The issue of excess weight in children is not onlyaesthetic manifestations, but also entails a wagon of problems in the child's personal life - from the feeling of being an "alien" to physical discomfort. Faced with excess weight in childhood, in a group the child automatically falls into the category of "others", which leads to the formation of complexes in adolescence. And no matter how parents teach their baby that appearance is not the main thing, it is necessary to remember that peers are now much more interested in external identity in the group, and not in the beautiful inner world of their friend.
The main thing is to be in time
That is why it is so important to save a child fromobesity at an age when he calmly tolerates any changes in life. The same rule applies to the baby's nutrition system. At the age of 4-10 years, a child can still calmly tolerate changes in his diet, unlike a teenager who suddenly began to receive a bunch of dill from his mother instead of the usual portion of fried potatoes. At the same time, a distinctive feature of this age period of the child is the "absorption" of the habits and culture of the family, including eating habits. It is now that the nature of eating behavior is formed, so carefully copied later by the baby in adulthood. The result of improper nutrition of the whole family and the child, in particular, is excess body weight in adulthood. Often this figure reaches 30% - terrifying data for a country that is not the foremother of McDonalds. Therefore, it is necessary to save the child by forming in him the habit of eating right and a feeling of "food purity". Only in this case the child will be able and will subsequently block the appearance of the wrong products in his diet.
Difficult teenagers
Things are a little more complicated with teenagers, alreadywho clearly have a list of their "priority" products, which, as a rule, includes Coca-Cola, an incredible number of snacks, Nutella, etc. This is the last chance for parents to influence their authority to change the teenager's diet. Otherwise, in a few years you can get a girl with complexes, who does not get along with the team, or a young man who is embittered at the whole world. How can this be avoided? First of all, by changing your attitude to food.
Let lose weight on the Internet
Naturally, without changing the teenager's diet, it is impossible to get on the right path to losing weight. Online can serve as an assistant at this stageVivaFigura ( is an innovative product from well-known doctors, psychotherapists and nutritionists in the country. This system is a great chance to "reach" the child, since he spends most of his time online anyway. VivaFigura takes into account the energy needs of a growing organism, offering a completely new nutrition system based on the accounting of lights. Light here performs its direct function - shows the metabolic value of a particular product. The method by which it occurs, embedded in this system, is the quintessence of many years of experience of doctors participating in the creation of this course. This is a real chance to save your child now from the consequences of excess weight in the future, since the child's health is not a reason for doubt. We recommend reading: