Cheating in the family is a fairly common topic.However, this has not made it any less relevant. Because open relationships, when the husband is on the left, the wife on the right, are not really taking root yet. Well, most of our people cannot calmly accept the fact that their other half has someone else! If this fact is discovered, they lose their heads. And they become so furious that it is time to hide not only the participants of adultery, but everyone around them within a radius of several kilometers. What kind of happy family can we talk about then? The situation is dire. And many understand this. But secret betrayals do not become less. Why? How to avoid cheating on your spouse and create all the prerequisites for his fidelity?
Why do people change their halves?
No matter how we try to be tolerant and reasonablefew people succeed in perceiving human actions and treating the betrayal of loved ones with indulgence. And it is not a matter of jealousy towards members of the opposite sex. Although it is present, of course. It is just that infidelity is perceived as a betrayal of the person to whom our fate and the fate of our children are entrusted. Family is a microcosm in which everyone has their place and their responsibilities. And if someone forgets about this even for a while, chaos begins. Well, and if betrayal occurs, then in general a family apocalypse often occurs. What to do? How to avoid betrayal in family life and complete collapse of hopes, and is it possible to avoid them? In general - yes. After all, this happens mainly when spouses have not found in marriage what they were striving for. It would be very nice if young men and women who want to start a family knew in advance about each other's main needs and were ready to satisfy them. After all, why do most of us get married? Women want from their husbands:
Well, that's roughly how women view the rules of marriage. What do men usually expect from it?
These are approximately the requirements for marriageare made by representatives of both sexes. Needless to say, both men and women do not always try to build a family on the mutual satisfaction of such demands. People expect security from marriage, but get disunity. They seek sexual satisfaction, but find intimate coldness. A person longs for recognition of his exclusivity, but hears only reproaches and insults. A husband wants his wife to share or understand his interests, but in a woman they only cause irritation and ridicule. So why are we surprised by such a number of betrayals and unsuccessful marriages? Unfortunately, often spouses simply do not know how to calmly discuss the problems that arise in the relationship. They begin to get nervous, lose their temper, and switch to mutual reproaches. And if the marriage was still in a more or less intact state before, now it is already cracking. When the atmosphere heats up - the crack grows. If the married couple does not come to their senses in time, there will be trouble. One of the spouses will certainly try to find solace on the side. If the search reveals something that is missing in the marriage, then cheating will become inevitable. Most often, this concerns men. And not at all because they are less decent than women. It's just that men have more prerequisites and opportunities. Does a man not receive sexual satisfaction in the family? He will look for it elsewhere. Physiology is an indomitable lady. Does his other half not appreciate his achievements and merits? A man will raise his self-esteem with the help of women singing his praises. And so on. There are a lot of single representatives of the weaker sex these days. And among them there will always be one who will fill the gap in a man's life. It is quite possible that she will not be alone. In principle, you can always try to change the situation for the better. But for this we need to know what common mistakes women make when trying to keep their husbands from going to the side.
What can not be counted on in trying to protect her husband from infidelity
It must be said that there is no guarantee against male infidelity.not a single woman. No matter how self-possessed and highly moral our man is, every now and then a frivolous thought about intimacy with some beauty will pop into his head. Well, and under favorable circumstances, a fleeting fantasy can become a reality. The chances of such an outcome if the man is a good family man and knows how to control himself are small. But they exist. There is no need to talk about inveterate womanizers. Just turn away, and he is already flirting with someone. This is a practically hopeless case. And if a woman has decided to marry a womanizer, then she must be ready for his adventures. No, sometimes it happens that even such cats calm down. But for this, their kitty must be very patient and reasonable. So what should we do, dear women? Not everyone can turn a blind eye to men's inclination to infidelity and allow the possibility of their spouse's binges. How to avoid your husband's betrayal, and what are the proven methods for this? In general, each of us has some arsenal of such means. But the methods and advice of our mothers and grandmothers that once seemed to have proven themselves often do not justify themselves in practice. Common female misconceptions in this case are:
- The belief is that if the faithful is good andtasty feed, he did not look in the direction of other women. The one who said that the way to the heart of a man lies through the stomach, either cunning or poorly knew men. They, besides a full stomach, need a lot more. Wife-cook - it's wonderful. But not enough. Once spoiled by culinary delights, a husband may lose his head from one that is only capable of fried eggs and sandwiches. Relations are not built only on the need for food;
- Confidence that the betrayal of a man will be keptchildren. Oh, how wrong those who think so! Yes, the children are holding. But for the time being, until the time. If the attraction to the wife disappears and the man finds another woman, he, as a rule, is gradually freed from strong attachment to children. And if the new passion becomes a part of the life of a man, he can set a family, even if there are three children in it;
- The desire to become an ideal housewife.What a misconception! Cleaning the house is certainly important. But which man has been kept from cheating by a house licked clean by his wife? They don't even notice it! There's no pile of garbage in the middle of the room - and that's fine;
- The belief is that if it's always chiclook, the husband does not look at anyone else. Actually, it's a commendable effort. But the insurance against male infidelity, it also can not be. Because he will look, and even get carried away by the one who does not look like his wife. And not the fact that she will be a beautiful woman. Simply, this is another woman, new and unexplored.
Actually, each of these points is not without meaning.But it does not guarantee the absence of male infidelity. Neither does excellent sex using all sorts of positions from the Kama Sutra. Firstly, there are men who feel quite uncomfortable in bed with an overly passionate and skilled woman. And secondly, a man must desire this woman not only because she is a virtuoso in sex, but also because there is something else that attracts him. So how can you become an ideal couple for your husband? Frankly speaking, there are no ready-made recipes. One thing is clear - a spouse should always have such an interest in us that it would never occur to him to cheat on us. We must try to become his most faithful ally in everything - in sexual life, in home improvement, in relation to hobbies, in solving problems. And try to make sure that your husband does not have the feeling that he knows us inside and out. Let's leave ourselves the right to some mystery and unpredictability. Let the desire to solve us live in the faithful. If the betrayal still took place - let's not act hastily. Anything can happen in life. It is better to wait until the emotions subside, approach the situation sensibly and restrainedly, and try to find the true reasons for what happened. Perhaps it is enough to eliminate them, and the question of the husband's betrayal will disappear? Often it is not difficult to do this at all. We advise you to read: