orange drinkDuring the hot summer period, nothing quenches the thirst so muchthirst, like an orange drink. And if you have invited guests, then instead of the usual store-bought juice or, even worse, Fanta, Coca-Cola, Sprite and other sodas, you can put this tasty drink on the table. It does not contain preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, and consists entirely of natural ingredients. To prepare the drink, you will need very little time, inexpensive products sold in every supermarket, and a recipe that we will gladly share.

Orange nectar own hands

Oranges are sold in stores all year round,Therefore, you can prepare the drink using this recipe at any time, regardless of the month outside. In the summer, when the heat is incredibly sweltering, it will perfectly quench your thirst and give you strength. In the autumn-winter period, orange juice will help boost your immunity, fill your body with healthy vitamin C, and neither the flu nor respiratory viral infections will be scary for you. Ingredients:

  • four medium oranges
  • nine liters of chilled boiled water
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar
  • citric acid - 30 grams

Method of preparation:First, pour boiling water over the washed unpeeled oranges, then dry them well and put them in the refrigerator for two hours, or better yet, overnight. This procedure will help remove bitterness from the fruit and get rid of wax. After the specified time, cut them into large pieces and grind them using a meat grinder. Then pour boiled, but necessarily pre-cooled, water over the resulting mass (you will need three liters) and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Now, to remove large particles, you must first strain the nectar through a colander, and then through a sieve or a regular piece of gauze folded several times. The latter method is not very effective and should be used only in extreme cases (for example, if you do not have suitable dishes), since the pulp will instantly clog the holes in the fabric, and the juice will be quite difficult to strain. In addition, extra threads may get into the drink. When you have completed the task, dilute the resulting juice with water (six liters is enough), then pour in granulated sugar and the amount of citric acid specified in the recipe. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon and leave it for 60 minutes. Then pour the orange drink into clean bottles, which should be stored in the refrigerator. This simple recipe will help you prepare sweet, vitamin-rich natural juice. Now, even in forty-degree heat, you will not be afraid of thirst attacks. In addition, you can cook delicious jam from the pulp left after straining. To do this, add sugar to the fruit mass, a little citric acid and put on low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens slightly. Then put it into jars, pre-sterilized, and store in the pantry or in the refrigerator. This jam turns out more like jelly. It will be an ideal companion to green or black tea and will give you a boost of good mood on winter drink

Drink from fresh oranges with cinnamon

Today, most people, in order to quench their thirst,buy carbonated drinks or supposedly natural juices, which in fact contain a huge amount of ingredients harmful to the human body. In some cases, this can lead to various gastrointestinal disorders, an increase in acetone in the urine. If you care about your health, eat right and limit the consumption of not entirely healthy foods. The recipe for this drink will help in the fight for excellent health and a good mood. Ingredients:

  • two large oranges
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • half a small spoonful of cinnamon
  • two cups of warm water (use always boiled)

Method of preparation:This recipe, although similar to the previous one, thanks to cinnamon, the drink has an original taste and unusual aroma, which attracts everyone who wants to quench their thirst. So, start with the simplest: wash the oranges, cut them in half and squeeze out the juice. If you have a special device, it is better to use it - this way not a single extra drop of fruit nectar will be lost. Then pour water into a deep pan, then pour in granulated sugar and cinnamon. Chop the remaining peel with a knife and add to the rest of the ingredients. Now make a small flame on the burner and cook the mixture, stirring occasionally, for about fifteen minutes from the moment of boiling. Strain the finished fruit broth through cheesecloth and mix with freshly squeezed juice. The resulting drink can be served both hot and cold. If you do not like oranges, then slightly change the recipe for yourself - instead of the above fruits, take tangerines. The technology of preparation in this case is exactly the same. Considering that for one serving of the drink you will need one orange, 250 milliliters of water and 50 grams of sugar, you can easily calculate the required amount of products for a large company.

Fruit drink "Orange explosion" with spices

The Orange Explosion drink is perfectfor the festive table. Notes of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg give it a truly unforgettable taste and aroma. Surprise and delight your guests with your culinary skills. In addition, the preparation of the drink will not take much time, and the necessary products are available and inexpensive. Ingredients:

  • orange - four pieces
  • 250 milliliters of warm water (boiled)
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • three buds of a carnation
  • cinnamon - one stick (you can use it in powder)
  • nutmeg - to taste

Method of preparation:Cut the oranges into several pieces and squeeze the juice out of them into a deep bowl. Now dilute the resulting nectar with boiled cooled water, pour in the amount of granulated sugar specified in the recipe, add cinnamon and cloves. Put the pan on the stove. First, make a strong fire, and as soon as the first bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the fruit drink, reduce the flame to a minimum and, after holding for about a minute, remove the pan from the stove. The process of boiling juice is similar to making natural coffee: as soon as it boils, as soon as a “cap” forms, the burner is immediately turned off. So you will need to do exactly the same. At the very end, do not forget to take out the cinnamon stick and cloves. Now move on to the next step: mix the finished mixture well, when it cools down a little, strain through a fine sieve. If you don't have any, use regular gauze, just fold it five or six times. Pour the resulting drink into glasses and sprinkle with nutmeg just before serving. We hope that you will like this recipe and that it will periodically delight your loved ones. "Orange Explosion" is similar to non-alcoholic fruit mulled wine with a sour-sweet taste and an invigorating effect. Enjoy your meal!

Alcohol drink from oranges

If you decide to get together with your girlfriends andto have a bachelorette party, we suggest replacing the traditional champagne and wine in such cases with an appetizing refreshing fruit drink made from oranges. Moreover, its recipe is quite simple, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. A few glasses of tasty liquid and a great mood is guaranteed for everyone! Ingredients:

  • orange juice - 400 milliliters
  • a little citric acid
  • four tablespoons of orange liqueur
  • ten grams of powdered sugar
  • half an orange
  • cinnamon - to taste
  • ice
  • sugar - at your discretion
  • fresh mint

Method of preparation:To make the drink, you don’t need to have any special culinary talent — just follow the recipe strictly. So, are you ready to start? In this case, pour a glass of boiled cold water and liqueur into the orange juice, then add granulated sugar and a little citric acid. Mix the resulting mixture very thoroughly several times, then add the liqueur again. Put the finished drink in the refrigerator, and when it has steeped, put edible ice into beautiful glasses and pour the orange cocktail into them. The only thing left is to decorate the creation. To do this, cut the orange into medium slices and attach it to the edges of the glasses, then sprinkle everything with powdered sugar, cinnamon and lay out fresh mint leaves. We are sure that your friends will be delighted with such a drink!orange drink recipe

Milk-orange cocktail for kids

Not every child likes milk, although it isand a useful and necessary product for a young growing organism. If your baby flatly refuses to drink it, use a little trick. Offer your little one to try a delicious orange cocktail, which is unlikely to leave him indifferent. Ingredients:

  • ½ cup pasteurized milk
  • 30 grams of orange syrup
  • milk or dark chocolate

Method of preparation:Pour milk into a blender bowl and add syrup, then whisk thoroughly. You can also use a mixer or a kitchen whisk for this - the effect will be almost the same. Pour the finished drink into a tall glass and sprinkle with chocolate, grated on a fine grater. As a decoration, you can also take mint leaves or nuts, which should be crushed beforehand. The recipe for this drink can be slightly modified: use fresh fruit instead of ready-made orange syrup bought in the store. Just squeeze the juice out of them and mix it with milk. It will be much healthier!

Orange carbonated drink "Freshness"

Finally, we offer another quick drink recipe. To prepare it, you only need to mix three ingredients. Ingredients:

  • 20 milliliters of sugar syrup
  • 80 milliliters of orange juice
  • lemonade

Method of preparation:Let us stipulate in advance that we used ready-made juice in tetra packs, which is sold in all stores. However, if desired, it can be replaced with fresh oranges - squeeze 80 milliliters of nectar out of them. Then combine the resulting liquid with sugar syrup and, pouring into glasses, add lemonade to each portion at your discretion. Decorate the cocktail with a slice of fresh fruit or a cherry. By the way, if you could not buy sugar syrup, make it yourself. It is very simple: for 30 milliliters of water, take 100 grams of sugar and cook the mixture over low heat. Oranges should be consumed by both adults and children, because they contain more than 100% of the daily value of ascorbic acid. So prepare fruit drinks yourself and be healthy! We recommend reading:

