Today we can often hear in conversationsome young people of the expression "pick-up" or "pick-up". At first glance it seems that this is a car. Yes, the word "pick-up" treats all dictionaries exactly as a cargo-passenger car. However, the pickup, which is currently being discussed in certain circles, has nothing to do with the pickup car. In our case, this term means the art of quick acquaintance and seduction, which does not imply the further development of relations. Or, simply put, the connection for the time of a man and a woman, which does not oblige either one or the other, exactly, to anything. In a word, we can say that a pickup is a pick-up without rules.
Features of a female pickup truck
Previously, such feints were considered exclusivelymale prerogative. Representatives of the male, studying the pickup, attended all sorts of trainings, studied various manuals and generally exerted a lot of effort, improving the skill of fast seduction even the most impregnable girl. They did this, mostly for the sake of entertainment, and not for the purpose of making any serious relationship with this girl. I must say that it turned out that our pick-ups are very good. What did this lead to? As a result, the weaker sex was offended and developed its own pickup rules for girls. Why not? If the guys, based on such rules, allow themselves to fool many young ladies, then it's permissible for us! Gone are the days when it was believed that women should not be frivolous about intimacy and allow it only if there are serious intentions. We, too, are not bastards and we can create our own tricks for a woman pickup truck. In the end, in our time, girls have equal rights with boys in everything and can decide independently whom to tempt them and when to put an end to the relationship! Nevertheless, the pickup rules for girls are different from the pickup rules for guys. The female pick-up implies, first of all, the effectiveness of acquaintances with representatives of the stronger sex, rather than collecting partners for sex. Such acquaintances can become just one of the pleasant episodes, and may serve to further the development of relations. As for the male pickup, it is designed primarily to seduce as many women as possible. This is a sort of championship, where the leader is determined by the number of young ladies who got into his bed. And the rules here are different, focused solely on the fact that this bed was empty as little as possible. What are the rules of pickup for girls?
Pick-up technique for girls
We have already talked about what is pick-up pickupno rules. However, "without rules" in this case means "without any responsibility to the girl in the future", the very same technique of pickup, like any other technique, is based on certain rules. These rules are studied by representatives of the weaker sex on all sorts of pick-up trainings and are discussed in pick-up forums for girls. Technique pick-up for girls provides, in the first place, the development of confidence ladies in that they can get acquainted with any man you liked. And it does not matter that it can seem impregnable, unsociable, too busy or too demanding female sex and unattainable. We must be convinced that you can meet anyone! At the same time, an obligatory condition for a women's pick-up is the choice between men so that the girls do not fixate themselves on a single one, one that does not really suit them. Teaching how to seduce a guy, a pickup says that it is not necessary for a woman to have an effective appearance for this. No, of course, the young lady should be attractive, because a well-groomed disheveled person will not fit any normal guy! But the special beauty of the girl-picapers is not required. The main art of a female pickup is to be able to look at a man so that he feels the interest of a pretty lady in his own person. The technique of a pickup for girls stipulates that they should not take the first steps to acquaintance themselves. Men need to provoke this step, because in fact they are still hunters and prefer to take the initiative in their own hands. Here are the skillful pikapershi, using all sorts of techniques of a female pickup truck, and pushing the representatives of the stronger sex to manifest this initiative. For example, one of these techniques is based on a time-tested NLP-technology request for assistance. The meaning of it is that the girl-pikaper, in order to attract a man-object, asks him to help in solving some problem. This is a win-win move: in addition to helping a young lady, the guy will feel his male superiority over her and his own importance, he will also give her time and put in the girl's strength. And this means that the young man will already pay attention to the young person. The petitioner's pickup phrases for girls can be any: show the way, pass the napkin, help get some goods from the top shelf in the store and stuff. Everything, that will be to time and place and on what imagination will suffice. An indispensable condition in this case is that it is necessary to ask, beginning with help in small things and gradually moving forward to requests for help in something more substantial. As a result, the man-object gets used to the fact that her girl asks for something, gets used to it and unwittingly falls into the network arranged by the pick-up man. At the same time, she should remember that such a trick is effective and effective only if, after fulfilling the request, the boy will be given a warm gratitude along with a subtle compliment. This is one example of a variety of pickup phrases for girls, the use of which is accompanied by a number of tricks and wisdom. To study all this host of techniques to meet men and their seduction is not easy. A number of them can be learned at pick-up trainings, part of finding out, visiting the pickup forum for girls, part - studying some special benefits or inventing something yourself. The main thing is to remember that when doing a pickup, any girl somehow changes her life for the better. Her relationship with the opposite sex is more free, easy and painless. In addition, the lady-pikapersha can build their scheme herself, without waiting for counter actions from the man. In general, the general rules of pick-up for girls look something like this.
- A girl should be in communication with a man independent and friendly at the same time.
- It is necessary to attract attention to itself unobtrusively, by means of sending hardly noticeable signals to the object.
- Applying the technique of pick-up the girl must have coolness and be self-confident.
- The appearance of the girl should be as attractive as possible: well-groomed hair, fashionable clothes, manicure, neat make-up and so on.
- In dialogue with a man, a girl needs to listen more than speak, watch her speech and carefully hide the excitement, if any.
- When dealing with a man from time to timedo him compliments and never mention his former novels, the intention to marry successfully, live in luxury, have expensive jewelry and so on.
- In order to get as much as possible of the attention of the guy, the girl should use the way of mirroring: copy his gestures, posture, manner of speaking.
- After the guy is interested in the girl, she needs to do so that he already copied her gestures, poses, manner of speaking. This will allow the young lady to keep the situation under control.
It seems that these simple rules and many of usthey are able to use them without studying any special techniques. Do you need to know how to seduce a guy, a pickup truck? We kind of do not bother ourselves with bast shoes ... Well, laptem there, or a crystal shoe, it does not matter. What is important is that it's one thing to just seduce a guy, and another is to seriously take someone who wants to be around for a long time, not just one night. And in this case, the use of the pickup technique quite often helps to achieve the desired goal. Well, and then, when a girl really wants sex, does not want to spend much time searching for a partner and does not know how to excite a guy with the words a pickup truck will also help. And what about the women's pick-up men themselves?
Efficiency of a female pick-up truck
I must say that girls who use the techniquesa female pickup truck, have already brought a lot of trouble to the strong half of humanity. A man who has fallen for the bait of a young lady can suffer not only a purse, but also a soul. Often, girls-pikapery actively use their sex appeal and the art of pick-up only in order to just have a good time with a secured guy. About what will happen next, they, at the moment of acquaintance with the chosen man-object, may not think. But he sometimes falls in love seriously ... However, those representatives of the stronger sex who know how to seduce the guys pick-up girls, are often able to determine whether they pick up their pretty creature or not. They know how to read the language of the body, they know many of the techniques of the women's pick-up truck and can counter them with the male ways of pick-up. Or send an amateur to divorce men far away, not particularly with her ceremony. But even such kazanovs in most cases lose to professional pikapersham, perfectly knowing how to excite a guy with the words of a pickup truck. What can we say about those representatives of the stronger sex who do not have any idea of this art of seduction? They instantly fall into the girls' net arranged and can flutter in them for the rest of their lives, suffering at the same time. Therefore, before processing a man, every girl-picapers should think about whether he can eventually become the one with whom she would like to bind her life. After all, consciously inflicting pain on someone is a boomerang. Sooner or later, she will return back, and the picapers will have to pay for her frivolity. Women, when entering into intimate relations with men, most often try to act in accordance with their intuition. This allows them to be as natural as possible, which, of course, is easier and easier than following some rules. The ladies are easier, but the development of relations - alas, alas, alas ... Openness in communication with the opposite sex often goes against these relations. A guy can quickly lose interest in a girl, if in it there is no riddle for him, which must be constantly solved. No, a woman does not have to be very secretive. But too overtly to become too it is not necessary, differently the man's indifference will not be slow to wait. Conclusion: the excessively natural, based solely on intuition, the behavior of a woman is not always the best method to fall in love with a man. If we only hope for him, the relationship with each new friend can be formed according to the same old scheme. Consequently, all our mistakes will be repeated again and again. But all men are different, and each of them needs a new approach. A pick-up for girls helps to avoid mistakes based on stereotypes in relations with members of the stronger sex. He does not offer any specific model of this relationship, he teaches a woman to be flexible, perspicacious, wise. One who knows what she wants, and where her happiness lies. We advise you to read: