Measurement of basal temperature is today a favorite folk way in planning pregnancy, so it is so important to learn how to correctly draw a basal temperature (BT) chart.
Why measure BT
Basal (rectal) - body temperature aftersleep at least 3-6 hours, a person should be at rest. Measurement of basal temperature is made in the mouth, in the rectum, in the vagina. The body temperature at this point is practically independent of external factors. Most women perceive the doctor's request to measure basal temperature as a formality, but this is not at all the case. Measurement of basal temperature is one of the tests for the diagnosis of ovarian function. Based on the results of its measurement, a graph is constructed, which is subsequently analyzed. To measure basal temperature and schedule is recommended in the following cases:
- With unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant within one year.
- If you suspect a partner or infertility.
- If you suspect a gynecologist you have hormonal disorders
- If you want to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
- In experiments with methods of floor planning.
When measuring the basal body temperature, you can find out:
- The time of egg maturation (determine the day of ovulation with a view to protecting or, conversely, the best opportunity to become pregnant);
- To determine the quality of the endocrine system;
- Prevent possible gynecological problems, for example, endometritis;
- Identify the boundaries of the menstrual cycle;
- Determine the onset of pregnancy with a delay in menstruation;
- Assess whether the ovaries produce hormones in different phases of the cycle.
Correct basal temperature measurementcan in addition to the presence of ovulation show and its absence, indicate violations in the endocrine and reproductive system. It is necessary to make basal temperature measurements for at least 3 cycles for the accuracy of information that will allow you to predict the date of ovulation and determine the most favorable time for conception. To measure basal temperature you will need an ordinary medical thermometer (mercury or electronic). The thermometer is prepared from the evening in advance, put it next to the bed.
How to measure basal temperature
What does BT depend on?
BT of the body changes during the cycle under the influence ofhormones. During the maturation of the egg, the level of estrogen rises (the initial phase of the cycle, hypothermic), BT is low, on the eve of ovulation the temperature drops to a minimum and then rises again, becoming maximum. At this time, ovulation occurs. The temperature after ovulation is high, which is due to a decrease in the level of estrogens and an increase in the level of progesterone. Pregnancy due to the influence of progesterone also occurs at elevated temperature. The difference between low and high temperature phases is 0.4-0.8 °. Only with a particularly accurate measurement of BT, it is possible to record all phases of the cycle. During menstruation, usually about 37 ° C, during the maturation of the follicle not more than 37 ° C, immediately before ovulation the values decrease, and the basal temperature after ovulation is slightly increased - to 37.1 ° C. Until the next monthly BP is increased and slightly reduced to the onset of menstruation. If the BT index of the first phase is higher than in the second, this may indicate an insufficient amount of the hormone estrogen, medications will be needed to correct this. If the second phase of the second phase is lower than the first one, one can draw conclusions about the low level of progesterone, which also requires correction of the hormonal background. A stable two-phase cycle indicates the ovulation that has occurred. This is the norm for healthy ovaries. By plotting the BT schedule, you can not only know when ovulation occurs, but also determine the processes that take place in your body. If the graph is correctly constructed, then it is possible not only to determine the ovulation at basal temperature, but also to detect some diseases.
Definition of ovulation
Speaking about the onset of ovulation, the rules of WHO should be listed:
- 3 temperature values in a row should be above the line level, which is drawn from above the six preceding temperature values.
- The difference between the three temperature values and the middle line should be at least 0.1 degrees in two days out of three and not less than 0.2 degrees on one of the specified days.
It happens that it is not always possible to determineovulation by this method due to the presence of high temperatures in the initial phase of the cycle. Then, analyzing the graph of the basal temperature, the "finger rule" is used: values that differ from the preceding or subsequent ones by more than 0.2 degrees are excluded. These values should not be taken into account if the BT schedule as a whole corresponds to the norm. The most optimal time for conception is the day of ovulation itself and two days before its onset. In general, the cycle length of 21-35 days is considered the norm. If your cycle is different from these values, then ovarian dysfunction is possible, which often causes infertility.
Length of the second phase
The basal temperature chart can be divided into 2phase. The division is marked at the place of putting the ovulation line (it is vertical). The duration of the second phase is 12-16 days in normal, usually 14 days. The duration of the first phase varies greatly, it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. At the same time, the total cycle time varies only because of the duration of the first phase. An example of a frequent problem, identified on the graphs and confirmed by subsequent studies, is the inadequacy of the second phase. If, during observation for several menstrual cycles after what basal temperature, you noted that the second phase is less than 10 days, you need to consult a gynecologist. The normal graph is the temperature difference between phases 1 and 2, not more than 0.4 degrees. If this is not the case, hormonal problems can occur. It is worth doing an analysis on estrogen and progesterone. Example chart for estrogen-progesterone insufficiency There is a slight increase in indicators in the 2nd phase. The difference between the indices of phases 1 and 2 is not more than 0.2-0.3 °. BT begins to rise only shortly before menstruation, with premenstrual lowering absent. Phase 2 can last at least 10 days. Such a schedule is not the norm, this may indicate a loss of vitality. On such a chart there will be no characteristic basal temperature for ovulation, it may be in this case about the anovulatory cycle. Any woman may have an anovulatory cycle from time to time, but it should not be repeated several times in a row. Without ovulation it is impossible to become pregnant. Example of the schedule for estrogen deficiency This is a disorderly temperature line, there are significant swings in the indices, in which case it is necessary to take blood tests for hormones and conduct an ultrasound study. If necessary, medications are prescribed. Example of the graph with estrogen deficiency In the first phase, the hormone estrogen prevails in the body of a woman. Under his influence, BT before the onset of ovulation is kept within 36.2-36.5 °. If the indices in phase 1 increase and stay above these values, estrogen deficiency is assumed. Then the averages of the 1 phase rise to 36.5-36.8 ° and stay at this level. To correct the situation, hormones are prescribed. An example of a graph with inflammation of the appendages Another cause of an increase in the temperature values in the 1 phase may be inflammation of the appendages. Then the indices rise only to 37 ° for a couple of days in phase 1, and then fall again. With this schedule it is difficult to calculate ovulation. The basal temperature during ovulation can be masked by an increase due to the inflammatory process. This is an example of why it is important to determine BT indicators throughout the cycle. Example of the graph for endometritis Normally the temperature indices in the 1 phase decrease in the course of menstrual bleeding. If the indicators at the end of the cycle fall before the onset of menstruation and again rise to 37 ° at the onset of menstruation, this indicates, most likely, about the endometrium. Characteristic decrease in temperature values before menstruation and increase with the beginning of a new cycle. An example of a graph with a deficiency of a yellow body In the 2 nd phase, progesterone is produced in the body. He is responsible for raising the temperature in phase 2 and prevents the onset of menstruation. With a lack of its temperature, the temperature rises slowly, and pregnancy in this case may be threatened. The body temperature rises before the menstrual period, there is no premenstrual decline. But the diagnosis is still based on the analysis of progesterone, taken in phase 2. Example of the graph with estrogen-progesterone insufficiency In case of a combination of a low temperature in the 2 nd phase and a slight increase in the indices (0.2-0.3 ° C) after the onset of ovulation, one can see an example of the insufficiency of two hormones. Example of the graph for hyperprolactinemia Because of the increase in the prolactin hormone, which is responsible for maintaining lactation and pregnancy, the BT schedule may be similar to that of a pregnant woman. Monthly may also be absent. Signs of possible infertility, which can be determined by the schedule of BT:
- The average value of 2 phases is greater than the average value of 1 phase by less than 0.4 °. In the 2nd phase of the cycle there are drops in temperature values (below 37 °).
- The increase in values in the middle of the menstrual cycle is longer than 3-4 days.
- Phase 2 is less than 8 days.
How to determine pregnancy by BT
The definition of pregnancy by this method is possibleonly with ovulation. Once again, it should be recalled that the temperature of the body fluctuates with ovulation: before its onset BT is low (to 37 °), before ovulation BT decreases, immediately after its onset rises by 0.4-0.5 °. If the BT after the jump (basal temperature during ovulation) continues to be elevated for more than 14 days, this indicates a pregnancy. In the case of pregnancy, menstruation does not occur, the temperature indicators remain elevated throughout pregnancy. Decreased BT during pregnancy can talk about the lack of hormones that are responsible for maintaining a pregnancy, this can cause a threat of its interruption. The setting of any diagnosis only on the basis of BT schedules is impossible, the final diagnosis is made on the basis of examinations conducted by a gynecologist.