time planning Time ... Oh, how often we miss him, howoften we regret that in the day only twenty-four hours! We are sure that if there were at least twenty-five, then it would be possible to have much more time, and the path to success would be much shorter. Time planning is such an uneasy task ... But after all, people who have achieved a lot in their life, the day is also made up of twenty-four hours! Why do they manage to do everything necessary during this period, and at the same time manage to sleep at night, devote part of the time to some hobbies, and even make a personal life? Why do they get it, but we do not? Perhaps these extremely successful representatives of the human race are aware of some secret law of saving time? In fact, there is no special secret here. It's just that those who managed to achieve considerable success in many areas of life know well what is the right timing and routine order. We do not know how to correctly manage such an irreplaceable resource as time, so we do not have time to remake all the affairs, nor to have a good rest. As a result, we are always tense with obsessive thoughts about our working problems and plans. But after all, if you understand, these thoughts are of no use. Problems from them are not solved and the plans do not translate into reality. But because of these grim thoughts, our private life suffers, because we, busy with thoughts of work, do not pay due attention to their loved ones. Because of them, we lose our health and spoil our nervous system, because practically never, even in a dream, we do not relax and rest, continuing to suffer from problems and trying to find methods to increase our effectiveness. And the blame for all is that in our business life there is no such important factor as saving working time. Without it, we will never get out of the trap of zamorochennosti affairs, which, if we reason with reason, we ourselves and drove. How to learn to save time so that it is enough for productive work, and for a good rest? time planning methods

Planning of working hours

If you believe statistics, most peopleproductive activity takes up only one-third of the total working time. The remaining two-thirds fall to empty vanity and unnecessary gestures. Hence - a heap of accumulating with each day affairs, hence - the lack of time to rest, hence - the inability to relax, giving yourself the opportunity to have a good rest. But after all, we should start to adhere to the principles of the correct distribution of time and everyday order, how all these problems will disappear without a trace! There is such a golden rule of six "n": "the correct preliminary planning of time prevents bad indicators." Just? Yes, of course! However, for some reason we ignore such methods and do not take into account the fact that the main reason for our problems is the lack of time planning principles. What are these notorious time planning methods? The plan is first of all a list of the main cases, the fulfillment of which is necessary to achieve a certain goal, and the ordering of this fulfillment. The basic rules of time planning provide for observance of the timeframe for the implementation of the plan and careful thought over of these terms. If the time allocated for the implementation of a particular task is too small, we again run into a dead end of chaos, because we simply do not have time to do the planned. If it turns out to be a lot, it means that when planning it is necessary to provide for this and try to fill a niche of free time, either with a full rest or with the most productive activities. Time saving methods assume that it is necessary to distribute it before we start the work. The time spent on such planning will save the lion's share of time during work. That in the course of activity there were no unforeseen failures, the plans for its implementation should be recorded, and not simply memorized. Otherwise, we will definitely miss something, and then the loss will inevitably come up, make us abandon other business and take care of it. And this will lead to a loss of time. If the plan is fixed in writing, it is imprinted in the subconscious, resulting in a psychological effect of self-motivation to work. Self-motivation will give business activity a directed character. According to the basic rules of time planning, the plan should be made long-term, rather than short-term. Do not be guided by the fact that the action immediately followed the desired result. It is peculiar for a person to delay with the accomplishment of large-scale tasks because of the remoteness of the result, which adversely affects the achievement of an essential goal and can lead away from it. What kind of success can it be then, if we, instead of stubbornly striving for it, begin to stagger from side to side? We will only lose time and energy, so in the end we will not achieve what we want. Therefore, we draw up a list of cases, as dictated by time planning methods, for long periods, and stimulate our creative activity immediately and the next day, and for a week, and for a month, and even for a year. At the same time, the plan should not fix any abstract tasks like "Call Ivanov" or "Meet Petrov", but the specific goals of such calls and meetings: "Discuss with Ivanov the terms of the contract with suppliers", "Solve with Petrov the task of selling the goods" and so on. Let us consider in more detail how to plan and save a working time plan. correct time planning

Time distribution and day-to-day business

Making a plan for saving time and its distribution, it is necessary to sort your affairs in order of importance, numbering them in the list and highlighting priorities. For this:

  • We break a sheet of paper into three squares;
  • In the first square we write down the most important and urgent cases;
  • In the second square, we record important, but not very urgent, cases;
  • In the third square we write down things that are not very important and not very urgent.

After the list has been drawn up,the approximate time required to complete a case, summarize it and get the total time period necessary for the implementation of all planned. In this regard, we take into account that we need time for unforeseen business and periodic rest from work. Therefore, it is unreasonable to completely fill the whole day with your affairs, and if our list assumes the full use of the day for the fulfillment of the intended one, we shorten it. Having planned something that can not be implemented in a timely manner, we will doom ourselves to stress and discontent with ourselves. Having finished the work, written down at some point, we delete this point and proceed to the next. We carry out volumetric assignments in parts, arranging for ourselves short breaks. At the same time we try not to leave the tails the next day. At the end of this day, we re-read the list-plan for it, remember if we missed something important, and if it's not important, put the list aside, completely forget about work and go to rest with a full sense of satisfaction. The workday is over. All these methods for planning work time are simple, but effective. One has only to start sticking to them, as we will understand that we have much more time to do in a day, much less while getting tired. As a result, we will have a sense of self-reliance, the situation will develop systematically and methodically, and deeds will lose the element of randomness. And very soon we realize that we are firmly marching towards our success, which, of course, awaits each of us.

