how to become successfulFind the answer to the question of how to become successfula person, probably everyone would like to. In fact, it is not so difficult, especially if the desire is strong enough. And you have already taken the first step, since you are reading these lines, haven't you? We tried to collect in one article the most practical and effective rules that will help you achieve success and remain a successful person always. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort, because water does not flow under a lying stone. Just reading a few smart tips and expecting that success will fall on you like snow on the head is, at the very least, very stupid. All advice must be put into practice. Even if at first glance some of them seem strange to you. After all, life is a very difficult thing and sometimes presents very unexpected surprises. Did you know that success and failure are practically twins? Two concepts that are opposite in meaning are so closely intertwined that sometimes it is impossible to understand whether fate has let you down or prepared another pleasant surprise. Many readers will now shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and start telling us that failure is very easy to distinguish from luck, and that we are just confusing them here. In fact, everything is simple.

Failure or success? find 10 differences

Do you want an example of when between success and failurejust a couple of meters? Imagine a school, a class. A lesson is going on. The results of a test are announced. And two students get Bs. They are sitting on the same version, only two desks and a whole abyss of emotions separate them. The C student cannot contain his jubilation. This B saved him from an unsatisfactory grade for the quarter. The A student is shocked and silent. For him, four points are just a failure. A failure. But there is only one test. And the grade, too. But everything depends on the attitude of both students to the test result. On how much each expected to get at the beginning of the lesson. Or another example. Two fifty-year-old women are traveling on a train. Both of them were raised in a complete family with an average income, did well in school, graduated from college. A lot in common, right? But the women's thoughts are radically different. One of them, summing up the preliminary results of her life, complains: "My husband does not appreciate. All he can think of is fishing. The children have achieved nothing. The daughter gave birth to three children and stays at home. The son married a divorcee, is raising a stepson, and works at a factory. Even the car is a wreck." Another one, smiling, boasts: "And my husband is wonderful. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. We've been together for so many years. We even go fishing together. And we have wonderful children. My daughter and her husband are lucky. She feels safe with him. She raises the children, bakes pies. She's a housewife. And her son is a good boy. Kind, humane. He brought a girlfriend with her baby. He loves his wife and doesn't offend his stepson (who has already started calling my son his father). They live in perfect harmony. And we are not in poverty. We bought a car. It may not be new, but it belongs to a good owner. He looked after it like it was his own. So now we can go fishing and pick mushrooms." A very clear example, isn't it? It all depends on how we perceive reality. Do you want to see failure in everything? You will see it! It is not for nothing that they say that for some, beads are big, and for others, pearls are small. Of course, this does not mean that you need to lower the bar for life and always be content with little - no one requires this of you. However, it is simply necessary to look for the positive side in everything if you want to become a successful person. The bird of luck is a capricious person. And it hates pessimists!how to become a successful person

Where does the leg grow?

Now let's figure it out:Do successes and failures play a major role in the formation of adequate self-esteem? No and once again no. Self-esteem directly depends on upbringing. Did mom and dad teach you to enjoy life? Not to be sad if something doesn’t work out? This means that the person will grow up adequate, ready for life’s troubles. And if a mother constantly tells her child: “You’re disgracing me!”, then he will continue to associate himself with the cause of shame in other people. He was given an attitude from childhood, which he adheres to. Therefore, dear mothers, praise your children. Do not skimp on words of support, love and recognition of children's abilities. After all, it depends on this whether your child will grow up to be a successful person or not. Have you already grown up and absorbed the destructive poison of the phrase “you really let me down”? Do not rush to write off yourself. Of course, at first it will be very difficult for you. But no one promised that it would be easy, right? But do not despair - You will definitely cope. Constant and persistent work on yourself will definitely bring the desired result. Moreover, in most cases, you will be able to cope with childhood complexes on your own, without any outside help. Reconfigure your consciousness to the fact that you are no worse than everyone else. And in some ways, maybe even better. Remember all your positive qualities. Develop them. The best way is to assess your strengths and weaknesses. Just assess objectively, and not rely on someone else's opinion. Take a piece of paper, divide it into two parts. On one side, describe your negative qualities, and on the other - positive ones. And only include your most serious shortcomings in the negative. But even the smallest nuances in the positive ones. Are you great at baking pancakes? Or, perhaps, can you hang a shelf in the bathroom yourself? All this is solid pluses. And notice - these are your pluses! And most importantly - love yourself. Without this simple rule, failures will mow you down to the roots for the rest of your days. Were you unlucky in something? Or did you behave in a bad way in some situation? Stop beating yourself up, everyone does bad things. People differ only in whether a person can fix the situation and move on, or not.

The main enemy of self-confidence

Why did we jump from successes and failures toself-confidence? Because it is impossible to be lucky and not believe in yourself. Moreover, it is very important to determine the cause and effect here. Luck (contrary to public opinion) is not a cause, but an effect. A person first believes in himself, and then he gets lucky. And nothing else. Take a closer look at the so-called "lucky ones". Do they look like they are unsure of themselves? Or do they simply radiate calm and self-confidence? Most likely, the latter, right? Therefore, you should also look for your own uniqueness and originality - and then success will not keep you waiting. However, the advice "to be like them" would be wrong. You should not be like anyone. Only like yourself. With your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, this uniqueness should be within reasonable limits - There is absolutely no need to dye your hair bright orange, put in an earring and go to Red Square to sing "Harry Krishna". But reading Murakami, who is completely uninteresting to you, or listening to Beethoven just because almost everyone else does it is, at the very least, become successful

Failure is the path to success

Have you ever wondered why people are so scared?the possibility of failure? They are afraid of looking bad in the eyes of others, of being worse than others, of being far from perfect. Here it is, this word – the cause of all depressions, self-doubt and dissatisfaction with others. Someone once came up with some standards that everyone should meet. To the extent that a person met them, he was declared more or less perfect. Perfect mind. Perfect body. Perfect loser.

  • Do not be afraid of failure.

Failure is a completely subjective thing.But be that as it may, something happens in life, we get upset and complain that we are unlucky. The editor did not accept the book, the bank did not give us a loan, did not get a good grade. Failures look different for everyone, but they upset and frighten everyone. People stop doing things in fear of failing again. A writer, frightened by the first rejection, puts the manuscript in the drawer and stops writing. A student drops out of school in fear that he will not pass the session and disgrace himself in front of the whole class. A family continues to rent an apartment instead of taking out a mortgage and moving into their own home. And luck was so close! The student only needed a week to brush up on the subject. The writer could have submitted the manuscript to another publishing house and received a much higher fee. A loan from a neighboring bank awaited the family, which they never got to. And all the gifts of fate are wasted. And all just because people were afraid of failure. Therefore, the worst thing you can do is to be afraid of failures. The more you fear them, the more often they happen. And the more of a loser you feel. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle, which is very difficult to break. But it is still possible, so do not despair under any circumstances, even if you have already fallen into it. And now we will tell you how to do it correctly.

  • Proper awareness of failure

In order to stop being afraid and finally becomea happy person, you need the smallest thing. To understand that failure is not a defeat, but another step to success. You must be firmly convinced that you will achieve your goal. And no temporary obstacles will stop you from doing this. Firmly grasp this truth and all the tasks in this life will become within your power. Remember your childhood. Here you are learning to roller skate. You stand up, fall, roll and fall again. However, despite all the falls, it does not even occur to you to stop learning. And sooner or later you easily and naturally skate down the street on roller skates, not even remembering yesterday's abrasions and bumps. Here it is - an example of how failures help to achieve your goal in life. And how are you different from that kid in a protective helmet and elbow pads? Only in the lack of self-confidence. After all, then you firmly knew that you would roller skate. And you were absolutely not afraid of anything, right? It never occurs to a child that he will fail at something. But time goes by, children grow up. And you are no longer that carefree and absolutely self-confident child - you are an adult. Today, you question and criticize every action you take. That is where all your failures come from. There is another theory of failure that deserves attention. According to some philosophers, the more obstacles there are on your way, the closer you are to your goal. So do not turn around. Do not abandon your goal halfway to it. Who knows, maybe your goal is hiding behind the next wall that has appeared on your way? And you, having broken down 100 walls, despaired, decided that you are a loser and there will be no sense anyway, and stopped right at the last, 101st wall?!how to become successful in life

How does self-motivation work?

Now that the full story of the failures has been revealed,learn to get rid of past fears, stereotypes and prejudices. What do you need for this? Motivation to achieve success and avoid failures. Let's go through what you need to do point by point:

  • Hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst.

This old folk wisdom is still relevant Accept the idea that failures have been, are and will be. Are there massive layoffs at work? Be mentally prepared to be among those who have been given a pay slip. But do not fall into depression, feeling sorry for yourself - a poor, unfortunate person who was not appreciated. Better think about the fact that the boss constantly allowed himself to raise his voice, colleagues loved to gossip, and the salary was low. And since this is how the situation turned out, why not use it to your advantage? Start sending out resumes and very soon you will be surprised to find that there are many companies ready to appreciate your abilities. If you build your life this way, you will be ready for trouble and will always meet it fully armed. Of course, this does not mean that you need to look for negativity in everything and always and expect only unpleasant surprises from life - life is essentially wonderful! But it is absolutely necessary to protect yourself in order to avoid finding yourself in an unpleasant situation.

  • Change your attitude to circumstances.

Also, change yours as quickly as possible.attitude to undesirable consequences. Anything can happen in life and getting upset every time is not enough - no nerves are enough. You were fired from work, and you haven't found a new place yet? This means that you will finally be able to rest and get enough sleep. Plus, you will finally be able to dress the way you want, and not as required by the dress code. And there will definitely be work - if there is a neck, a collar will be found. Harsh realities of life.

  • Go ahead, no matter what.

Did you rest? Did you get enough sleep?Now go ahead - to find a new job, a new girlfriend, a new home or even a new husband! If you don't give up, then you will definitely succeed and sooner or later you will rightfully bear the proud title of a successful person! And what's more - you yourself will already be able to give advice on how to become a successful person. We recommend reading:

