ordinarylife - then this is a resort romance! Right now you can turn your vacation out of ordinary rest into an unforgettable adventure. Just do not forget about the laws and rules of conduct in the hotel!
  • A holiday romance should give you confidencein itself, and not take away the strength. So do not focus on how you look, what you do and how you behave. Relax, relax and enjoy everything that happens to you!

How to part?

Survive a resort romance is often notso easy. In fact, everything depends very much on your marital status. For a married woman, the best option is to break the relationship. You do not want to "drag" them into your family life? Therefore, parting, observe the taboo: no addresses, phones and meetings, to avoid the temptation to resume relations. However, not all women have such reasonable qualities. In most cases, amorous, delicate and vulnerable ladies, having started a holiday romance, lose their heads and leave their new companion with a broken heart. In such a situation it is better to go away from the object of your passion than to be able to face it and silently suffer from unrequited love. In a word, out of sight - out of mind! If you are an unmarried woman, then we also do not advise you. As it is written above, the holiday novel has a number of features, because of which it seems especially bright, beautiful and romantic. But it's not a fact that when you met the same man in your hometown, you would not just meet with him, but even just talk. The sea, the sun and the absence of tension create a special atmosphere, because of which the resort novel is so attractive. However, it is worth remembering that in the world nothing is impossible, especially in love, and if you are a single woman looking for love, not romantic adventures, and if you really got hooked with this man, you can first try to communicate by phone or e-mail. And what if something serious is going to come out of this promising resort novel? What the hell is not joking! how to make a resort romance


That's left behind, unforgettable, full of loveDays and nights spent in the company of the new satellite. Now we have to cope with the bitterness of parting and adapt to real life in our hometown. It's been a few days since returning from the resort, and you still can not come to your senses? Remember that the chief assistant in this business is time, which, as they say, heals, including romantic relationships, or rather, what is left of them. In the meantime, plunge your head into the work, and then you simply do not have time to remember the various nonsense that happened to you on vacation. After all, what happened was a long time ago and will never return ... Now it's time to return to home and job duties. Moreover, during your absence your spouse has become bored and will surely arrange an unforgettable meeting for you. So is it worth it to regret the momentary passion when a reliable and trusted native person is near? Often, the resort romances of a married woman talk about a lack of attention and new impressions in her family life. That's why not everyone is able to plunge their heads into home cares after a vacation: it happens that this only increases the contrast between passionate love relationships "on the side" and a boring routine with her husband. Do you want everything to be different? Start making changes to your life! Call your husband for a romantic date: an expensive restaurant where you will come in elegant outfits, a walk through the beautiful places of your city and a luxurious room in the hotel are able to bring a zest and spice to something that seemed long ago to be insipid. Just do not overdo it with pressure, and then the husband can suspect you of treason. By the way, about treason. This word immediately triggers a reaction that only intensifies the negative consequences of the resort novel, namely, a sense of guilt. If you are married or in a long relationship with a man, then it is likely that you will survive this problem. In order to protect you from it, we wrote above about the rational and pragmatic attitude to the resort novel. On vacation, the soul asks for a holiday, an integral part of which is love and romance. However, if you still worry about remorse, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. After all, telling a husband about treason, you just carry the burden of responsibility "from a sick head to a healthy one": the situation will not improve, you will only make an innocent person suffer. You can try to reconsider your attitude to treason, because a novel on vacation is not love, but only a violent passion and rest. But to love something, you continue your husband! If the guilt continues to torment you, try to go to a psychologist - he can help you cope with the unpleasant consequences of the holiday romance. Thus, like everything else in our life, the holiday romance has its beginning and its end. If you treat it correctly, it is capable of bringing to life something that is lacking in it: passion, romance or variety. But do not expect anything more from him and suffer, if something went wrong. Only in this case you are guaranteed all thirty-three treats and no headaches!

