When does pregnancy occur 4 weeks - this isthe time of transformation of the fertilized egg into an embryo, which resembles a flat disk. The embryo consists of three germ layers, which serve as the beginning of the formation of the tissues and organs of the child. The inner layer is called the endoderm, from which the liver, lungs, digestive system, kidneys and other internal organs develop. Pregnancy 4 weeks its signs appear inside the body of the expectant mother: the second layer - the mesoderm serves as the basis for the muscular and circulatory system, the heart and kidneys are formed from the mesoderm. And the ectoderm - the outer layer gives rise to skin, hair, nervous system and tooth enamel. A little later, the cells of the layers take their places, and the formation of the fetal head begins.
Intrauterine development of the baby at 4 weeksPregnancy 4 weeks symptoms: The moment of laying all the organs is extremely important, during this period the extraembryonic organs are also laid - the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. The placenta develops from the chorion, and the amnion - the amniotic sac. Extraembryonic organs in the diagnosis of pregnancy 4 weeks are still practically inaccessible to ultrasound examination, although the doctor will already be able to establish the fact of pregnancy. The woman begins to notice changes in her character. Sometimes expectant mothers are overly irritable, they quickly get tired. This is a consequence of hormonal changes, in addition, most pregnant women note swelling and hypersensitivity of the nipples.
Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy But how not to confuseAre these symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome? Should I have an ultrasound every month? There is another solution: you can buy a test system at any pharmacy that can be used to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. The instructions included with the test system will help you conduct diagnostics at home quickly, efficiently and reliably. As a rule, high-quality test systems can be used a few days before the onset of menstruation, but the optimal time for home diagnostics is the 5th week of pregnancy, as this is when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin will be higher. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most important for the future baby; it is important to continue to lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more often and take vitamins. Other aspects should be discussed with your doctor. We recommend reading: