business image of a woman One of the main elements that make up the imagebusiness person, are: clothes, hairdo, quality accessories, business card and so on. It is these details of the image in our country that are paid great attention. Especially if you are considering the question of what the image of a business woman should be. But, as you can see, all this is only an external attribute, so to speak, a beautiful picture. The word "image" in English means "image" and includes a much broader concept than just a strict suit and a status car. Intellectual abilities, demeanor, style of communication, facial expressions, gestures - without these elements a business image can not be created, because it will not be complete and complete. Of course, the outer shell is important, because it is on its basis that the first impression of a man is formed. But in no case should we diminish the significance that the inner content hiding under the beautiful picture has. Agree that the brilliant career of a businessman can not be built only thanks to a well-chosen clothing and accessories. Here a huge role is played by knowledge, business acumen, the ability to quickly respond to certain moments, the ability to find advantages even in the most desperate situations and much, much more. Therefore, the very concept of a business image should in no case be confined to purely external characteristics. Especially when it comes to the image of a modern business lady. So, a business woman - who is she? Who can be so called and how to achieve this status? Is it difficult to become "one's own" in traditionally male territory, defined by such capacious words as politics and business? Indeed, those representatives of the fair sex who have reached certain career heights, in fact, experienced all the "delights" of existence in modern business circles. To look the true lady, at the same time to have a man's mindset and the highest capacity for work - by the strength of a few. But a modern business woman does not only have to work, but also combine a successful professional career with the role of wife and mother! Only a small percentage of such women say that they cope with difficulties easily and at ease. In addition to a huge number of business and personal qualities, the fair sex, working in business or politics, should have the highest self-organization. Only with its help can you create a certain balance in your personal and professional spheres. image of a business woman

What it is necessary to know and be able to have a successful career start?

Modern business women did not immediately become such,as we see them now from the TV screens and glossy pages. However, it is the ability to organize one's life correctly, to accustom oneself to self-control and discipline, played a very significant role in their brilliant career. Let's take advantage of their experience and try to understand at least some of what you need to know and be able to do at first, so that the beginning of your professional activity is successful, and its further development did not wait. So, a modern business woman needs to pay attention to many things in order to successfully create an image in order to achieve certain career heights. Here are just a few of the most important ones.

  • Learn how to write a resumeTo get the desired position, you should do your best and properly submit your candidacy. One of the first and basic steps in this direction is the preparation of a resume. The Internet is full of ready-made samples of such a document. Not all of them are correct and in some cases contain a lot of unnecessary information. Please note that at first the data about you as a potential employee should be as accurate and specific as possible. Pay special attention to the photograph that is attached to the resume. Even on it you have to make an impression of a serious and official person, so do not neglect a neat haircut, a strict suit and restrained makeup.
  • Learn foreign languages ​​Do not be lazy to studyself-education. At present, the requirements of the business world have increased very much. To meet them, free possession of only their native language, even if perfect, is no longer enough. Please note that sometimes even a secretary's vacancy requires knowledge of a foreign one. Most often this is English, the basics of which many of us remember from the time of the school and institute. Try to improve your initial knowledge - it's not as long and difficult as it might seem at first glance.
  • Learn your e-mail Even if your knowledge inEnglish is still far from an acceptable level, be sure to learn how to properly call your email address. English letters should be pronounced exactly as the whole civilized world does. Believe me, this skill is perhaps the simplest of all that a modern woman has to find on the way to creating her own business image.
  • You need to not only be able to typetext or create tables. It is worth paying attention to those programs that can come in handy in the work. This will help, first, save time for adaptation in a new position, and secondly, contribute to the creation of a reputation of a savvy specialist. Moreover, there are plenty of courses to master the necessary modern computer programs in our time. And even an independent work in this direction for a persistent and purposeful person is sometimes enough.
  • To study the rules of compiling a businesscorrespondence It is not necessary to save on the quality of paper and envelopes, because it speaks of your attitude towards partners. Do not forget that the addressee's details in the business letter are indicated on the right. The essence of the issue should be stated clearly and as briefly as possible. Requisites of the sender write always at the end of the letter, on the left side.
  • image of a modern business woman

    What should a modern business woman look like?

    Now we come to the appearance, because it is heFirst of all, it determines the image of a business woman. Why is it so important? One very simple example will help here. Imagine that you have two books in front of you, both written in the same genre and equally interesting. The only difference is that the cover of one of them shines and beckons with its beautiful appearance, but the second one is slightly shabby and looks more than once readable. Of course, you prefer to pick up that book that looks new, does not it? The same principle works in the matter of business relations. After all, it is the style in which you present yourself, and shapes your image with others. But whether it will be perceived as the image of a business woman, not least depends on your appearance. Therefore, do not neglect the accuracy, neatness, cleanliness, and follow several basic rules.

  • Keep track of the state of hands and nails. Remember,that hands for a business woman are as important as makeup, hair, costume or shoes. Negligence or lack of manicure is absolutely not allowed, and there are no valid reasons for such a state of nails. Therefore, despite the fatigue, domestic cares, or trivial laziness, develop a mandatory habit to give your fingers and manicure proper attention. A handshake, transfer of documents or an elementary gesture in order to correct glasses or a hairstyle - all this can draw attention to your hands. And it is better to take care of their worthy appearance in time, rather than later feel a sense of embarrassment or shame.
  • Wear the right business suitfollow the dress code that exists in your company. If women are supposed to wear a medium-length skirt and a jacket, then do not experiment with the trouser set or dress, even if they fit perfectly into the business style. Remember also that the pantyhose of a modern business lady will have to be worn in any weather, even on an unbearably hot summer day. Therefore, the shoes that your fingers open, are appropriate only in their free time. And even if you were lucky enough to work in a creative team dealing with fashion or music, you should not come to the office in ragged jeans. Of course, a business suit can and should be changed to something less formal, but negligence in any case is not welcome.
  • Watch the facial expression of a business woman's faceshould always correspond to each specific situation. Many people know how sometimes it is not very easy to change a welcoming smile to a serious look, in order to move to important negotiations. But you will have to master this art, otherwise you risk creating an impression of yourself as a frivolous person. Use the help of a mirror and work out a change of facial expression, achieving maximum naturalness. Do not worry, over time it will become a habit and will stop confusing you.
  • Pay attention to small things This rule applies,first of all, to your business accessories. The impression that you make in an interview often becomes decisive for getting a job. Do not forget that the appearance consists of small things. Therefore, pay attention to the choice of accessories that must create the right image. Do not forget about elegant low-key jewelry and watches.
  • Take care also of the cleanliness of shoes, especiallythis applies to the autumn-winter period. Do not spare money to buy quality items: pens, organizer, business card, portfolio and so on. Remember that the correct appearance works for you even before you have time to start a conversation with a partner or potential employer. modern image of a business woman

    What does it mean to play by the rules?

    A modern business woman, who for a long time andsuccessfully copes with the role of a businessman or a politician, the unspoken rules of conduct existing in business and political circles are well known. She knows perfectly well what, when and how to do or say so as not to put her business image in jeopardy, but only to strengthen her business reputation. Here are some rules that need to be followed to avoid being in an absurd situation.

  • Do not be afraid of handshakes In the modern business worldit is accepted to extend a hand at acquaintance. This tradition has developed long ago, even at the time when the destiny of women was the house, children and life, and business was mainly men's business. However, to date, when the fair sex has become a full-fledged member of the business community, traditional handshakes have not lost their relevance. Therefore, learn to play by the existing rules, so that you will be taken seriously.
  • Do not hesitate to clarify "Where, you said,is the right institution? Repeat, please, the address "- phrases similar to this, the business woman pronounces if necessary without unnecessary hesitation. After all, accuracy is one of the basic rules in business. It is better to immediately find out one thing or another, than to waste precious time on correcting ugly situations. Do not be afraid that the interlocutor will consider you inattentive, most likely, he will pay tribute to a responsible approach to solving any issue on your part.
  • If you're late, then do it right. Better,of course, do not have such habits. After all, the ability to correctly plan your time is an inalienable quality that every business woman should possess. However, delays occur occasionally in completely unpredictable and independent of us reasons. But whatever you say later in your justification, people will instantly form the perception of you as a person who is not responsible for his words, and therefore does not deserve special trust. To avoid such situations, breaking the carefully created business image of you, always warn about being late. Then you will not have to justify yourself.
  • Plan your business Business woman and thisa professional never forgets anything. Do you know why? No, it is not an innate ability to remember information with phenomenal accuracy. It is about the proper planning of cases and the habit of recording the necessary addresses, dates, telephones and names of certain people with whom business negotiations are scheduled for the next week or month. Do not neglect this rule, and then you will earn a reputation as a person not only punctual, but also attentive to others. This also includes the need to remember the birthdays of your employees, especially if they are your subordinates.
  • Always stay connected Mobile phone -a real find for a business woman. Remember at least a famous film about the world of fashion with peerless Meryl Streep and charming Anne Hathaway in the lead roles. There it is very successfully shown how a modern girl does not neglect the rule always and everywhere to keep a cell at hand and thanks to this she successfully makes a career. Business does not tolerate games "hide and seek", so be within the telephone, even if the work days are over and there is a romantic weekend ahead. After all, it often happens that one missed business call on a weekend can ruin a carefully planned working week.
  • beautiful image of a business woman

    The qualities that are indispensable in the business world

    A modern business lady must have not onlycertain knowledge and skills, have the appropriate appearance and orientate themselves in the rules of the business world, but also differ in a number of qualities, without which everything else will not allow to associate its image with the business image. So, these are the abilities that you must master if you aspire to win the status of a woman businessman with a brilliant future:

  • Be able to focus and switch.Of course, simultaneously taking on several cases in a row - the idea is extremely unsuccessful. This is not conducive to the concentration of attention and the results of such work, as a rule, are far from ideal. But the monotonous occupation of only one specific issue for two consecutive hours (if it's not about business negotiations or the signing of important contracts) reduces the attention and productivity of labor. Therefore, for a modern business woman, the ability to switch one's attention from one question to another in time is often no less important than the ability to focus.
  • Keep your mouth shut This rule applies to bothto the size of your salary, and to different office gossip. A business woman is too respectful of her time and her reputation to spend the first with the risk of losing the second by participating in dubious conversations. But the size of earnings should be kept secret, if only because it will save you from envy and gloating from colleagues and subordinates. It is terrible to imagine the consequences for a further career in the event that one of your employees uses the amount of your salary as an argument, discussing with the leadership the question of revising your own salary.
  • Learning to rest Remember that sleep, rest andvacation to a modern business woman is just as necessary as any other person. And sometimes even more, because a business lady must always be in good spirits and be healthy. There is simply no time for depression and illness in working on a career. So let's rest your brain, switch thoughts from business issues to family and personal. Do not miss the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting stuck in a career and finding yourself in a vacuum, having lost loved ones, friends and communication with children.
  • Correctly place accents and choose goalsLearn to formulate your desires and clearly define the ways of their realization. This applies to both business and personal life. In any company, there are opportunities for career growth, but it is important to understand how much time you will need to achieve the desired heights - a year, two or ten. Determine for yourself a time limit, and if you realize that you have stayed in one place without significant changes in office, it is worthwhile to think about the reasons. Perhaps your line of behavior is wrong or there are still some problems inside the company itself. Do not be fooled and do not be afraid of change.
  • You can not accept all of the above for the truth inlast resort and consider that adhering to most of the rules, you will be able to become a real business lady or politician. This is only a small part of what should be the image of a business woman. Every woman who wants to succeed in business or politics should first of all be honest with herself and answer the question of why she needs all this. Ambition? Ambitious plans? The desire to prove something to someone? Or the desire to match a beautiful glossy picture? And whatever the answer, it does not save you from a clear awareness of how serious everything is in the world of business and politics. There is no place for gentleness, sentimentality and indecisiveness. Women should be prepared to be tough, firm and uncompromising. And constantly work on yourself, develop and improve, because competition in this world is very high. It should also be understood that without certain sacrifices one can not do without. Someone from the modern business lady has not managed to have children, someone does not have a personal life at all. This is not uncommon, because hard work does not leave time for a long rest, but gives only short-term rest. Therefore, to become a modern business woman, you need to be really ready for this rhythm of life and be able to get pleasure from it. But there is one more important detail. It consists in the fact that women who managed to create an impeccable business image, first of all, correctly chose the sphere and direction of their activity for themselves. After all, it is the occupation that brings the greatest satisfaction, it can become a powerful stimulus for the development and growth of any person as a professional of the highest qualification. Remember this and go for it! We advise you to read:

