causes of computer addiction in children Computer addiction in children is one of thethe most exciting issues of our time, which should be given maximum attention. As a rule, parents do not pay attention to what kind of computer games their children play, which can adversely affect their consciousness, because each individual game can influence the child both positively and extremely negatively. To avoid the irreversible consequences resulting from such dependence, it is necessary to penetrate more deeply into this problem.

The main reasons for the dependence

It starts with the fact that at any age a personis extremely susceptible to information that has found its place of storage in computer networks and technologies. It is the development of computers that allowed to store, collect and analyze just an incredible amount of information flows, which simply can not help attracting the attention of any person. Those children who succumbed to computer addiction suffer from such a syndrome as a violation of natural analysis and information processing, trusting all these thought processes in computer technologies. Such a child is not able to evaluate or analyze even the simplest information that can be easily understood even by small children. The development of computer technologies and various software allowed to create the appearance of an alternative reality, which is usually called virtual. It is in this reality that the person who spends most of the time around the computer is transferred. Such attachment to the machine is easily explained by the fact that the brain of each person needs to solve various problems of a logical type that will bring the visible result of such an action. Work at the computer entirely consists of solving such problems, which attracts the attention of almost everyone. ways to combat children's computer addiction

Fighting Internet addiction

A special attention should be paid to the globala global network called the Internet, through which people have a common opportunity to communicate interactive type. Typically, this type of communication is necessary for those people who are simply afraid of real communication. Insecurity and isolation do not allow such people to adequately communicate with a real interlocutor, which does not mean that communication is not required for such people. On the contrary, such personalities need it more than others, which makes people resort to communication in a global world network, where computers can not be dispensed with. Among the most common symptoms of this type of dependence, one can note an intolerable desire to check the electronic mail box and a long pastime in chat rooms and social networks. In addition, such people are constantly looking for new information for themselves in the network, although they never attracted and does not carry any useful knowledge. Many people are mistaken about viewing pornographic sites and similar magazines. You can not call such an action computer addiction, because before the advent of such sites, people bought porn magazines and watched porn films on television. In other words, a global network of the world in such a matter can be safely considered only as a tool that is required for people with violations of sexual education or sexual addiction. Direct addiction to video games can be considered addiction to video games, most of which are connected to the Internet. These children have nothing to do with working on the computer, because they are attracted only by the possibility of playing. Most of these children are not able to communicate with the computer, even at an average level of development, since it is simply not required for the game. Among such gamblers you can meet people of different ages, but for the most part ludomania covers adolescents and people up to 30-35 years old. As a rule, the game process captures players due to their visual and sound performance, which in our time have reached such a similarity with real life that players subconsciously transferred to fictional worlds where they feel themselves heroes or villains, which also has an indelible influence on the person. Do not lose sight of these games that make players experience real emotional stress following the loss of game control or game character. the first symptoms of computer addiction in children

Types of malware

The simplest types of games that are not incondition to harm the child, you can safely consider the weak arcades, which do not differ tremendous graphics and realistic sound. Such gaming applications are most often used to time out, players rarely delve into the game process themselves, content with some similarity of video solutions to a particular task. In other words, arcades can be safely considered harmless variants of games, which to some extent even can develop children's thinking. The role-playing games have a completely opposite effect on the player's mind. The meaning is that the child enters the role of a certain hero, fully controlling his actions, experiencing for his health and well-being. Typically, it is role-playing games that are able to completely capture the attention of a player, immersing it in a fictional gaming world that begins to seem real. No less harmful can be considered shooters, in which the entire game plot is tied to violence. As a rule, in the younger generation such games cause aggression and negative emotions, which over time override common sense. In other words, it is strictly forbidden to play such games for children, because the consequences of such an impact on the growing psyche can be irreversible. Most often, the dependence of the game type appears in closed children who spend quite a bit of time in the company of the selves, embarrassed by their appearance or some peculiarities of the organism. This forces children to seek salvation in a virtual world where they can become invincible heroes or murderers, presenting in the role of their victims other children who, to some extent, offended the player. The more forbid these children to play video games, the stronger will become their dependence, which can cause further problems in the education of a teenager. Identify this dependence is relatively simple, because this disease has its own symptoms, recognized by many scientists and analysts. Typically, these symptoms are divided into physical and psychological, which should be described in more detail:

  • Typically, the symptoms of a mental type in thisdisease have some similarities with the symptoms of many mental illnesses. Special attention should be paid to the most common signs of this type of disorder. Children no longer control the playing time or the time they spend in front of the monitor. Such children constantly give their parents promises, which talk about reducing the period of playing time, but as a rule, such promises remain simple words. Teenagers stop taking care of themselves, ceasing to be interested in social problems and life outside the game. If such a teenager is torn from his favorite occupation, he begins to get nervous and angry, which rarely benefits the family relations;
  • To the physical symptoms of this type of diseasecan be attributed to the disruption of the work of the organs of vision, which is expressed in the reduction of visual features and in the display syndrome. The musculoskeletal system of the body is also affected. Children have problems with the spine, posture deteriorates, and the digestive system is disrupted. Constant malfunctions in the food process can adversely affect the state of the stomach and intestines.

Symptoms of the physical type can not be attributed tospecific signs of computer addiction, because all the harm to the body is caused by a long sitting in one place and a violation of sleep and nutrition. It is worth noting the fact that such physical symptoms are not a feature of gamers, because a lot of people are simply forced to spend the whole day at the monitor, which subsequently causes similar symptoms. Today the network can find an incredible number of tests that are able to identify the computer dependency of each person. for getting rid of computer addiction

The main dangers associated with this type of dependence

The described game and computer dependenciescan cause real harm to a person. As a rule, the habit of interactive communication from an early age becomes the reason for the lack of desire for real communication in the future. Children cease to control the flow of time, which negatively affects their perception of the entire life cycle. Adolescents are out of control of their parents, and if they are forbidden to spend time behind a monitor, one can stumble upon undisguised aggression, which will be directed at the offender. Separately, attention should be paid to the perception of real life. After the children in the game can achieve any goal is extremely simple, they begin to think that in real life there is nothing complicated, just press a couple of buttons, and they will get everything that is necessary for life. Some children even begin to believe in their invulnerability, which is often found in games, but good it never ends. Gamblers often neglect food, which leads to more serious diseases, some of which can affect the rest of life. The time spent before the monitor negatively affects the person's vision, and also causes insomnia and frequent headaches. In other words, such attachment to the virtual world can adversely affect the health and well-being of the adolescent, who has little time to take care of his growing body. Among other things, the constant appeal to the computer and the Internet is the reason that children simply stop thinking on their own, because if the answer to each question can be found in the global network, why should you think for yourself? Many parents do not pay any attention to this, while others are generally happy that children are constantly in their rooms and do not distract them with different requests. Such negligence often becomes the reason for the addiction of children to the game and virtual world. Take the child by any other occupation for his distraction from the computer

How to identify the game and computer addiction in children

As a rule, the change of interests and type of activity- this is one of the aspects of the right rest of consciousness and the human body. In the case when children play for hours in the same game, it can be said with certainty that these are the first signs of game dependence. When a dependent person is torn from the game process, he loses all the signs of a good mood, falls into apathy and does not know what to do with himself. When children stop playing in the street with each other, completely moving into a virtual world, this is a game or computer addiction, from which children need to be rid by all means. In order to make the right decision to eliminate this type of dependence, parents need to understand the main reasons for the appearance of such a disease. As a rule, children play these or those games because they can realize all the dreams that real life is simply impossible. In every game you can commit such acts that are prohibited in the real world or simply unreal. This applies to role-playing games and shooters, where people can be killed with impunity, enjoying the process. Do not forget about completely inadequate games, which in our time has divorced quite a lot. True delirium is to the liking of the younger generation, which in later life can affect the thinking and perception of the adolescent. There have been cases when children ceased to fear death, because they are accustomed to the fact that it is impossible to die in games. This feature of perception can completely dull the instinct of self-preservation, which simply can not be considered a positive effect of the game process.

Parental prohibitions

So, in order to prevent a fulldecomposition of the child's consciousness, it is necessary to take the most drastic measures for his upbringing. You can not immediately take and take away from a teenager his favorite computer. It is necessary to recall those methods of upbringing that were present in our childhood. For the opportunity to go for a walk on weekdays or on weekends, we had to do some work around the house, obey parents, and also study well at school. The same methods can be applied to a computer. For example, for bad evaluations, it is worthwhile to reduce the daily usage time of the computer, and in case of violation of the established rules, you should completely stop access to the games. At first it may seem cruel, and the children will be angry with their parents. But it is worth remembering that parents will always cause discontent of children, even if they do not forbid anything. As for the games themselves, it is worth more closely watching what the child plays. On each box with the game there are recommendations that indicate the minimum age allowed for children who are allowed to play this or that game. Parents first of all should pay attention to them. It does not matter if the child wanted to play this game, and important is the fact that on the back of the disc is the badge 16+. In other words, it is necessary to control what the rising generation is addicted to. Nowadays it is much more difficult to do, because nobody buys games now, preferring to download them from special gaming portals. On the one hand, it saves a decent amount of money, but on the other hand, parents stop controlling the type and class of games and applications that their children are passionate about. Some parents will say that such control is simply impossible, but in fact it is completely wrong. In order to see what the child is doing, you just need to visit his room. As a rule, sudden visits always fall into the spot, which forces children to abandon the game of banned applications. It happens not immediately, but constant control is the key to success in education. So, from all that has been said, we can draw a logical conclusion that game dependence can have a disastrous effect on the state of the psyche and human health, especially if it is still a child. The main task of parents is not to allow such an impact of the virtual world, introducing a number of rules and prohibitions concerning the time spent near the monitor.

