Brewer's yeast Do you know what brewer's yeast is? Beer or brewing yeast are microscopic fungi that can speed up the fermentation of some organic compounds. Due to this ability this type of yeast has its name, since it is widely used in the brewing industry. The composition of brewer's yeast includes various substances, including provitamin D. The yeast protein contains all the amino acids most important for the body. And that is why in modern medicine all kinds of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) based on brewer's yeast are used.

Properties of beer yeast

What are the benefits of brewer's yeast? Brewer's yeast has medicinal properties. They are drunk with furunculosis, diabetes, gastrointestinal and infectious diseases, skin diseases. Brewer's yeast is used for healing people who need protein and vitamin B, and for people with oppressed secretion of digestive glands. Brewer's yeast improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is extremely useful for ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis. With the help of beer yeast, anemia, obesity and even alcoholism are treated. Application of beer yeast for therapeutic and preventive purposes allows to activate metabolic processes of the body, reduce cholesterol, normalize the intestinal microflora, increase resistance to stress, improve appetite and strengthen immunity. The benefits of brewer's yeast are explained by their composition. The main value of beer yeast is attached to the amino acids contained in their protein. In addition, this wonderful product contains carbohydrates, enzymes, fourteen kinds of vitamins (pyridoxine, provitamin D, folic acid, vitamin H, E, PP), magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron zinc, manganese and other minerals. However, in beer, yeast as such is no longer present, because they are used to ferment the wort. So for health and beauty, you need the use of fresh (live) or dry brewer's yeast. Dry yeast can be purchased at the pharmacy, where they are sold in powder form with a specific odor or in the form of tablets. You can take the pill for medical and preventive purposes, but only after consulting a doctor. Do not forget that self-treatment often turns into unpredictable and even deplorable results. From pharmacy brewer's yeast, you can prepare a healing drink:

  • chopped black bread is dried in the oven until browning,
  • pour boiling water and insist for three hours,
  • infusion filter, add in it brewer's yeast, put on a slow fire and heat up to 70 ° C,
  • we cool the infusion to room temperature, add to it another five grams of brewer's yeast and leave it in a warm place to reach,
  • After eight hours, a healing drink can be consumed by adding sugar or honey for taste.

Important! Take this infusion without consulting a doctor is undesirable, otherwise the expected benefit can turn to harm. Treatment with beer yeast is not shown to everyone. With their independent use, there may be an exacerbation of certain diseases. yeast beer

Brewer's yeast for skin

The use of brewer's yeast for skin is undeniable andis proved not only by medical research, but by practical experience. If acne often appears on the skin, it can be a consequence of improper operation of the intestine, weakening of the immune system or the presence of any toxins in the body. Brewer's yeast, containing antioxidants and amino acids and activating the process of food processing, normalizes the work of the intestines, increases the immunity and facilitates the removal of poisons from the body. Beer yeast is treated and those pimples that appear due to vitamin deficiency or an unstable hormonal background, most often observed in adolescents. To restore the deficit of useful micronutrients in the body, you can take a medicinal drink from brewer's yeast, and to improve the condition of the skin, make cosmetic masks on their basis. Here, for example, which yeast masks are suitable for oily skin, prone to acne and acne.

  • Ten grams of yeast is diluted with a five-percentage solution of alum and applied to the face for ten minutes.
  • Ten grams of yeast is diluted with sour cabbage juice and applied to the face for ten minutes.
  • Ten grams of yeast is bred with table vinegar and applied to the face for ten minutes.

Dry skin and skin prone to wilting, alsois well restored by beer yeast, diluted warm milk, egg yolk and fruit juices. For dry and fading skin, these masks are suitable.

  • Ten grams of yeast and five grams of kaolin are diluted with lemon juice and add one whipped protein. The mask is applied to the face for ten minutes
  • Ten grams of yeast are diluted with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then add a little calcium, mix everything with diluted warm milk with a body-water. The mixture is applied to the face for ten minutes
  • Ten grams of yeast are diluted with onion juice, mixed with one teaspoon of liquid honey and applied to the face for fifteen minutes
  • Ten grams of yeast is mixed with one tablespoon of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and one tablespoon of warm milk. Apply on face for fifteen minutes
  • Ten grams of yeast is bred with freshly harvested berries, one protein is added and applied to the face for fifteen minutes

Yeast masks are applied to the entire face (except the area around the eyes), after which they are washed off first with warm, and then with cold water. brewer's yeast how to take

Brewer's yeast to help hair

The properties of brewer's yeast are successfully used forrestoration and treatment of hair. Moreover, it will be useful and a yeast drink, and special hair masks based on brewer's yeast. Here only to take yeast as an internal remedy is necessary only after consulting a doctor, and from yeast masks hair will not harm - only good. The regenerative and nutritional properties of brewer's yeast can strengthen even the weakest hair.

  • Juice of a large bulb is mixed with half a teaspoonfulspoons of table salt, with the same amount of castor and burdock oil and one tablespoon of yeast diluted with warm water. All thoroughly mixed and put on your head for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.
  • On the water bath we put half the packdissolved in sweet water yeast. After this mass begins to ferment, add two teaspoons of mustard powder and one tablespoon of honey. All stir and we put on hair for one and a half-two hours.
  • If you regularly make masks from dry yeast,filled with a glass of warm milk, you can stop hair loss. In this mixture add one or two eggs and a spoonful of olive oil. Before processing the hair, the mixture should be placed in a warm place for fifteen minutes. Then it is applied to the hair and washed off after one to two hours.
  • To remove dandruff, you need to mix a glass of kefir with one tablespoon of yeast and put it in a warm place. When the mixture wanders a bit, it is applied to the hair for half an hour.

As you can see, brewer's yeast is excellentcosmetic: affordable, inexpensive and extremely effective, which implies that the mask for hair and skin should be done regularly. Their healing properties will help to restore weak hair and improve the skin condition. But to take yeast in tablets or in the form of infusion should be very cautious. Of course, the beneficial properties of brewer's yeast are beyond doubt even by doctors. But! Although this is not a medicine, it's just a biologically active additive, it is not excluded that the body is intolerant of certain components of this additive, hypersensitivity and allergic reactions. Be healthy and stay beautiful forever and in spite of everything! We advise you to read:

