pie with a mango and applesSometimes it's good to indulge your weaknesses:If you want to enjoy a piece of delicious pastry, do it. After all, scientists have long proven that sweets are a kind of natural joy pill. Under the influence of certain enzymes, the "happiness hormone" is produced in the human body, or, as experts call it, serotonin. It is this that lifts the mood, and life appears before us in a beautiful pink color. Therefore, today we will improve the state of mind with the help of a fruit dessert. We suggest baking an incredibly tender apple pie with semolina. The undeniable advantages of the dish are, firstly, the ease of its preparation, and secondly, its economy. You will need an inexpensive set of products available to every housewife: cereals, eggs, butter and other ingredients. If you like spices, we recommend taking note of the recipe with cinnamon. And a dessert intended for meeting guests should be served accordingly. We will tell you how to do it correctly and beautifully. Well, let's go on a culinary journey? While following the instructions below, don't be afraid to use your imagination sometimes. Sometimes small experiments only benefit the dish.

Apple manicure with creamy cream

Do you want to treat your family with a fragrant pie?from semolina with apples? Perhaps you will like the first recipe, the "highlight" of which is the milk sauce. The dessert itself is very appetizing and juicy, so it can be served without gravy. However, we decided to diversify the dish: we suggest making a special milk cream that will give your creation a more delicate taste. So, let's put off talking for later, and now let's get down to business. Ingredients: For the pie:

  • a glass (with a slide) of sifted flour
  • a small spoon of baking soda (if you want, you can replace this ingredient with a special powder for loosening the dough)
  • 195 grams of granulated sugar
  • one cup of semolina
  • one and a half kilograms of juicy and sweet apples
  • 60 grams of butter (for processing the shape and lubrication of the future pie)

For the cream:

  • slightly less than a glass of pasteurized milk
  • 150 milliliters of cream
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  • fifteen grams of flour
  • yolks - two pieces
  • two pinch of vanillin

Method of preparation: Рецепт этого блюда очень простой, если решитесь приготовить кушанье самостоятельно, вы убедитесь в этом на практике. Любое мучное изделие — будь то пирог, пирожки, оладьи, торт или другое — следует делать только из просеянной муки. В противном случае выпечка может попросту не подняться или выйти слишком твердой. Итак, высыпьте в глубокую миску манную крупу и сахарный песок. Пшеничный продукт соедините с содой — как видите, гасить ее не нужно, — полученную смесь введите к вышеуказанным ингредиентам. Перемешайте продукты, затем займитесь яблоками. Вымойте их и просушите, после срежьте кожуру, удалите ненужную сердцевину и косточки, а оставшуюся мякоть натрите на самой мелкой тёрке. Фрукты должны быть сочными, ведь под действием нектара, который будет выделяться из них в процессе выпечки, манка распушится и разбухнет. Если же вам попался сухой сорт, придется немного изменить рецепт: залейте крупу 1/3 стакана молока или кефира и отставьте в сторону на несколько минут. Когда продукт увеличится в размере, можете приступать к дальнейшим приготовлениям. Мы подошли к завершающему этапу — к сборке десерта. Пирог выкладывается послойно в посуду, смазанную маслом. В принципе, для обработки формы можете использовать маргарин. Итак, когда справитесь с поставленной задачей, высыпьте сухую манную смесь, сверху выложите на нее тёртую яблочную мякоть, затем повторите процедуру в этой же последовательности. Учтите, что последний слой обязательно должен состоять из крупы со сладким песком и мукой. Разровняйте верхушку изделия лопаткой и посыпьте маслом, натерев его на крупной тёрке. Вам будет гораздо легче работать, если заранее заморозите сливочный продукт в холодильнике. Как видите, рецепт довольно простой, каждый желающий с его помощью сможет испечь аппетитный десерт. Для этого не нужно обладать ни опытом, ни особыми талантами. Все элементарно и не слишком сложно: смешали, засыпали, утрамбовали и отправили в печь. Кстати, изделие выпекается от 50 до 60 минут, что касается температуры, то она не должна превышать 200 градусов. Пока блюдо подходит, есть время заняться кремом. Сначала аккуратно разделите яйца: белки уберите в сторону, они на этот раз не понадобятся, а желтки взбейте металлическим венчиком в пышную однородную смесь. Продолжая работать прибором, введите в нее сахар (ориентируйтесь на свой вкус) и сюда же просейте муку, перемешайте и отставьте. Теперь подогрейте на тихом огне молоко, следите, чтобы оно не закипело. Тонкой струёй вылейте в него яичную массу, добавьте несколько щепоток ванилина и варите крем, периодически помешивая, еще три-четыре минуты. В отдельной пиале взбейте миксером сливки и сахар, полученный соус соедините с молочно-яичной смесью. Активными движениями перемешайте и дождитесь, пока он немного загустеет. Мы показали самый простой и недорогой рецепт крема, однако при желании можете сделать другую подливу, например, шоколадную или ванильную. Самое время вынимать пирог из духовки, только прежде обязательно проверьте, достаточно ли он пропекся. Аккуратно проткните изделие спичкой или шпажкой: если тесто не прилипает к дереву, которое при этом остается сухим, значит можете смело подавать его гостям. Порежьте десерт на порционные кусочки, разложите по тарелкам и полейте нежным молочным кремом. Чтобы пирог выглядел еще аппетитнее, украсьте его свежими ягодами малины, брусники или смородины. В общем, задействуйте свою фантазию на все 100%!  apple pie

"Apple Boom" cake with cinnamon

Every recipe for any dish - be it a dessert,salad, hot dishes, etc. are a separate culinary story, with their own peculiarities and nuances of preparation. From the huge abundance of dishes known to the world today, it is very difficult to choose something worthwhile, something that will suit you. Therefore, we have compiled a kind of "library" of the most interesting and delicious instructions for our readers. These tips will help make your life sweeter and tastier. So take the recipe in your hands and create for your own pleasure. Charlotte with cinnamon turns out very aromatic, apples give it juiciness, and thanks to semolina, the product rises perfectly. Ingredients:

  • 190 grams of powdered sugar
  • slightly less cup sifted flour
  • 1000 grams of apples (you can use any variety - the main thing is that the fruits are sweet and juicy)
  • ten to fifteen grams of baking powder
  • 1/4 of a large spoonful of ground cinnamon
  • 210 grams of semolina
  • 140 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • small vanillin package
  • a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

For decoration:

  • whipped cream
  • fresh mint

Method of preparation:Whatever pie recipe you choose, it usually always starts with kneading the dough. Let's not deviate from tradition - first, pass the flour through a sieve once or twice. Then pour in the baking powder and work with a spoon so that the ingredients combine. Let's move on to the next step: add cinnamon to the resulting dry mixture, add a couple of pinches of vanillin to taste, powdered sugar, add semolina. Mix the products, then remove the skin from the pre-washed and dried apples. Grate them into thin strips on a grater and sprinkle with lemon juice, this will prevent the fruit from darkening. You can sprinkle the filling with sugar. By the way, so that the dish does not get boring, next time try to diversify the recipe a little - make a pie with raisins. Just soak the berries in warm water for fifteen minutes in advance, then drain the liquid and squeeze them out. There is another option: buy several varieties of apples, for example, slightly sour and sweet. This combination of different tastes will make the pie incredibly appetizing and piquant. All that remains is to assemble the product: to do this, cover the form with parchment, smooth it out, then pour the mixture of flour and semolina on the very bottom, and lay the apples on top in an even layer. Lay out the products in the same order until you use them up completely. Just keep in mind that the last tier consists of dry mass. When you are done, pour vegetable oil over the product and put it in a preheated oven. The optimal oven temperature for this dish is 180 degrees. After about 50 minutes, you will understand by the smell that it is baked. Before removing it from the form, pierce it with a match. If the wood is wet, leave the pie in the oven. Otherwise, feel free to take it out and set the table. When the dessert has cooled, cut it into eight to ten equal portions and garnish with whipped cream and mint.

Cake "Zest" with apples

We suggest you master another delicious recipebaking. This pie is great for everyday use. Apples and raisins, which you will need for the filling, are sold in supermarkets all year round, so you can easily bake the dessert both in winter and summer. In hot weather, serve it with cool freshly squeezed juice, milk or fruit compote. Children will certainly love mannik with jelly. When the wind is blowing outside and the frost is cracking, what could be better than a cup of hot chocolate or tea with an appetizing treat? Let's look at the entire procedure for making the pie "from A to Z". The recipe is quite simple, so even an inexperienced cook can easily master it. Ingredients:

  • 195 grams of powder
  • Wheat flour - 130 grams
  • 0.5 two-hundred pack of butter
  • cinnamon
  • 150 grams of small semolina
  • 50 grams of golden soft raisins
  • seven grams of baking powder
  • six to seven pieces of medium-sized apples
  • ice cream - for decoration

Method of preparation:If you are new to cooking and have never tried baking, do not panic. We assure you that the pie will definitely turn out delicious, tender and very juicy. The main thing is to follow the recipe exactly, which we will talk about now. First, sift the flour into a deep bowl, then combine it with baking powder. Some housewives add the ingredient to the finished mass, mixing it with other products, but this is fundamentally wrong. Baking powder must be added directly to the sifted flour. Pour semolina, three or four pinches of cinnamon, and powdered sugar here. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and forget about them for a couple of minutes. Now it's time for the filling: to prepare it, remove the core from peeled apples, then chop them into thin strips or grate them. To prevent raisins from spoiling the dish, soak them in boiled hot water. As soon as it swells, drain off the excess liquid and wipe the berries dry with a towel or napkins. Then combine with other fruits, add a couple of spoons of powder or sugar, mix until smooth. The dish is almost ready, very little is left. To prevent the product from burning, we recommend purchasing special paper - cover the dishes with it. Then apply a sufficient amount of oil to the parchment, thoroughly treat the bottom and walls of the split form with it. Now we begin to assemble the future pie: pour 1/2 of the dry mixture on the very bottom, turn the dishes so that it is evenly distributed. The next tier consists of apple shavings and raisins, then the procedure is repeated again. Each "floor" of the dish should be no higher and no lower than the previous one, try to lay out layers of the same height. The creation is completed by cereals mixed with powder and flour. To give the dish a beautiful golden-orange crust during baking, sprinkle it with grated butter. When finished, place the dish in a hot oven and bake for an average of 40-45 minutes. If the oven temperature is below 180 degrees, the cooking procedure will naturally take a little longer. At the very end, check the pie for readiness by carefully sticking a match into it. If the dough does not stick to the wood, then everything is fine. Immediately before serving, divide the product into equal pieces and add a scoop of ice cream to each portion. It will turn out not only incredibly delicious, but also beautiful. Your creation will definitely arouse keen interest among guests.apple pie with semolina

Kefir pie with apples and bananas

Here is another recipe for a semolina “miracle”.For this one, we'll make a pie with kefir, in which semolina is soaked, thanks to which the product turns out very fluffy, high and juicy. The dessert is equally delicious both hot and cold. The second option is probably even better. For piquancy, we'll add some bananas to the filling along with apples. What will come of it, read on. Ingredients:

  • two large apples
  • incomplete glass of semolina
  • 180-200 grams of white flour
  • sugar - at your discretion (usually taken about 200 grams)
  • two selected eggs
  • four pinch of soda
  • melted butter - two or three tablespoons
  • 230 milliliters of warm kefir
  • big banana

Method of preparation:Follow the next sequence, and your product will definitely turn out well. First, make an elastic dough: soak semolina in kefir, cover with a lid and set aside for half an hour. After the specified time, add baking soda to it; there is no need to extinguish it with vinegar or lemon juice. This process will go smoothly anyway thanks to the dairy product. Sift half of the flour specified in the recipe into the same bowl using a sieve, then start actively working with a whisk. If you have a mixer, use it. When the mass becomes dense enough, knead it with your hands to get rid of lumps. Then add chicken eggs and the remaining wheat product. At the very end, add sugar; if you like drier baked goods, refuse butter. Otherwise, melt it and mix it into the dough, then the product will come out fatty and tender. To prepare the filling, peel the apples and bananas. Then grate the first ones on a fine grater, and chop the second ones into thin slices. Put most of the semolina mixture in a parchment-lined dish, spread the fruit on top in an even layer. Pour in the remaining dough, smooth it out and put it in the oven. Fruit pie with apples is a very economical and quick dish, which is probably why it is so popular with modern housewives. It can be served on its own or with a sauce. Perhaps this recipe for an appetizing glaze will suit you: sift cocoa and powder into warm milk, then add butter and cook, working regularly with a spoon. When the sauce thickens, remove it from the stove, cool and pour into a bowl. Each guest can pour chocolate on their portion, if such a need arises. There are a lot of options for preparing dessert and cream for it - stay with us, and you will learn many more interesting things!

