how to successfully pass an interview Want to find the work of your dreams? Or at least just a job that suits you a little? Then your head is probably filled with thoughts about how to successfully pass the interview, because without this important event you will not see work as your ears. There are many nuances that are very important for the successful completion of the job search, and we will try to tell you about them.

Psychological attitude

It's no secret that the right onepsychological mood is necessary for you to go through all the trials with dignity. Unfortunately, it does not always work for him, even after reading ten articles on how to successfully pass the interview. And sometimes it even happens to be a hindrance, especially if you have overloaded yourself with horror stories about the interview. For example, there is one misconception that an "green" layman will necessarily conduct an interview with you - a young girl or boy without a lot of life experience, whose questions will be ridiculous and offensive to you. But even if your first meeting regarding work really does take place with a recruiter, this does not mean the collapse of all hopes. A specialist in the selection of personnel must have very specific knowledge in the field of psychology, professionography, psycho diagnostics and many others, and it is from this (and not from age!) That the quality of his activity depends. Therefore, one should not disdain and disregard such meetings. And if you are set up by your friends in this way, think: maybe they still sit without work because of such negative attitudes? Another popular myth concerning the interview is the idea that the recruiter only dreams of "burying you". This is not true! Rather, on the contrary, he is interested in closing the vacancy as quickly as possible. But if the employee, whom he approves, will be unqualified, the anger of his superiors will fall upon his head, which any person would like to avoid. That is why the recruiter will carefully check the information you provide about yourself - pity him and help him in this! Many applicants believe that the interviewer and the candidate for the position should have approximately the same social, material and business status, otherwise the assessment will be somewhat biased. However, a competent specialist during the selection process abstracts from his own life situation and is guided only by professionally relevant information: the requirements for the employee, the working conditions, the qualifications of the applicant, etc. ... The key to the correct psychological attitude is to win over your own fears. Indeed, a person who recently left his usual workplace or did a student bench is very difficult to give confident and calm behavior, although they provide a successful interview. The mass of this fear: the fear of not getting a job, the fear of being mocked, the unwillingness to do something wrong. But do not despair - there are a number of psychological techniques that will help you tune in to the right wave:

  • Visualization is a great way to cope withexcessive anxiety and fear Our psyche is not very good at distinguishing imagination from reality, so if you imagine your interview in all its details and with a successful outcome, this will significantly increase your chances of success. Supplement this image with pleasant sensations: imagine a joyful event - for example, a meeting with friends - and be transferred from there to a meeting with the employer.
  • Think of a suitable metaphor for a successfulFor example, for you it may look like an exam, a game of "catch-up," a self-presentation or a chess game. The main thing is for such a comparison to cause positive associations in you, so that you are successful in the field of activity you have chosen.
  • Dekatastrofizatsiya Many fears arise in our countrydue to the fact that we exaggerate the effect of negative consequences. Therefore, first, make a list of all kinds of negative phenomena and see where the failure at the interview is. Agree, there is a lot of much worse things! Second, describe in detail what the worst can happen if you do not get a job? That's right, you'll just find another, and most likely it will be due to the fact that the first one did not suit you.
  • Relaxation techniques If the excitement is not going anywhereleaves, then it's time for you to apply methods such as autogenic training. This is done in the following way: in a quiet environment, include meditative music, take a comfortable position (you can sit or lie down), relax and repeat special formulas, for example, "I am calm" or "I will succeed." More information on this can be found in the relevant literature. Relaxation techniques are particularly effective with their regular application.
  • The result of this kind of work on ourselvesshould become confidence in their own strength and success. It will allow you to make an excellent impression on the interviewer, which, as you know, can easily cover up any possible gaps in your education and qualifications. Of course, it is difficult to completely get rid of fears and anxieties, but they should not interfere with you! Do not forget to tune in to calmness and looseness before the interview - and the position will be yours. how to successfully pass an interview

    Information Training

    It's no secret that information in twentythe first century - a weapon of mass destruction. Why do not you use it? Do not worry, you will not be injured - you simply gently and imperceptibly "charm" the interviewer with your enlightenment. All you need to do is collect information on the following areas:

    • Data on the company and its activities;
    • Data on the structural unit to which the vacancy belongs;
    • Data on the position and job duties;
    • Data on the general director of the company;
    • Data on the course of the interview;

    To have information about the organization and spheres of itsactivity is necessary, otherwise it will be difficult for you to understand what the interviewer will be thinking about at your meeting. Different nuances are important: how long does the company work in the market, what and how does it produce or sell, what is its purpose and mission, and much more. All these questions should be clarified as much as possible in open sources, for example, on the Internet. It is also desirable to find out details about the department in which you may have to work. What are the functions of this department, who is its boss, how is the efficiency of the work assessed in it - you will agree, it is useful to know about this before employment. Rather, such details are important to you, because you probably do not want the future work to be a "cat in a sack". The same applies to the position: in order to decide whether you want to work in this organization or not, you need to have the most complete information about potential job responsibilities. It's possible that your future boss has different views on what the manager should do. For example, you think that your duties will include finding customers and signing contracts with them, and, in the opinion of a possible leader, this will also be added to the search for suppliers, negotiations, solving all sorts of problems and something else. Agree, do not want to know about this after employment? The CEO is the key figure in the whole company. It depends on him the company's policy, organizational culture, working conditions, and the effectiveness of the activity as a whole. Therefore it is very useful to know under whose source you will work. If it is a large company and a public person, then try to find information in the media, and if it is small, then social networks, general acquaintances and employees of this organization can do you a great service. In many respects, our anxiety arises from the uncertainty of the interview situation. You have a bad idea of ​​what awaits you, and so you worry. What can be the way out of this situation? Correctly, draw yourself as much as possible a picture of a successful interview. This is possible only if you have full information about how and what will happen, so read the following paragraphs carefully. Try to come to the interview a little beforehand - it's better in ten to fifteen minutes - after all, being late in this situation is simply unacceptable. If there are any force majeure circumstances, call and warn the interviewer. At the entrance to the office, do not forget to say hello to all, wait in the waiting room, if necessary. Disconnect the mobile phone before the meeting - nothing should distract you. Entering the office, say hello and smile - the effect of the first impression was not canceled. Sit on a chair facing the other person or, if necessary, move it slightly and unfold it. The pose is better to prefer discreet, but not squeezed. Carefully listen to all the questions that the interviewer asks you, do not interrupt and calmly answer them. Ask again if something suddenly becomes incomprehensible. Most likely, you will be asked to tell about yourself - in this case, it is worthwhile to dwell on your professional merits, not duplicating what is in the summary. Near the end of the interview, you will be given the opportunity to ask your own questions - use it to clarify all the details that remain unclear. At the end of the meeting, discuss the options for communication with the potential employer, thank the interviewer and say good-bye. how to successfully pass an interview

    Qualitative level for suitable qualification

    Surely you yourself understand that the work you needseek appropriate to their experience, education and focus. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be said before the interview - do not consider vacancies that do not suit you in terms of level or specialty: you either waste your time meeting with a recruiter, or, perhaps, get a job, but very soon you will understand that do not cope, or it will bother you. Although there are exceptions - in those cases when you want to radically change the direction of professional activity. The availability of a suitable level of qualification is not enough to get a coveted position - this level needs to be demonstrated. You, of course, can tell about what you are a wonderful, intelligent and talented worker, but the interviewer must see it. So, what should be included in the ideal self-presentation?

  • Literate Speech Needless to say,how important is the knowledge of the grammatical, lexical and stylistic foundations of the Russian language, especially for a person who tries for a position connected with communication. If your speech abounds with mistakes, then do not expect anything good from the interview.
  • Stress resistance Number one quality, bythe opinion of employers. Every day a modern employee has such a huge number of unpleasant surprises that he simply must be able to cope with them. If he can not, the result suffers, which is not good. Therefore, when the interviewer starts provoking you to nervous behavior, keep calm, because that's how stress resistance is evaluated right now.
  • Self-confidence No one needs an anxious anddependent employee. It is believed that a self-confident person can bring to the end begun, it is easier for him to overcome difficulties. The employer reads this according to your posture, gestures, facial expressions and gait, so it's worth remembering how you behave in a confident state and demonstrate this in an interview.
  • Interest and enthusiasm Oh, oh, how many words are writtenon how important it is to demonstrate the right motivation. It is believed that it is able to compensate for the deficiencies found in other parameters. So do not hesitate to ask questions, talk about what's interesting to you, because that's how you let the employer understand that you care.
  • Ability to perceive criticism Agree, this isuseful quality for a potential employee. There are no people who never make mistakes, and that's why it's so important to be able to learn from your mistakes and get feedback. So if suddenly the employer makes you a comment, calmly listen to him, thank and make the right conclusions.
  • A high level of development of thinking Naturally,any employer seeks to rid himself of stupid workers. Try not to "brake" during the interview: concentrate, catch the details, analyze incoming information and generate interesting ideas.
  • Business appearance

    Of course, the first impression about you isdepending on how you look. Certainly there is no need to explain that it is necessary to dress for an interview in a formal business style. This does not mean that you should not be feminine - it's just that this femininity should be emphasized by official rather than sexual details. To meet with the employer, choose a quality trouser or skirt suit that sits on you and emphasizes your dignity. You should feel confident in it. A good alternative to this kind of along will also be a pencil skirt that is about knee length (vary it depending on the type of figure). The colors are better to choose conservative and muted: black, dark gray, beige, dark blue and others. If it's cold outside, put on a classic coat or trench coat. Shoes preferable neat, without excessive decor, on the heel and closed - regardless of the season. Pantyhose are mandatory, and in winter you can wear tight black pantyhose - they will emphasize the length of your legs. The bag should be of medium size and classic forms: a briefcase, a bag, a tablet - most likely, something of a strict and rectangular A4 format, which will accommodate all the necessary things and documents. Supplement the resulting outfit with elegant accessories - a neck scarf, earrings, a ring and a watch, but do not overdo it: it's funny when a lady claims to be in the middle tier, dressed up and down. Complete the resulting image with a note of your favorite perfume - and you are ready for achievement. In just one hour the employer should see your dignity and understand why he should take you. Therefore, your task is to find the optimal balance, in which you will treat the interview as an important event and, at the same time, do not wreak yourself anxiety. It is necessary to feel the interviewer and follow him in the process of communication. No one can guarantee you certain conditions or the course of the interview, so the most important quality is flexibility. Possessing it, you will always be ready for anything. And then the work will be absolutely yours! We advise you to read:

