when a child begins to brush his teeth Many parents think that brushing your teethIt is necessary to begin with about 3 years. This is an erroneous opinion - dentists categorically state that it is necessary to begin to teach the baby to brushing teeth no later than the first tooth will erupt. That is, you need to do everything somewhere from the age of 4-7 months. Why is it so important? Caries on the baby teeth appears very quickly, because the enamel of the baby is thin and sensitive. A sick tooth is, at a minimum, a source of infection, which can spread further. In addition, it complicates the chewing process, which can also negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

When do you need to start cleaning your teeth?

So, you are interested in when to start brushing your teethto kid? To teach the baby to hygiene of the oral cavity it is necessary already from infancy, as soon as the first lure appears in its diet: juices, fruit purees, etc. Why not before? In the infant age, instinctively the kids react to everything that does not resemble the taste and smell of mother's milk, that is, they try to spit out or spit. As prevention at this age, you need to give your child a drink of a little boiled water after each feeding, which will clear the mouth from the remnants of milk or milk formula. You can also regularly rub his gums with a gauze pad moistened in boiled water. It is important to ensure that this procedure does not cause a negative reaction in the child. You can combine this procedure with a cheerful song in the morning or a lullaby (in the evening). Having formed a need for oral hygiene at a very young age, competent parents can be sure that to a dentist a child will be able to apply only for a preventive examination. when to start brushing your teeth

How to clean the first teeth

Of course, kids do not fit adult objectshygiene, and children up to a year in general will need special brushes and children's hypoallergenic paste. In the first year of life, the child will mostly swallow toothpaste for cleaning teeth. Especially as they produce it, as a rule, with attractive fruit flavors, for example, strawberry, raspberry, etc. If the first subject, which parents will massage the gums, should be a gauze tampon, then a little later it is already necessary to use special brushes - fingertips with a fleecy or rough bristle. Again, it is important to ensure that the procedure is as painless as possible for the baby, because during the teething period, the gums become inflamed and aching. A soft daily massage with a special brush will help to penetrate the teeth faster, that is, it will ease the pain and accelerate the growth of the teeth. Care for these brushes should be especially careful, because the pathogenic bacteria have the property to grow in a sour-milk environment. Therefore, after each use, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the brush under running water and change it every 2 months. An excellent tool for caring for the baby's teeth are special dental napkins - they are impregnated with xylitol, which perfectly cares for the oral cavity, eliminating pathogens. The only negative - it's quite a high cost, because the napkins are disposable and do not involve any treatment. However, they will be simply irreplaceable on the road, when there is no way to properly care for the latex brush.

What dentifrices are suitable for kids

At the very beginning, when parents are just beginningto process gums and erupting teeth in a baby, it is best to use gel toothpastes intended for babies up to 3 months. They have dairy enzymes in their composition, and they also contain lysozin - a gentle antiseptic that helps to rid the oral cavity of bacteria. For babies up to six months, milk-based products should be used, and those children who are already beginning to be introduced with a lure, children's pastes with a taste of fruit will do. At the same time, the amount of toothpaste used should be increased gradually: if at the beginning it is only smeared with a gauze tampon, then by the time the amount of the paste can be increased to the size of an average pea. Since babies often swallow toothpaste, in no case should you use funds with fluoride content - accumulating in a child's body, it can cause extremely negative consequences. When do I start brushing my teeth with a more "adult" paste? Experts recommend doing this with 8 years. when you have to start brushing your teeth

What to do if the baby refuses to brush his teeth

First of all, do not give up. Only on the parents it depends on whether the child's teeth will grow beautiful and healthy, or whether the baby will have to get acquainted with the instruments of the dentist at a very early age. The usual misconception of parents is that tooth decay on the milk teeth is not terrible, they will fall out anyway. A sick tooth is both a source of infection, and a source of pain and discomfort. And if the first visit to the dentist is remembered with extremely unpleasant manipulations, in the future the child will have problems with dentistry. If in infancy, when the parents themselves clean the milk teeth and gums from the plaque, the child begins to be capricious and refuses the procedure, it is worthwhile to try other means for oral hygiene. It can be a remedy with a different smell and taste. In addition, you can return to gel pastes designed for babies for up to six months: they have a neutral taste and smell, so they are not perceived as a foreign object. Also it must be remembered that the child best perceives new information in the game, therefore cleaning of the teeth can be combined, for example, with the beloved child counting, that is, for each syllable, parents perform one simple movement to clean teeth and gums. Somewhere by the year, kids are beginning to imitate their parents actively. At this age, it is appropriate to teach the child to brush his teeth, giving a personal example. Seeing how actively mom is doing it, the child himself starts to consider brushing his teeth as an essential element of personal hygiene.

What does the baby industry offer to the kids for cleaning their teeth?

Somewhere from the year when the child is already accustomed toindependent use of a toothbrush, it makes sense to purchase a specialized children's brush. It can be performed as a figure of a favorite cartoon character or when using it will play a melody, that is, while music sounds, the child should continue the procedure of cleaning the teeth. It is important to choose brushes with a soft bristle, minimally injuring the tender gums and thin enamel of the baby. The surface of it should be small (cover about 2 milk teeth), the handle - comfortable, and the brush itself - attractive for your child. It all depends on what will be the beginning - fun and funny or sullen and terrible. when to brush your teeth

What kind of games can you offer a child to fix the skill of brushing your teeth?

If the kids do not have the right motor for a yearskills to clean your teeth yourself, here can help the next game moment. The parent with the child holds the brush by the handle and shows the correct movements under the beloved's favorite song or rhyme. Children under three years can be offered, for example, a game in Carisland, where evil wizards - caries - hunt for baby teeth. And they can be protected by the Zuboveds, who hide in the toothbrush and children's pasta, helping to fight evil wizards. Also, by analogy with the chimney sweep, which is cleaned "cleanly", you can offer a game in "Toothpicks", i.e. to arrange competitions, who will better clean the teeth. The winner is the one who does it longer (here it is quite appropriate for parents to squeak slightly and "succumb" - let the child's victory in the game serve as a basis for further careful observance of the ritual of cleaning teeth). Also you can find on the Internet interesting game videos and cartoons that help to learn the most important movements together with the baby, so that the mouth cavity is cleaned as thoroughly as possible. In addition to teeth, gums and cheeks, it is also necessary to handle a baby tongue; most children's brushes have an outer rough surface, designed just for cleaning the tongue. What movements need to be remembered so that the teeth cleaning was done as carefully as possible? There are a few simple movements that need to be taught to the baby, this will help to clean the teeth as accurately as possible:

  • The working part of the brush is placed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and as if "sweeping" it from the base of the gum to the tip of the teeth.
  • The working part of the brush is located horizontally and we move the brush back and forth.
  • The brush handle is placed vertically and we clean the surface from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth.

Correctly executed movements will help to clearthe oral cavity is maximally effective, thereby reducing the risk of caries, inflammation of the gums and in the long term avoid tooth loss. Regular oral care will ensure the health of the baby's teeth and prevent their possible loss. In childhood, the right bite is formed. Loss of a milk tooth can provoke the wrong formation of the remaining teeth, and there is no way to do without braces! In addition, the wrong treatment of the milk tooth (which, alas, is often found) can lead to the fact that the infection will fall into the root of the permanent tooth and damage it. Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: the training of a baby to regular brushing of teeth, inculcating the skills of proper oral care will help him avoid in the future the chair of the dentist, that is, there will only be a preventive examination, which the children perceive exceptionally positively. Thus, parents can help the child grow with healthy and beautiful teeth, which is very important for the appearance and health of the child's organism as a whole.

