psychology of communication with menDear women, what topic comes up in yourhead repeatedly during the day? Maybe it's cooking dinner? Or buying new shoes to match your handbag? Or the latest gossip about your grumpy boss? No! Most likely, this topic will be the psychology of communicating with men. What would we do without them! But in some situations, it still remains a mystery what goes on in a man's head and how we can live next to them. In order to understand such issues, we wrote this article.

What do men and women want?

It's no secret that men areMars, and women are from Venus. Simply put, there are a lot of differences between us. This is normal and natural, because this is the only way we can perform the functions assigned to us by nature. However, because of this difference, it can sometimes be very difficult to communicate with each other. A wall of misunderstanding, mutual reproaches, grievances - all this accumulates in a relationship like a snowball, which then sweeps away everything in its path. In order for this not to happen, we, women, must understand the psychology of communication with a man. Why not them? Yes, all because their character is more rigid. Men, in principle, are cool to everything that cannot be touched, constructed and seen with their own eyes. And the psyche is a delicate thing, and here the softness and careful corrosiveness of a woman who can study the subject of conversation and be the first to suggest the correct line of behavior will be much more useful. The partner will only have to respond to it. So, the topic of the difference between men and women was touched upon in itself. What are boys made of and what are girls made of? Since childhood, we get used to the fact that men are more active, persistent, aggressive. They are interested in the structure of the world, and they are more inclined to various kinds of research. Men are distinguished by their endurance and strength. From all this follows the male role in relationships - protection, defense. Only a man has what is necessary to solve serious problems in life. Women are much weaker in this regard. Whatever feminist communities say, building a successful career as a top manager is far from a woman's business, because this process requires speed, aggressiveness, persistence, toughness. Or when women rush to defend their opinion with a fight (we have all encountered such "aunts" in queues). These ladies lack softness and tenderness, tolerance and harmony. They try on a man's role and remain in such a "confused" state for a very long time. Which, naturally, does not contribute to productive communication with men. Being a woman means keeping the fire of the hearth: this has been the case since ancient times. We support our men, giving them self-confidence and nourishing their strength. Such a woman has her own special inner strength, consisting in endless patience, meekness and the ability to love. Giving her love, she fills herself with positive energy and fills the man with it. If a man and a woman behave in accordance with their nature, then their communication turns out to be fruitful and comfortable. However, if the roles are reversed or someone does not fulfill their function, then problems begin. After all, the true nature sooner or later breaks out, and then both partners find themselves in confusion and misunderstanding of what is happening to them. Before there was one, now another, somewhere inside you want a third - everything is chaotic and incomprehensible. But how can we prevent such problems between a man and a woman?psychology of communication men and women

Typical Female Errors

As we have already written above, the psychology of communication withIt is you, dear women, who will have to learn how to be a man. And we will start by describing the most common mistakes that you make. What a pity that the science of communication with the opposite sex is not taught at school - it would be much more useful than geometry or astronomy. So, what do we women do wrong most often?

  • We rejoice in men's mistakes For some reason it is believed,that being a bitch is really cool. A sort of Amazon with a bunch of male skulls impaled on a spear. As soon as a man does something wrong, makes a mistake or fails, she reacts like this: “Well, what? I told you! You always…”. And so on and so forth. Of course, at this moment the man feels humiliated and insulted. If he still has the strength, he will be aggressive towards the lady who behaves this way with him. If not, then he will most likely shrink back, pull his head into his shoulders and come to terms with the idea of ​​his complete failure. Well, why do you want to see such a semblance of a man next to you?
  • We demand that every person is separate fromanother world. Women very often forget about this, perceiving themselves and their partner as a single whole. And if so, then you must have common dreams, desires and aspirations. Accordingly, when this picture does not work, the woman begins to resent, stamp her feet and hysterically demand what, in her opinion, she is rightfully entitled to: attention, care, spending time together, a lavish wedding, new shoes, finally. And from the male side it looks like “I do what I can for her, but she still can’t get enough.” As a result, the man gets tired of the insatiable demands of his partner and disappears over the horizon.
  • Inducing Guilt This mistake iscontinuation of the previous one. After the woman's demands become higher and higher, the man does not leave right away. At first, he begins to resent such behavior of his partner, then yells at her. And it is at this very moment that some representatives of the fair sex, instead of saying: "Damn, I think I went too far!", begin to sob hounded. Naturally, throwing tortured glances in the direction of the "unlucky" male. He becomes ashamed, although he himself does not fully understand why. And so the feeling of guilt becomes a habitual companion of communication between a man and a woman. How long do you think they will want to remain in such a state?
  • Being pushy is an unpleasant character trait,which many women have. It is expressed in different actions. For example, some ladies are capable of destroying a man's brain with a huge number of questions per minute. Others will never leave their unhappy partner alone until he does what they need. Still others will insist on spending time together twenty-four hours a day. In all this, a man will feel very, very uncomfortable. Women are thus trying to cope with their own anxiety and inability to wait, but this can backfire on them.
  • Behaving “like men” One of the biggestmistakes for a woman - this is when she becomes a "man". This is manifested in absolutely everything. For example, in communication, a woman becomes aggressive, tough, assertive, rational and pragmatic. Gestures and behavior also change: the gait becomes sweeping, poses - sloppy, gestures - fast and abrupt. The woman lacks grace and smoothness of movements. She swears, smokes and drinks strong alcohol. And, of course, she is proud of herself because she does not behave "like all these women". However, in communication with the opposite sex, such traits are unlikely to serve her well. Perhaps she will have many friends, but no man will want to sleep with a creature like himself.
  • psychology of communication with a man

    The Art of Communication

    We think you understand how, as a woman,не стоит вести себя с партнером. Но какая линия поведения будет правильной? Давайте попытаемся обобщить все, что нам известно. В первую очередь, стоит помнить, что любые отношения основаны на балансе. Сколько вы берете, столько и нужно отдавать, и наоборот. Если этого не происходит, то наступает сбой. Но следует понимать, что мужчины и женщины отдают энергию по-разному. Представители сильного пола чего-то достигают, завоевывают, защищают, помогают решить, а представительницы слабого — поддерживают, утешают, мягко заботятся. В чем конкретно это проявляется? Не уставайте говорить мужчине комплименты и восхищаться его поступками. Вы бы сильно удивились, если бы на своей шкуре узнали, как была бы грустна жизнь без мужской энергетики. Поэтому поддержки достойны любые мелочи в его поведении, будь то забитый в стену гвоздь или подаренные на день рождения спортивный мерседес. Мужчина — это зеркало женской любви, и если женщина верит и любит его, то он никогда не станет неудачником, а между ними всегда будут чувства. Своего партнера нужно уважать — это касается представителей обоих полов. Уважение проявляется как во внутреннем ощущении, так и во внешних действиях. Никогда не рассказывайте своим подругам, насколько ваш мужчина плохо что-то делает. Не смейтесь над ним на людях — только в очень редких случаях, когда это точно будет уместно. Предоставляйте ему возможность самому принимать какие-то касающиеся вас двоих решения. Не лезьте к нему с «ценными» замечаниями, даже если вы точно знаете, как будет лучше, эффективнее и быстрее. Уважение распространяется и на интересы, хобби, занятия — даже если вам не нравятся увлечения партнера, вы все равно считаете их достойными. Окружите своего мужчину заботой и нежностью. Проходя по рядам продуктов в супермаркете, вспомните о том, какой шоколад он любит, и угостите его им на следующей встрече. Если вы живете вместе, то можно предложить мужчине что-то приятное — стакан горячего чая, горячий бутерброд или что-то более интимное. Забота и внимание проявляются в мелочах — когда, делая что-то, мы думаем о любимом человеке. Или отказываемся от чего-то, потому что ему это будет неприятно. Понимайте своего партнера. Вообще это непросто делать, особенно когда мешают свои личные представления, заблуждения и мировоззрения. Женщины особенно начинают много чего додумывать про своих мужчин — это неправильно. Конечно, умение понимать и чувствовать партнера приходит со временем, но к нему необходимо идти. Внимательно слушайте, что он говорит. Находите время для того, чтобы искренне пообщаться по душам, а не про всякие бытовые и поверхностные вещи. И проявляйте много терпения. Не стоит ждать этого от мужчины, ведь именно женщина — по-своему самое крепкое и устойчивое звено в паре. Как вы можете увидеть, ничего сверхъестественного в этих постулатах нет. Это элементарные нормы, которые основаны на любви и понимании как своей внутренней природы, так и партнера. Между мужчиной и женщиной могут случаться ссоры из-за отдельных мелочей, или вы можете столкнуться с кризисами, но чувство совместности должно быть постоянным. Как правило, все решается через честное и открытое общение друг с другом. И тогда пара достигает подлинной близости.

