how to hint to the guy that you like him He is the best, the most beautiful and the smartestthe guy in the world. You like him so much, you're just crazy about him! He gives you flowers and invites you on a romantic date. What kind of dress to wear? Or maybe jeans and a new top? And how to make a haircut? A manicure? Ah ... Stop it! Come down from heaven to earth. While this is just a dream come true. In reality, "your" guy does not even suspect that you are not indifferent to him. Maybe you are not strong enough to take the initiative into your own hands. Or a little old-fashioned and think that the first step is to make a guy. Or you just can not find the right words to let him know that you like him. Perhaps there is still some reason why you prefer to play hide-and-seek and hide your feelings. But, you know, the risk of playing hide-and-seek is just that if you hide too well, you can never be found. In other words, not daring to admit to the guy in his sympathy, you risk losing it. Now you are at a loss: how can you hint to a young man that you like him? There are several ways to do this. We'll talk about them in our article, and you can choose the one that suits you best. And when you choose, act!

The art of subtle hint

Start by finding out how a guy is about you- if he is against you, you should hardly admit that he likes you: he will absolutely react to all your hints at all the way you dream. If you have mutual friends, try to ask them, ask them to give you advice on how best to behave with them - a view from the outside is often more objective. Well, if you often meet in the same company - then you can begin to take more action. Try to stay close to him. If a young person does not feel antipathy toward you, he will easily allow you to reduce the distance between you to about half a meter. Become a specialist in non-verbal communication to understand if the guy likes your company. First, learn to read the body language. Open postures (hands are not crossed on the chest or are not hidden behind the back) - this is a good sign: the chances that the guy will listen to your words, go up. Secondly, talk actively on the body language. Avoid closed poses, as this can be subconsciously interpreted as a manifestation of self-doubt, distrust of the interlocutor or even aggression. Find the reasons to accidentally touch his arm or shoulder. This will allow you to hint that you are counting on something more than just a friendly relationship. When talking or random meetings with him (let him think that random!) Smile. A sincere smile evokes a desire to smile back and lifts the mood. Friendliness and benevolent attitude work miracles: he will be pleased to be in your company and communicate with you. And you will show that you are happy, and, by the way, you will have an excellent reason to tell him how you like his smile. Smile, even if you just meet with looks. Try to make him small compliments. It's not true that only women love with their ears. Men are also extremely indifferent to the recognition of their merits, even if they carefully hide it. But remember, do not need anything colorful and intricate, nothing fictitious and tortured. Your compliments should come from the heart, and the guy must understand this. "You have a great sense of humor", "You are very suited to this sweater, you have a wonderful taste", "Nobody understands computers better than you", "It amazes me how much you know about cinema" - if you are not indifferent to it, then You can continue this list indefinitely, because the person you like is always the very-very. Try not to bend a stick and do not praise it every five minutes for minor reasons: here even the most vain man can suspect that they are laughing at him. Emphasize that you have a lot in common with him: say, for example: "I also like black and white cinema." It would be nice if you could turn your compliment into a short conversation. For example, if you simply praise his sweater, he may not know how to react. Try to start a conversation about styles in clothes and gradually let him know that you approve of his taste. Guys like when they are praised (yes, they can be very conceited). Flirt with him. A small flirtation will help make your relationship less formal. For example, if he jokes, laugh, but only if his joke really you like. Otherwise, just smile politely. You can tease him from time to time, but with care and tact, so as not to offend. Noticing it in the company of friends, you can wave it to him. This will allow him to understand that you distinguish him among the other guys. Do not be upset that he did not wave back, because he smiled at you? If he smiled, then your innocent flirtation worked. Make him a small gift. Perhaps this idea seems strange to you, but just imagine that you are giving a gift to your best friend or girlfriend. It does not matter what you decide to give, do not make a whole idea out of it: say something like "I happened to see it in the store and thought about you." Do not give anything extravagant or expensive. The gift should be small, so that the guy does not think that he is obliged to give you something in return. It will be better if you give him something that he really likes - so he will understand that you think about him and accept him as he is. Talking with his friends, mention that you like him. This, of course, can be risky, since you can not predict how they will react to your frankness. They can start teasing him or you, they can distort your words when they tell you your conversation, or not tell him anything at all. Therefore, resort to this method in the last place. If you trust his friends, ask them to casually mention in conversation with him about your sympathy. But just "accidentally", otherwise it will seem to you that you are driving him into a corner and demanding a decision about your relationship. So, if you take a chance and his friends do not let him down, he will know about your feelings and he will have to retaliate. how to hint to the guy that I like him

What if the guy does not understand the hints

You've already tried all the ways to givea guy to understand that you are not indifferent to him, but nothing changes? It seems that all your efforts are wasted and his attitude to you remains the same. In that case, there is nothing left but to tell the guy directly that you like him. It's better to put all the dots over the "i", than to bitterly regret your shyness or indecisiveness. But before you open all your cards to him, answer the question: does he really not understand your hints or just do not want to understand? Unfortunately, it happens that it is much easier for a guy to pretend that hints do not reach him, than to tell a girl directly that she does not care about him. This is not very nice from his side, because such behavior can give you hope that a romantic relationship between you is still possible. And it can also happen that he does not really understand what you're driving at. Alas, men sometimes can be surprisingly thick-skinned and insensitive to small female tricks. In any case, you can hint to infinity, but nothing can be achieved. And this means that you will have to frankly express your feelings. Even the most determined girl gets lost in this situation and will not know what to do. In fact, you can not just go up to him and baffle him with the admission that you like him. From the unexpected, he can react quite differently than you want. It is better to call the women's tricks again to help and approach the solution of this problem as if you were a commander before a decisive battle. Choose a convenient time and place for a conversation. Near to you there should be no strangers. Even if you are very nervous and think that the presence of a best friend will give you courage, do not ask her to help you. In this situation, the third will always be superfluous. Either the guy decides that you want to make fun of him, or her friend will intervene at the most inopportune moment. His friends are also bad witnesses for your conversation - in the company of other guys, he may want to show you his independence and might offend you by a silly joke. So do not tempt fate: your confession is only for him. You both should not be in a hurry anywhere. Do not talk about your feelings on the run. After all, this conversation is important for you, even if your young man understands this too. Smile! An open smile helps create a welcoming atmosphere and helps you gain self-confidence. Be sure to look the guy in the eye, if you want to let him know that your feelings are really serious. Start a conversation with some neutral topic and gradually bring it to the main. Think over the different scenarios of the conversation and how you will proceed to your confession, depending on the development of the situation. Of course, there is a little bit of manipulation here, but in this case it does not harm anyone, and so do not think that you are acting dishonorably with a guy. The following advice may seem ridiculous, but we nevertheless strongly recommend that you pre-rehearse before your mirror your confession. Imagine that you are an actress and you pass the test for the main role in a film or theater production. Play with intonation and a look, say the words "I like you" several times until you get used to how they sound. Be sure to think about your outfit: do not dress too playfully or excessively severely. Your makeup should also look natural and not distract from your attention. Prepare yourself in advance for the possible reaction of the guy to your confession. It will be wonderful if he answers that he is also not indifferent to you. But there is the likelihood that he will say that he does not have any sympathy for you. Do not forget about your self-esteem, do not make hysterics and, of course, try not to talk too much of it. It is important to save face and not give the guy the slightest reason to think of you as an unbalanced or exalted person. Believe that afterwards, mentally returning to this conversation, you will know that, thanks to your restraint, you have nothing to reproach yourself for. By letting go of negative feelings, you will only hurt yourself. Of course, it is possible that the young man will be lost from surprise, especially if he really did not notice your hints. Remember that people can give the most unexpected reactions from confusion. Therefore, add that you yourself are a little worried: "For the first time I tell a guy that I'm not indifferent to him, and I'm a little nervous, because I'm not sure that you like me." If he asks you to give him a time-out to think about your words, do not ask for an immediate answer. Most likely, you will also need some time to break down the adrenaline and the emotions caused by your bold confession have somewhat subsided. Give each other this opportunity. If you are still desperate to tell the guy that you like him, face to face, we advise you to write to him about it. Send him a personal message "VKontakte" or "Facebook." So you will be less nervous, and he will have the opportunity to think for a while before giving you an answer. The drawback of this method is that you will have to wait for an answer, worrying and alternating from hope to despair. This can be a real test, especially if the young man is not rushing to respond. The point is always better than the dots, even if it is set after "Let's just stay friends". how to let the guy know that I like him

If you do not know him personally

The most common story: you met in one of the social networks, you correspond, exchange photos, but do not know each other in real life. Now online dating is not uncommon and does not cause condemnation or misunderstanding. Moreover, some prefer this kind of communication. As in such circumstances, hint to the guy that you are not indifferent to him? Make it much easier than in real life. First, to help the prudes, there is a whole system of so-called "smileys", the main purpose of which is to reflect those emotions that you are experiencing at the moment, and help your companion understand you better. Communication on forums, in chat rooms, in ICQ and social networks does not imply direct eye contact. Your interlocutor does not see or hear you, just as you can not see or hear him, so emoticons play the same role that looks, intonations, facial expressions, gestures play in a living speech. If you want to let the guy understand that you are not indifferent to him, you can, for example, put smileys-"kisses" instead of standard smiley smiles. The main thing is not to put them too often, otherwise the guy will get used to them and will not pay any attention to them any more. In addition, when talking with an online guy, you can also use some of the above methods to declare your sympathy for him. Compliments or easy flirting will be as effective as in real life. You can, for example, send him an online postcard with a playful inscription or describe your ideal man, which - what a coincidence! - as if written off from your interlocutor. You can put in your status in the social network words from the song of Anna Herman "And I like him, I like him, I like it ..." and then with jocular hints to answer his question, to whom exactly are you so indifferent that you are ready to shout about it to the whole world. For flirting, witty jokes and funny smileys, talking (or rather, writing) with you is becoming more interesting and pleasant. The Internet involves a freer, relaxed and uninhibited style of communication. As a rule, writing a guy something like "You like me more and more like you" or "I like talking to you" is psychologically easier than in real life. After all, if it seems to you that something is going wrong, you can simply disconnect from the network or pretend that the young man misunderstood you. It is possible to correspond with a guy in the network indefinitely, but if you really like it, sooner or later you will have to transfer the communication to another level: to let know that you do not mind meeting with him. Most likely, he will agree, especially if he has correctly deciphered all your hints. On the other hand, in this situation there are also pitfalls. Getting acquainted in the network, do not forget that your interlocutor can be anyone and anything. There is nothing difficult in filling out your questionnaire with fictitious data or giving someone else's photo. In other words, the network can be any person and play any role. It is rather difficult to understand who is who. Do not forget that the Internet has long been chosen by the so-called pick-up artists, in order to start a non-binding acquaintance. To enchant the girl and force her to admit that she likes her does not make any difficulty for the pick-up. And what in the end? A broken heart, a feeling that you were betrayed, and a loss of confidence in other young people. It's no secret that girls often make the same common mistake: they make up an ideal guy. They think that their Internet-friend is able to understand them, like no other, he is smart, resourceful and witty. Without noticing it, they endow it with all positive qualities, they like it more and more, and eventually they fall in love with it. But it may not justify your expectations and disappoint you after a date in real life: it is possible that the knowledge of the movie, so admiring you, he scooped from Wikipedia and "worked" a little on his smile in photos in Photoshop. You have to be ready for this. how to let the guy know that you like him

A few more tips

Remember the feeling of the measure, do not overdo it. Do not go too far, trying to penetrate his personal space, if you do not want him to decide that you are following him. Do not make a tragedy if he does not respond to your tender feelings. After all, this is our life, and there is always a lot of separation in it, for which there are always new meetings. Love yourself and accept yourself as you are. Do not forget that you are special, do not give up on yourself under any circumstances, even to please the most beautiful prince in the world. At the same time, remember that the young man you like is also a person. Let him know that you appreciate him. A confident girl will not go unnoticed. The main thing, do not confuse immediacy with swagger. Do not fall in love blindly with the guy from the chat. Be psychologically ready for the fact that it may not meet your expectations. But if this happened, do look at him carefully: maybe you should give him a second chance? It happens that at the first meeting there is a feeling of awkwardness that spoils a good impression from your friend. Listen to your intuition, no matter what advice the girls give you, already burned in a similar situation. As you see, letting the young man understand that you like him, it's not so difficult and scary as it might seem at first glance. Hint about your feelings can be with the help of words, a smile or a gift. We wish you good luck in mastering the art of small female tricks!

