As you know, abdominal pain is oftena sign of very serious diseases. Moreover, the pain can be localized in different places - pain in the right side at the back, on the left, in the navel area. Everything depends only on the cause of this pain. But today we will talk specifically about the pain that a sick person feels in the right part of the abdomen. After all, pain in the right side is much more common than all the others. However, be sure to remember that all the information below is given only so that you have a general idea of the reasons that can lead to pain. In no case should you use this information for self-diagnosis of the disease, and even more so for its treatment. By such actions, you can jeopardize not only the health of the sick person, but also his life. Diagnosing abdominal pain is a rather complicated process even for experienced doctors, not to mention people who do not have a medical education. Abdominal pain is an insidious thing that can disguise itself as several serious diseases at once, which are almost impossible to diagnose without special research methods. Especially if the pain is in the right side.
Pain in the upper abdomen on the right side
And we will begin to understand this problem with pain sensations that are localized on the right side of the abdomen. So, pain in the right side:
- Does the liver hurt?
Regardless of what causes the increaseliver, in such cases it begins to hurt quite a lot. Doctors call this phenomenon hepatitis, regardless of what exactly led to it - inflammatory processes or infections. B pain in the right side is extremely typical for this condition. Most often, people encounter hepatitis A, which is caused by food or drinking water of inadequate quality. Much less often, but still there are cases of hepatitis B - as a rule, it is most often found in the so-called "risk groups" - drug addicts, homosexuals. Also sometimes there is hepatitis C, which is most often infected through non-sterile medical instruments and blood, it most often provokes pain in the right side. In addition, liver damage can be caused by exposure to various chemicals, including drugs. However, one of the most dangerous substances for the liver was and remains alcohol. It caused the death of a huge number of people who abused alcohol. Pain caused by liver diseases is usually of a dull, aching nature, and the patient feels it constantly, not in spasms. The patient feels pain deep inside the abdomen, not on its surface. As mentioned above, pain in the right side.
- Does the gallbladder hurt?
Pain attacks associated with diseasesgallbladder, are very specific. As a rule, they increase gradually. The first symptoms - heaviness in the abdomen, the appearance of gases - you can feel within an hour after eating something fried or spicy. But you can feel serious pain only after a few hours. The intensity of pain increases rapidly, the pain itself is extremely sharp. At its peak, a person breaks out in a cold sweat, and even nausea, which is not relieved by vomiting. Body temperature during such attacks, as a rule, does not rise. The exception is cases of inflammation of the gallbladder - in such cases, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, the person will experience severe chills. The pain itself is localized in the upper right part of the abdomen, but in some cases it can give under the right shoulder blade. As a rule, in most such cases, the doctor finds stones in the gallbladder during examination. If the stones are small, they can slip into the ducts. And the sick person begins to have intestinal colic. In some cases, these stones pass on their own, but in other cases, doctors are forced to resort to surgical intervention.
- Does the pancreas hurt?
In some cases, abdominal pain on the rightsides can be caused by an attack of acute pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, to put it simply. The pain during such an attack is extremely acute, as with pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts. However, it is still different - firstly, it radiates to the spine, and secondly - when lying down, it significantly increases. And the patient's condition is relieved in a sitting position, slightly leaning forward. When walking, pain in the right side also significantly increases. In addition, during attacks of acute pancreatitis, the patient usually begins to sweat profusely, he begins to feel sick, vomiting appears, he complains of severe chills, although his body temperature does not rise. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will definitely prescribe certain laboratory tests, the purpose of which is to identify enzymes typical for the affected pancreas.
- Kidneys hurt?
There is a widespread belief thatwith kidney disease, a sick person should experience pain in the lumbar region. However, in reality, this is not entirely true. In some cases, kidney stones can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. So pain in the right side can also be associated with the kidneys. If the pain in the abdomen is actually caused by kidney stones, it has a very specific character - wave-like, reaching its maximum at the peak of the wave. Moreover, this pain rarely limits its localization to only the right side of the abdomen - pain in the back and even groin is also possible.
- Is the pain on the right an appendix?
The main rule that needs to be very wellto learn for everyone without exception - from a child to an old man - is that ANY pain in the abdomen, and not necessarily on the right, can be nothing other than acute appendicitis. Even doctors initially assume in almost all cases that a sick person has appendicitis, until the opposite is reliably proven. The only exception, of course, are those people whose appendix has already been removed. Despite the fact that pain with appendicitis can be localized anywhere, most often it is felt either in the navel area or in the lower right part of the abdomen. Moreover, as a rule, with appendicitis, a sick person can accurately show where exactly it hurts. As a rule, doctors prefer not to take risks, but to remove the appendix even if they are not exactly sure of the diagnosis. And this is no accident - after all, a trivial operation saves the life of a sick person in all hundred percent. Therefore, if you feel pain in the right side under the ribs or in the navel area, seek help from a surgeon immediately. Of course, pain in the right side can be caused by many other reasons, so be sure to seek medical help. Sitting at home and waiting for everything to go away on its own is not only stupid, but also life-threatening. We recommend reading: