Every woman after 35 dreams of losing weightat least 10 years off your shoulders. And modern cosmetology is trying hard to fulfill our most cherished desires. Radio face lifting has become a real breakthrough, allowing a woman to return her lost youth and freshness without the need for surgery. Radio wave lifting also has a second name - thermolifting. Today, this technique is the most advanced way to combat skin aging processes. Thermolifting allows you to perfectly smooth out not only expression lines, but also age wrinkles, reduce skin flabbiness, making it toned and elastic. The procedure helps women tidy up their tummy in the postpartum period. This method has many names, which essentially mean the same thing:
- non-surgical lifting;
- Thermage;
- radio wave lifting;
- radiofrequency lifting;
- thermolifting;
- Radio Frequency lifting.
Radio wave lifting has an effect onthe following principle: during the procedure, careful control of the heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fat is carried out due to the contact effect of a high-frequency electric field. Those who have done radio lifting know that a specially created temperature regime stimulates the development of fibroblasts - the main cells of the skin. Radio wave lifting has a number of advantages that distinguish it from similar methods: the heating of the epidermis occurs only as a result of contact heat exchange between the dermis, and muscle tissue does not heat up at all. Radio lifting reviews are mostly positive: natural facial expressions after radio lifting do not undergo changes, and the skin becomes noticeably younger and healthier, while patients do not experience painful sensations during the procedure, the conditions for which are minimal - before the procedure, contact lenses are removed without fail, and the first day after the procedure you cannot play sports or overheat the skin.
Indications and contraindications for radiolifting
For radio lifting, it is enough to carry out 4-6 procedures. Each session lasts no more than 1 hour. Indications for radio wave lifting can be:
- presence of age spots;
- presence of facial clutches and wrinkles;
- bags around the eyes;
- flabbiness of the skin;
- presence of a large number of pores on the skin;
- presence of the second chin;
- presence of stretch marks on the body;
- fibrous, swollen cellulite;
- stretch marks on the skin as a result of weight loss;
- fatty deposits of local character.
However, the procedure is unacceptable in some cases. Radio wave lifting has the following contraindications:
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- disturbances in the circulatory system;
- period of pregnancy, lactation;
- presence of viral diseases;
- presence of benign or malignant formations;
- dermatosis at the treatment site.
How does radiolift work in accordance with the characteristics of the skin?
It's no secret that human skincollagen fibers are present. The elasticity and flexibility of women's skin depends on these tissues. With age, collagen fibers tend to stretch and lose elasticity. For this reason, flabbiness of the skin does not take long to appear. No less important for maintaining the youth of the skin are special cells - fibroblasts, which make up the framework of connective skin tissue. Radio lifting of the face and body helps to ensure the elasticity of these tissues. With age, there are fewer and fewer fibroblasts in the skin. During the radio wave lifting procedure, the radio frequency wave penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and reaches the collagen fibers along its path, transferring part of its energy to them through powerful thermal exposure. This energy leads to contraction of the fibers and thereby ensures a tighter fit of the skin to the facial muscles. As a result, radio wave lifting reviews are as follows: visually, the skin after thermolifting becomes denser and shrinks. After thermal exposure, the dermis literally comes to life before our eyes, blood flow is noticeably activated, and with it, metabolism. The results of radio wave face lifting are comparable in effectiveness to surgical plastic surgery, but this method does not involve any mechanical impact on the skin or trauma to it. It is also worth noting that warming up the dermis stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers and fibroblasts. This fact is an advantageous difference between radio lifting and mechanical methods of face lifting. Anyone who has undergone radio lifting will confirm that the skin of the face becomes incredibly velvety, the vascular network disappears completely, and the diameter of the skin pores is significantly reduced. Quite significant changes in the skin condition occur from one session to another. In principle, real changes are visible after just one procedure, and they gradually intensify. Within six months, new collagen is produced and the rejuvenation effect increases. Young elastin and collagen fibers form a new framework that supports the skin, the presence of which is typical for young skin. Preservation of the achieved result primarily depends on the age of the woman, as well as on the personal characteristics of the structure and condition of the skin. On average, the positive effect is manifested over 2-3 years. On average, a full course of radiolifting helps a person to "lose" about 15 years of "extra" age and return to their former youth and beauty. If there are no contraindications to radiolifting, then within the framework of one course, as a rule, about 6-8 procedures are carried out with a frequency of once a week. The undeniable advantages of radiolifting over other methods of rejuvenation are:
- absence of side effects;
- absence of seasonal contraindications;
- absence of rehabilitation period;
- absolute painlessness;
- quickness of achievement of results;
- increasing long-term rejuvenation effect;
- absence of contraindications on skin type;
- pleasant sensations during the procedure;
- no need for anesthesia;
- a tightening of the skin around the eyes and a noticeable rejuvenation, correction of the body and oval face.
Age range for those wishing to take advantageThe age range of radio wave lifting is quite wide – from 20 to 60 years. Thermal effects can be applied by specialists to the areas of the face, arms, back, abdomen, buttocks and legs. As a result, radio wave lifting is an excellent alternative to aggressive treatment methods. This procedure allows you to most effectively combat skin aging, eliminate fine wrinkles, significantly reduce skin flabbiness, increasing its elasticity and flexibility. Non-surgical lifting does not pose a risk of complications, giving patients the most natural results. Other methods are currently unable to offer women such a mass of positive effects and unrivaled results.
Radioadifting Reaction
Israeli apparatus for proceduresрадиолифтинга Reaction™ дает частотный ток биполярной конфигурации. Этот ток проходит в аппликаторе между положительным и отрицательным электродами, расстояние между которыми четко фиксировано. По заранее спрогнозированной дуге, расположенной между двумя полюсами, радиочастотный ток идет через ткань кожи, не представляя для нее абсолютно никакой опасности благодаря определенной величине расстояния от электрода к электроду. Благодаря расстоянию между электродами в насадках специалист может не только производить контроль, но и собственноручно изменять точную зону приложения радиочастоты. Ткань в зоне воздействия во время процедуры нагревается до температуры не более 45 градусов С, что предотвращает атрофию тканей и фиброзирование. Радиолифтинг Reaction отличается от монополярной технологии отсутствием необходимости применения заземляющей подушки, ведь температурному нагреву не подвергаются внутренние ткани и органы человека. При монополярной технологии происходит сильный нагрев тканей и органов до 60 градусов С, к тому же создается рассеянное электромагнитное поле, которое представляет опасность для оператора и пациента. С аппаратом Reaction™ вам не надо ничего бояться. Данная методика воздействия биполярного тока на ткани дает возможность получить ожидаемые высоко эффективные результаты и делает процедуру точной, контролируемой и безопасной. При этом применяются три насадки, благодаря которым проводится радиочастотный липолиз тканей тела, лица, а также деликатных зон: декольте, шеи, внутренней поверхности бедер и плеч, лифтинг кожи. Аппарат работает в диапазоне четырех ступеней мощности и четырех ступеней вакуума, что позволяет производить индивидуальный подбор оптимальных параметров для максимально эффективной и комфортной процедуры. В основе Reaction™ лежит технология Channeling Optimized RF Energy technology (иначе технология CORE™). Пластическими хирургами и дерматологами со всех уголков земли создаются комбинированные протоколы, которые призваны уверить пациентов в эффективности применения радиоволны в целях быстрого восстановления упругости и эластичности кожи, тургора в период послеродового изменения тонуса или же после интенсивного курса по снижению веса. Кто проводил подобный радиолифтинг отзывы о Reaction оставляют замечательные. И это неудивительно, поскольку аппарату под силу сделать то, что недоступно больше ни одному современному изобретению косметологии: он подтягивает кожу колен и трицепсов, избавляет от второго подбородка и убирает «гусиные лапки». Пациенты в возрасте более 35 лет возвращают при помощи радиолифтинга Reaction молодость коже, которая постепенно приобретает великолепный сияющий вид. Уходит обвисшая кожа, без следа исчезают «гусиные лапки», и вся эта красота без пластических операций и болезненных шлифовок лица. Пациенты в возрасте от 25 до 35 лет получают самую лучшую профилактику старения кожи на долгое время вперед. После радиоволнового лифтинга можно спокойно отменить все дорогостоящие походы в салон красоты на массажи и чудодейственные маски. Мы постарались рассказать вам в настоящей статье о всех чудесах радиоволнового лифтинга, и надеемся, что Ваша красота и молодость затмят все вокруг и будут всегда залогом вашего хорошего настроения и источником неисчерпаемого вдохновения. Советуем почитать: