how is the human papillomavirus transmitted Alas and ah, but modern man constantlylies in wait for a huge number of very different diseases - both dangerous and not very much. And one of these diseases is the papilloma, the development of which provokes HPV-virus human papillomavirus. By the way, this virus is very widespread, so almost any person can become infected. And very often an infected person for a very long time does not even suspect that he is a carrier of the human papillomavirus. First, let's see what the papilloma is. Probably, the fact that this disease belongs to a group of sexually transmitted diseases will not surprise anyone. But does everyone know how to recognize this disease, affecting both the skin and mucous membranes? Of course, in the stage of asymptomatic flow, it is difficult to recognize the diseases - the only way is to have a laboratory blood test.

Symptoms of the disease

Sooner or later, a virus that has penetrated the bodymakes itself felt. The incubation period is also different - from several days to several months, and sometimes even years after contact with an infected partner. Everything depends solely on the state of immunity of the infected person. As a rule, single or group neoplasms appear on the skin and mucous membranes. They can be as flat as a half pea, and convex, like a rice seed. Dimensions can also vary very much from small to very large. In especially severe cases, condylomas are similar to cauliflower. Most often, condylomas are located around the anus, vulva, inside and outside the vagina, on the scrotum, penis, and sometimes on the inside of the thighs. Predict how the neoplasms behave, it is almost impossible - they can remain unchanged, decrease without any outside intervention, or begin to increase rapidly in size. Widespread theory that condyloma sooner or later degenerates into a malignant formation. However, this is nothing more than a simple "horror story". Doctors say that no transformation takes place. How is the papilloma virus transmitted?

Methods of transmission of the virus

So, what is the human papilloma virus, is it more or less clear. Now you need to figure out how you can get infected with this virus:

  • Sexual way of infection

The most common method of infectionthe virus of human papilloma, of course - the sexual way. If one of the partners is infected, then during sexual intercourse - and it does not matter, vaginal, oral or anal - the virus penetrates the mucosa of the second partner. So, there is enough microcracks or other, even the slightest, damage to the mucous membrane, so that the virus has penetrated into the body and settled there. And what is surprising - doctors note the fact that most often the virus is transmitted from a man to a woman. Although, of course, women infect men very often. Of course, people whose sexual relations are disorderly are at risk. In addition, it has been proven that smoking and drinking alcohol also significantly increase the risk of infection, since the mucous membranes under the influence of ethyl alcohol and nicotine become much more vulnerable.

  • Vertical way of infection

The vertical mode of transmission of infection is thatThe case when the virus is transmitted during childbirth, from a pregnant woman to a crumb. This happens during the passage of the child's birth canal. Where, in fact, is the human papilloma virus. That is why in cases of very neglected course of the disease, doctors can decide on the need for a cesarean section to prevent transmission of the papilloma virus. Although for the sake of justice it should be noted that this is the most extreme measure.

  • Household way of infection

Very rarely, but sometimes the doctors fixcases of domestic infection with human papillomavirus. which, incidentally, is not surprising - after all, if the virus is transmitted with a normal kiss, then why should not it be transmitted through dishes, towels, washcloths and other household items? Although considering that the incubation period of this disease is very, very great, it is almost impossible to establish exactly how infection occurred. That is why it is so important not to forget about elementary rules of personal hygiene, especially in public places - baths, saunas, a shower, cloakrooms. how is the human papillomavirus transmitted vertically

Treatment of the virus

If you notice a malignancy, immediatelygo to the doctor. Despite the fact that the signs of the disease are extremely specific and confusing them with something it is almost impossible, it is still worthwhile to apply to a doctor. The doctor not only confirms the diagnosis, but also prescribes the optimal treatment, taking into account your overall health. Pay attention - if the infection has sexually transmitted and you know from which partner you got this "reward", let him know. Because the treatment is necessary for both - both women and men. By the way, remember a very important moment! Do not rush to break with your second half if you are diagnosed with human papillomavirus. As has been repeatedly mentioned above, sometimes the incubation period can be very long. So, it is possible that there was no infidelity. And the disease is just an echo of a stormy youth. Therefore, be sensible, put aside the frying pan, rolling pin and other heavy and prickly-cutting objects, try to calm down and leave together to the doctor. Remember also that sometimes even a full course of adequate treatment does not help to completely get rid of the human papilloma virus. External signs of the disease completely disappear, but the virus slumbers in the body - and at any time can not only be transmitted to someone else, but again to express themselves with specific eruptions. And maybe all my life quietly "dozing", not manifesting in any way. In this case, the person is the carrier of the virus. We advise you to read:

