Buckwheat diet refers to a number of mono-diets, and thismeans that you need to eat one product for a certain time. For some it will not be possible, but the results, which can be achieved in two weeks (minus 12 kg!), Few people remain indifferent. It is a hard menu that affects effective weight loss. Buckwheat diet allows you to lose weight, which you typed after childbirth or hearty holidays, thereby normalizing it. Buckwheat diet will not give the desired result, if the ratio of your weight and height is normal.
Buckwheat diet: what is the essence?
Quite logically there can be a question: why buckwheat, because this is a fairly high-calorie product? The answer is simple. Buckwheat porridge is very nutritious, contains a lot of protein and a small amount of carbohydrates (which you need). A large amount of fiber provides removal of toxins from the body. Plus, this cereal is rich in B vitamins, which contribute to stress-resistance (and the diet is the strongest stress for the body!), The growth of nails and hair. Your body will also not suffer from a deficiency of iodine, calcium, copper, nickel, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, malic acid and other useful elements. Buckwheat diet is cheap, fast and, most importantly, effective! For a week you can lose at least 5 kg! After this, it is recommended to take a break, so that the body is replenished with other vitamins and buckwheat you are not bored. Another buckwheat diet is called therapeutic, as it promotes the purification of blood vessels.
Pros and cons of buckwheat diet. Contraindications
Let's start with the advantages. Despite the fact that the buckwheat diet is among the strict and not everyone easily observes the menu, it also has its positive aspects:
Of course, everything has its drawbacks. Therefore, no matter how we praise the buckwheat diet, there are a number of drawbacks that prevent you from combating excess kilograms. First of all it is:
No matter how tempting the buckwheat diet seemed to you, forget about it if:
What to eat and how to cook
Only buckwheat porridge, and how much you will fit. When you cook it, forget about the recipe your mother used - no milk, no butter, and even less sugar. To prepare a dietary mush, you need to rinse the rump and pour it with boiling water. You do not have to cook, you just need to leave it for the night, so that the croup is steamed and filled with water. Thus, all the useful substances do not evaporate, but remain in the porridge. Of course, such a menu will not like much, so you can use a little soy sauce, but most importantly - do not salt. During the day you can drink 1 liter of 1% kefir, you can also pour the rump instead of water. Still allowed to eat a small amount of fruit (except bananas and grapes), 150 grams of low-fat yogurt, green tea (no sugar) and mineral water (without gas). Of course, if you eat fruit, the result will be worse, but the diet will be easier to maintain due to glucose. Buckwheat porridge without salt removes water from the body, so it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of drinking still water. I wanted to eat - again drink vodichki! Take yourself for the habit of drinking a glass of hot water with honey every morning. This helps the body to get rid of toxins and prepare for food intake. At the end of the day you need to eat 4 hours before bedtime, and if the feeling of hunger obscures your mind, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir diluted in half with water. Sample menu for one day
- Breakfast: buckwheat on water without salt. Instead of spices - a few spoons of yogurt.
- Lunch: a glass of yogurt.
- Lunch: fruit salad.
- Afternoon snack: an apple.
- Dinner: buckwheat with fried carrots and onions.
- Before going to bed: a glass of yogurt.
Sample menu for a therapeutic buckwheat diet
- Breakfast: buckwheat on water without seasonings. To choose a piece of cottage cheese, hard cheese or yogurt.
- Lunch: a green salad of vegetables, about 100 grams of lean boiled veal.
- Snack: apple or low-fat yogurt.
- Dinner: buckwheat on water with soy sauce, vegetables.
How to return to the usual menu
You should understand that the buckwheat diet is not onlyrelieves of extra pounds, but also changes the work of the entire digestive system. First of all, the appetite decreases, and in the second - the stomach. To go back to the usual menu, try to eat the food in several ways. For example, for breakfast - a boiled egg with sweet tea or a decoction of dried fruits, you can afford to eat more at lunch. However, try, as before, eat no later than 4 hours before bedtime. By observing these rules, you can return to the usual diet without gaining excess weight. And finally. No matter how carefully you choose the menu to throw off the extra pounds, it is better to consult a doctor and choose the diet that he will advise!