how to fight snoring How to deal with snoring? You can not even imagine how many people would like to know the answer to this question! And in most cases this problem does not worry the most snoring, but his close people. Which, however, is easily explained - try to fall asleep, when you snore over your ear, and sometimes very much. Unfortunately, after the idle interest the matter usually does not go - no one is trying to get rid of snoring, preferring to just reconcile with it. And it is very a pity - in most cases with the correct approach to eliminate snoring is even really possible. So why not try? Especially since snoring in some cases can lead to health problems.

What is snoring?

What most people know about snoring, in additionthat he prevents people around from sleeping? Yes, practically nothing. But if you decide to join the fight with snoring, you will have to learn everything about him. So, snoring is a loud throaty sound, published by a sleeping person. This sound arises due to the fact that when the air passes through the muscles of the sky, pharynx and tongue that are too strongly relaxed, a strong vibration occurs. Single snoring in a dream is a completely normal phenomenon and is common to all, without exception - men, women, adults, children, the elderly. In this case, snoring is not even worth your attention, not to mention any treatment. But a constant and very strong snoring is another matter. Such snoring can interfere with sleeping not only around, but also the snoring itself - a person's dream or superficial, or even constantly interrupted. A constant lack of sleep sooner or later leads to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome and problems with the normal functioning of the nervous system. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to take a number of measures to reduce snoring - normalize the daily routine, give up bad habits, visit a doctor. But let's take everything in order.

The causes of snoring

Now you know that snoring is a vibration of the musclestongue, palate, pharynx, arising from their relaxation. As a rule, all this is accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the airway lumen. But why does not this happen to all people? Obviously, are there any provocative reasons? Of course!

  • Curvature of nasal septum

Normally, the nasal septum in a person isin the middle position or, more simply, in the middle of the nose. If there is a deviation of the nasal septum in one direction or another, the air passes with much greater resistance. As a result, the appearance of snoring, the degree of which depends on the degree of curvature of the nasal septum. In some cases, such a curvature is congenital - as a rule, the child begins to snore constantly from birth. And in some cases, the curvature of the nasal septum is due to a nasal injury.

  • Polyps in the nose

Sometimes the reason for snoring is generally banal -formed on the mucous membrane of the nose of the polyp. Polyps themselves are not dangerous, because they represent only an overgrowth of this very mucous membrane of the nose. As a result, the normal lumen of the nostrils narrows at times, which also provokes the appearance of strong snoring.

  • Adenoids

Adenoids are enlarged tonsils thatalso provoke the development of strong snoring. True, in adulthood adults are very rare - most often snoring because of this develops in children 4-10 years.

  • Congenital anomalies

Very often a person suffering from a strongsnoring, does not even know that he has some congenital anomaly in the structure of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. Outwardly, these anomalies can not have any effect at all, until the person is examined by an ENT doctor. Such pathologies include: a reduced lower jaw, a too large tongue, an elongated soft palate, narrowed nasal passages.

  • Malignant neoplasms

Scared not in any case, but forgetit is not necessary - snoring can appear in the event that there are cancer tumors in the nasopharynx. As they grow, snoring will only increase. And for a very long time no other symptoms of trouble, except for snoring, a person simply does not notice.

  • Medications

If you have snoring after youbegan to take any medications, immediately inform your doctor about it. Snoring is especially common after taking sleeping pills.

  • External factors

Very many people noticed that snoring the moststrong in the case if you go to bed after taking alcohol or too tired. In the event that if you do not snore all the rest of the night, then you should not worry. how to deal with snoring correctly

Snoring as a signal of danger

We have already mentioned that a raresnoring does not deserve special attention. If snoring is permanent, there is a possibility that a person has such a serious illness as a syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea. With this disease, breathing in a dream is disrupted, until its complete stop - from a few seconds to several minutes. Most often, the sick person does not wake up at this moment. That's why breathing problems go unnoticed for a very long time. And this is not very good, because there is always a risk - even a small one - of a complete stoppage of breathing, after which it will not recover. The syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea has the following symptoms:

  • Snore

Strictly speaking, loud and prolonged snoring is the most important and obvious symptom of this pathology.

  • Stop breathing

Full stop of breath, after which itresumes after flinching and / or sobbing. The frequency of such attacks can vary greatly - from several times a week to several times per night.

  • Nedosyp

Despite the fact that in most casesa person does not wake up while stopping breathing, it is impossible to name such a full sleep. Therefore, in the morning a person gets up "broken", during the day, he experiences drowsiness, headaches. Most often, nocturnal sleep apnea occurs in people with overweight and a tendency to hypertension. If you also belong to this category, immediately after waking up, measure the blood pressure level. As a rule, in the event that you have a breath in your sleep, the pressure will be slightly higher than your usual. The syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea entails many health problems. Due to the violation of normal breathing, the body does not receive enough oxygen - so-called hypoxia develops. And hypoxia, in turn, can provoke the development of diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, stroke, and sometimes even a sudden death in a dream.

Snoring Diagnosis

Strictly speaking, he does not diagnose snoring himselfno need - just spend the night in one room with a man. But the reasons that lead to the development of snoring, it is necessary to establish as soon as possible. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, so you need to contact an ENT doctor. The doctor will examine you, conduct the necessary studies, after which he will be able to pinpoint the cause. To begin with, the doctor will conduct a visual examination that will identify such problems as any neoplasm of nasopharynx - benign and malignant, enlarged tonsils, polyps, curvature of the nasal septum. If this is not enough, other methods of examination can be used - for example, computed tomography, x-ray. If the doctor suspects that snoring is just an accompanying syndrome of obstructive apnea phenomenon, he will make a special study - polysomnography. The essence of the research method is simple: during a night's sleep several special sensors are attached to the human body, which strictly fix a number of parameters: muscle tone of the lower jaw, intensity of snoring, oxygen saturation of the blood, heart activity and others.

Treatment and prevention of snoring

After the doctor performs the examination andwill determine the cause of your snoring, he will choose the best course of treatment. Your task is to trust the doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. The most common treatment for snoring is as follows:

  • Polyps

In the event that you have a nose in the polyps,the doctor may decide to remove them surgically. Typically, the removal is made if the polyps are large and / or they are large enough. In other cases, doctors prefer medication and physiotherapy. But in the event that it turned out to be ineffective, the doctor can also decide on the need for the operation.

  • Adenoids

If a doctor detects a snoring personadenoids, the method of treatment will be selected individually, depending on how much adenoids are enlarged, what the age of the sick person is, whether there are any concomitant diseases. Treatment can be both conservative and surgical.

  • Curvature of nasal septum

If the cause of severe snoring is curvaturenasal septum, the doctor will very carefully examine the sick person. In the event that the curvature is not very significant, the doctor may advise against surgical intervention. But if the curvature is so strong that it interferes with normal breathing, septoplasty is performed - artificial rectification of the nasal septum. how to fight with snoring yourself

General recommendations

If the doctor did not reveal any pathologies andSpecial treatment is not appointed, there is nothing to worry about - your health is not threatened. But I do not want to put up with snoring oh, do not you? What to do? Of course, fight! We offer you recommendations, the observance of which in most cases allows you to reduce snoring several times.

  • Excess body weight

The most common snoring is for people who haveexcess body weight. Therefore, from extra pounds it is worth trying to get rid of. The benefit is obvious - first, you will grow much smaller. Secondly, you will reduce the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases - for example, myocardial infarction, hypertension. Well, in the third place, you have a beautiful figure.

  • Get rid of bad habits

Alcohol provokes narrowing of the upper respiratorypathways, smoking - leads to chronic pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx). And all this, in turn, inevitably leads to strong snoring. As is quite understandable, it is best to abandon these habits. Well, or at least to reduce smoking and drinking alcohol to a possible minimum. And certainly you should not smoke for a half to two hours before bedtime.

  • Duration of sleep

If you want to sleep peacefully and without snoring, try to get a good sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, in a comfortable bed and in a well-ventilated room.

  • Body position

Most often a person begins to snore whenturns over. This is explained very simply - the language sinks deep into the larynx, so it is difficult to pass air through the respiratory tract and, as a result, normal breathing is disturbed. Therefore, snoring people are advised to avoid the position on the back. But since it is impossible to control one's position in a dream, one has to resort to cunning. In the back of the nightie or shirt, sew a tennis ball - it will not let you roll over on your back. Of course, for a few nights you will constantly wake up and the state of health during the day will leave much to be desired. But a maximum of a week later you will get used to sleeping on your stomach or side, and you will not even try to lie on your back. Another way to reduce snoring is to raise the head of the bed. The easiest way to do this is to use a blanket, rolled up by a roller - place it under the mattress. The second option is more effective, but also more labor-intensive - wood blocks or old books, placed under the legs of the bed.

  • Exercises for tongue and throat

The best way to get rid of snoring -increase the tone of the muscles of the tongue and throat. Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, do simple exercises: stick your tongue out and tense it as much as possible, hold it in this position for as long as you can - make five such approaches. Another good exercise: firmly grip the toothpick with your lips and hold for two minutes.

Anti-snoring devices

To date, there are quite a fewmechanical devices that promise to get rid of snoring. But if you come to resort to any of them, be sure to consult a doctor beforehand. And start using them only after approval. The most widespread are the following:

  • Stickers on the nose

The most innocuous means - special stickers,which are fixed on the wings of the nose in such a way that the nasal passages are maximally expanded. This measure at times facilitates the breathing of the sleeper and, accordingly, reduces snoring.

  • Polymeric device for treating snoring

This device is fixed in the mouth of the sleeperman in such a way that it supports the muscles of the mouth. The task is still the same - to facilitate breathing and eliminate snoring. There are a lot of modifications of this device - ask the doctor to choose the most suitable for you. Although for the sake of justice it should be noted that so many people buy such a device, but then refuse to use it - it's too easy to sleep with a foreign body in your mouth.

  • Compressor

A compressor is a device thatprovides a continuous supply of air in the respiratory tract, under low pressure. Strictly speaking, it is impossible to call this device a means for treating snoring. But people who suffer from severe forms of obstructive sleep apnea, this device will have to come in handy. Physicians received this type of therapy called CIPAP. how to deal with snoring drugs

Drugs for snoring

Eh, there would be such a pill to drink - andno snoring ... But, unfortunately, there is no such tablet. However, a number of drugs that can reduce snoring, and even completely eliminate it, exist. But remember that you can apply them only after agreeing with your doctor, so as not to harm your health and further aggravate the situation.

  • Remedies for the cold

If you constantly have a stuffy nose, get rid ofsnoring will be almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the nature of the common cold and to choose a suitable remedy for the common cold. Most often, doctors prescribe such vasoconstrictive drops, as Naphthysin or Otrivin. But you can not write off and allergic rhinitis - in this case, in addition to drops in the nose you will need other medications.

  • Good Night Drops

Drops, whose name speaks for itself,often allow a person to completely forget about snoring. These drops are designed to rinse the throat - they moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, expand the upper respiratory tract.

  • Silence Spray

If you do not like to gargle, you cantry the spray. Its composition includes both vegetable and essential oils, which very effectively expand the upper respiratory tract. The main thing - to spray the spray immediately before going to bed and then not what to not eat, and even not to drink anything. As you can see, there are a lot of ways how to fight snoring - the main thing is to find the right one. Therefore, if you do not want to put up with snoring the rest of your life, start acting as quickly as possible. Quiet nights for you! We advise you to read:

