oatmeal dietLosing excess weight is quite a common practice these days.актуальная проблема, и все, кого она касается, мечтают похудеть быстро, надолго закрепив достигнутые результаты. Диет для похудения сегодня разработано великое множество, но ни одна из них не отвечает двум этим требованиям одновременно и в полном объёме. В целом их можно разделить на длительные и быстрые. К последним относятся все монодиеты, ведь они позволяют сбросить несколько килограммов лишнего веса за очень короткий отрезок времени. Само название такого принципа питания говорит о том, в чем его основная суть. Рецепт прост: на протяжении диеты питаться можно лишь каким-нибудь одним продуктом или несколькими его производными. Поэтому, выбирая свой собственный вариант для сброса веса, нужно прежде всего определиться с целью. Кому-то необходимо похудеть на несколько лет, а кому-то — лишь на несколько недель для участия в каком-то мероприятии или празднике. Диет для похудения, при которых вес уходит быстро, придерживаются недолго — всего несколько дней. Но чтобы был эффект, меню женщины, выбравшей такой рецепт похудения, подвергается жестким ограничениям. Однако не стоит заблуждаться относительно кажущейся простоты такого процесса. Далеко не все представительницы прекрасного пола способны с легкостью выдержать такое испытание, ведь нужно отказаться практически от всех продуктов, кроме какого-то одного или двух. Один из вариантов такой диеты заключается в том, что на ужин выпивают лишь стакан кефира, отвара шиповника или какого-то травяного или ягодного напитка без сахара. Если же чувство голода окажется сильнее желания похудеть, можно съесть ничем не приправленный несолёный овощной салат с диетическим сухариком. Никакие фрукты в рационе присутствовать не должны. Эффективность такой диеты заключается в том, что из организма выводится лишняя жидкость и сжигается немного жира, что способствует уменьшению объёма талии на два-три сантиметра. Она продуктивна не более пяти дней, после которых перестаёт действовать. Вы действительно потеряете за неделю до пяти килограммов веса, однако, если впоследствии вернетесь к прежнему меню, лишние килограммы вновь станут вашими спутниками. Ещё один рецепт быстрого похудения — английские диеты, весьма популярные уже на протяжении многих лет. Это яично-медовая диета, «Яйца и грейпфруты», «Яйца и грейпфруты с добавлением картофеля», «Овощной день», вегетарианская диета. Недостаток всех подобных принципов питания — отсутствие навыков рационального приёма пищи. Следствием этого является то, что по окончании диеты человек быстро поправляется снова и иной раз набирает вес больший, чем тот, который был до нее. Поэтому желание сесть на диету должно быть обдуманным. Ведь постоянно придерживаться жёсткого рациона довольно сложно, к тому же, от этого могут возникнуть негативные изменения в деятельности организма. Поэтому, перед тем, как сесть на одну из диет, следует проконсультироваться у врача, и, если она не будет противопоказана, включить в рецепт выбранной диеты как можно больше любимых продуктов. Сброшенный вес очень трудно удержать на одном уровне, поэтому, после завершения диеты, нужно постепенно входить в обычный режим питания, понемногу вводя в него все полностью исключённые во время диеты продукты. oatmeal diet

Advantages of oatmeal diet

We all know from childhood that the most usefulbreakfast is porridge. Not only oatmeal, but any other. After all, it contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed by our body, which makes it possible not to feel hungry until lunch. And only having got used to having porridge for breakfast, you can try in action a recipe for a mono-diet based on oatmeal or other cereals. The oatmeal diet, which has become popular recently, in addition to being one of the most effective options for losing weight, is also extremely useful. It removes waste and toxins from the body, reduces cholesterol levels, and improves skin condition. However, following such a diet requires considerable willpower, because it consists of only one product - oatmeal. Such a diet is one of the excellent means for both losing excess weight and generally strengthening the body and increasing its tone. It is a good weight loss option for those who, dreaming of losing weight, have tried different diets, but have not waited for the desired effect. The oatmeal diet guarantees excellent results with relatively little physical discomfort: oats are quite filling, so this diet minimizes the feeling of hunger. Oatmeal contains virtually no fat, but it contains a large amount of vitamins B, E and minerals useful for the female body: calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc. Oatmeal is truly a godsend for those who want to lose weight, because it contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps normalize fat metabolism. It also has the property of restoring intestinal microflora. In addition, a woman who chooses an oatmeal diet can absolutely not be afraid of the so-called "dietary depression". This is due to another useful property of the magic cereal: it can activate brain activity, while calming the nervous system and improving mood. That is why the oatmeal diet for weight loss is the most optimal, because, in addition to its simplicity and availability, it is also useful.

How can this be sustained?

Let us remind you that we will be talking about a mono-diet.This, as you understand, means that the menu will be limited to only one product - oatmeal. During this entire period, only oatmeal and other oat dishes, such as muesli or flakes, are allowed. All your meals will consist of these products. Does this seem simple to you? Indeed, what an easy diet: you can eat oatmeal with appetite, because it is tasty and healthy. But remember that this cereal or flakes cannot be replaced with any dry breakfasts, because these products contain sugar and other not very healthy additives. Only oatmeal and its derivatives are allowed, of which there are not so many. To make the transition to this diet principle less painful for you, nutritionists recommend gradually introducing products containing oatmeal or flakes into your usual diet. And this is really easy. So, make it a rule to have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Cook cereals or flakes in water, although you can also use milk, preferably low-fat. At first, add butter (butter, sunflower, olive), honey, any sweet fruits and berries to the porridge. However, try to avoid salt and sugar, which excite the taste buds and stimulate the appetite, forcing you to eat more food than your body requires. This does not contribute to weight loss at all, but gives completely opposite results. Do you like oatmeal cookies? Great, buy them for tea instead of cake or chocolate. Now on the shelves of stores next to bakery products you can always see grain breads - crispy and tasty. Try to include them in your diet by changing the recipe for making lunch sandwiches. Instead of the usual loaf, use crispbreads. Believe me, they are great for satisfying hunger, because they contain fiber. So, now that you are used to having tasty and healthy porridge for breakfast, have learned to navigate oatmeal, your bread bin is increasingly filled with grain breads instead of white bread, and oatmeal cookies have become an indispensable attribute of tea drinking, it is time to move on to the mono-diet itself. Now you are ready for it both mentally and, we hope, physically.oatmeal diet for weight loss

What do I need to know?

Any diet is a kind of stress forof the body. This is especially true for mono-diets. They, despite the excellent results, are very difficult for women to tolerate. Therefore, before choosing a recipe for a particular dietary principle, you should first prepare the female body for this. Do not neglect this stage, because otherwise, instead of the expected slim forms, you can get negative results, earning health problems. But your goal is precisely to renew the body, rid it of extra pounds and prolong youth? So, it makes sense to adhere to all the necessary rules for losing weight, which will increase the effectiveness of the process and make it as gentle as possible. In general, the oatmeal diet allows you to lose from three to five kilograms per week. In order for it to be as productive as possible, you should do a cleansing procedure before the diet. It lasts from seven to ten days, and the recipe for its main component is very simple. It consists of the following: for breakfast, four tablespoons of rice, poured in a liter of cold water in the evening, are boiled over low heat until the consistency of jelly. After drinking this jelly, you must not eat or drink anything for five hours. After this period, you can eat any food, but it is advisable to limit its volume. Five hours before bed, you must not eat or drink again. In extreme cases, if you are very thirsty, you can drink a glass of rice broth. During the remaining days of cleansing (including this one), you should refrain from overeating, and have your last meal no later than five to six hours before bed. The diet should consist of light, low-fat dishes.

Menu for the oatmeal diet

You need to follow the oatmeal diet for seven to ten days.days. This rule applies not only to this, but also to all other mono-diets. As already mentioned, such nutritional principles are designed for a short period of time, because it is in the first few days that the main weight loss occurs. Therefore, no matter how much you like the results obtained, after ten days you should include most of the previous (preferably healthy) products in your diet. However, do not rush and replenish your menu gradually, without unnecessary haste. If you do not do this, then the body's metabolic processes will slow down, and the kilograms will not only stop going away, but can also insidiously return, negating the achieved results. It is advisable to cook in water, and the recipe for your oatmeal itself should not contain salt, oil or sugar. The porridge can be cooked before eating or cooked in advance by pouring cold water over the flakes twelve hours before this meal. The second recipe for cooking oatmeal will be the most useful for the body. In this case, both crushed and whole flakes are suitable. For breakfast, you can add some prunes or other low-calorie fruits to the porridge, which, as you remember, is not salted or sweetened. You cannot eat bananas and grapes. But low-fat kefir is sometimes quite acceptable. The portion size can be arbitrary, since oatmeal promotes weight loss in any case, even if the portions are quite large. When following an oatmeal diet, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, about 1.5 liters per day. This can be tea, mineral water, which is consumed only between meals. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. Keep in mind that when on an oatmeal diet, you should have dinner three hours before your expected bedtime.diet for weight loss oatmeal

General tips and tricks

It is also important to remember that you need to endurea certain period of the diet and get rid of a few kilograms is only half the battle. In order to maintain the achieved results as long as possible, you need to reconsider your preferences and eating habits in the future. And it is best to make the principles of healthy eating a lifestyle. However, first of all, in order to avoid a rapid return of several kilograms lost during the oatmeal diet, it is worth figuring out how to get out of it correctly. If you have courageously endured all ten days, then you will have to endure at least five more. This must be done so as not to burden the body with a large number of different products abruptly and at once. Otherwise, you, at the very least, risk getting indigestion. And the results of the next morning weigh-in will definitely not please you. So, the strict oatmeal diet for weight loss is finally over. You have become slimmer and have a reason to be proud of yourself, but the thoughts that you can’t immediately hide the boring flakes away in the closet clearly do not improve your mood? Don't be upset, just add your favorite fruits to the boring oatmeal on the first "not quite diet" day. Next time, treat yourself to nuts, then add stewed vegetables. But it is better to try meat dishes six days after the end of the diet. Do not rush, you have waited so long, there is very little time left. And do not forget that oatmeal is an excellent basis for fasting days. If you want to consolidate your current weight, try eating only this porridge a couple of days a week. But not more often, otherwise you can harm your health, because your diet should be varied. Do not forget that the oatmeal mono-diet is not suitable for those people who prefer proteins to carbohydrates. It is not difficult to check whether you belong to this category: if at the first stages of the diet you are constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger, then it is better not to torture yourself and choose some other option for losing weight. This is also true for women who are actively involved in sports, because they really need protein. There are a huge number of diets, and among them there is sure to be one that will suit you if your goal is to get rid of extra pounds. However, do not go overboard - it is better to approach the solution of the problem that worries you competently and sensibly. This will be the first step that will definitely bring the desired results. Good luck! We recommend reading:

