People have always been interested in healthnutrition. Books about healthy lifestyles and diets are becoming bestsellers. Magazines and social networks are full of recommendations about healthy products and eating habits. There is a huge amount of information. We invite you to make your own conscious choice based on research, experiments and observations. Be informed - read a selection of the amazing properties of plant-based food. Doctor of science, researcher and humanitarian Colin Campbell with the help of the "China Study" eliminates ambiguities and radically changes people's views on knowledge about nutrition. At the same time, all his statements are backed by indisputable evidence. What do the results of the studies say? A healthy diet based on plant protein is nourishing, cures and prevents obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart disease, vision, bone and kidney disease. We present to your attention 5 studies and experiments on the advantages of plant foods over animal foods. 1. Plant-based diet against cancer. The protein contained in cow's milk is 87% casein. Indian scientists conducted an experiment on two groups of rats. Both groups were given the same amount of aflatoxin (a substance that causes cancer). At the same time, the diet of one group of animals contained 20% protein, which is comparable to the usual level of its consumption in Western countries. In the second group, the diet contained only 5% protein. Absolutely all animals in the first group fell ill with liver cancer, while not a single rat fell ill in the second. What does this mean? Nutrition can neutralize the effect of even powerful carcinogens and helps reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, simply adjusting the amount of animal proteins in the rats' diet made it possible to control the growth of an existing tumor. At the same time, as experiments have shown, increasing the consumption of plant proteins does not affect the course of the disease.
2. Plant foods will protect you from heart disease.Over the past 60 years, scientists and doctors have paid much attention to the study of heart diseases. The figure below compares the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases in 20 countries: Countries where people consume less saturated fats and animal proteins and more vegetables, fruits and whole grains have a low incidence of heart disease. Their diet is based on plant foods, while the diet of Western countries is based on animal foods. Based on statistics, a logical conclusion follows: eating animal foods (meat, milk, eggs, fish) leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood, and plant foods (legumes, light-colored vegetables, fruits, carrots, potatoes and some grains) - to a decrease. 3. Plant foods prevent the development of diabetes. Almost 70 years ago, Harold Himsworth compared nutrition and the incidence of diabetes in six countries. In some countries, the population ate mainly animal foods (rich in fat), and in others - plant foods (rich in carbohydrates). The figure shows the relationship between nutrition and mortality rates for these countries at the beginning of the 20th century. As carbohydrate consumption increases and fat consumption decreases, the mortality rate from diabetes drops sharply. How to prevent diabetes? Eat plant foods. 4. A plant-based diet is a direct path to health and endurance. World-class triathletes, track and field athletes, tennis players, and marathon runners have discovered that eating low-fat plant foods gives a significant advantage in achieving results. Scientists in the laboratory fed laboratory rats food rich in animal protein and compared them with other rats that were fed food low in such protein. Guess what happened when both groups of rats were given the opportunity to spin on a wheel? Those whose food contained a small amount of animal protein spun much longer and showed less fatigue than those whose diet resembled the diet of most of us. The same effect was observed in world-famous athletes. 5. A plant-based diet - eat and lose weight. The average calorie intake per kilogram of body weight of the least active Chinese is 30% higher than that of the average American. Yet their weight is 20% lower. Why do even the least active Chinese, while consuming more calories, not have problems with excess weight? What was their secret?
There are two possible explanations for thisparadox. First, the Chinese are more physically active than the average American. In China, a very popular way for office workers to get to and from work is by bicycle. So, of course, they burn more calories. Second, 90% of the protein consumed in China is of plant origin. Scientists fed laboratory animals a low-protein diet. They consistently consumed slightly more calories, gained less weight, got rid of excess calories by converting them into heat, and voluntarily increased physical activity, while they developed cancer much less often than those whose diet was standard. They burned calories faster, transforming them into heat to warm the body, since the amount of oxygen they absorbed increased. There is an orderly and effective mechanism for controlling body weight over a long period of time, unlike the disorderly process of strict diets, which turn out to be ineffective. A person needs only 50 kcal per day to warm the body and prevent the process of accumulation of body fat in our body. The answer to health problems is your daily diet. It's simple. Whole foods containing complex carbohydrates are very helpful: unprocessed fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as unpolished brown rice and oatmeal. Eliminate refined flour products, sugary cereals, white bread, candy and soda from your diet. Give yourself a month to change your daily diet and you will see the following:
Make the right choice.Start improving your physical and mental health today. Good luck, patience and a great mood to you on this path! You can study the research, experiments and 700 primary sources in the book "The China Study". If you decide to change your diet - healthy recipes from the best chefs and experts can be found in the book "Recipes of the "China Study"" published by "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".