new team Well, it would seem, all the most difficult is over -interview successfully passed and the cherished position is already "in your pocket". It's time to rejoice and be proud of yourself - so smart and successful. However, for some reason, my heart is not calm ... However, there is nothing surprising here, because there is yet another rather difficult stage - to smoothly join the new team. As most psychologists believe, changing jobs is one of the most serious stresses. According to statistics, complaints: "I'm afraid of a new team and I can not overcome this fear" - one of the most frequent. During this period, even very communicative and self-confident people may have doubts about their own strengths and fears that the team will not want to accept a new employee. In fact, those "horrors" that helpfully draws your imagination to you, are never realized and will remain a "terrible tale". And then, everyone once had to go through this stage, getting a job. And, mind you, everyone survives! So, you can. Well, in order for this process to pass with the least losses, you just need to memorize a few simple rules and develop your own line of behavior.

Relations in the team

First a bit of theory. Relations in any collective can be conditionally divided into three main types. From what type of company is present in the company, not only does your ability to perform your duties professionally depends, but also the whole further career. In order to understand how to adapt to the new team, in the first days you just need to carefully observe the employees and try to determine what type of relationship prevails. And only after that, "armed with knowledge", adjust their behavior.

  • The most successful and stable companies havestrict hierarchy. Between the employees formal relations are established. In this case, you need to take everything as it is, and try not to discuss colleagues on a new job and, in particular, leadership.
  • Relations between employees are friendly anddespite the position and age. In this case, try to avoid unnecessary frankness and observe the distance. Do not try immediately, on the first day, to become "your boyfriend". Take a closer look at people.
  • In the team there is no clear personnel policy. Relations develop spontaneously, often there are conflicts and unsolved problems. It will be difficult for you to realize yourself and you will have to devote too much time to interpersonal relationships, which can go to the detriment of work. Just try to follow the job description clearly and avoid conflict situations.
  • how to enter a new team

    Acquaintance with the new collective

    Well, perhaps, the theory is already enough - it's about timemove on to practice. How can you make it so that acquaintance with the new team is painless? How to behave correctly? How to adapt to the new team? For some reason, very often the old, as the world, utterance "does not go to someone else's monastery with its charter", it is forgotten at the most inopportune moment. And in vain! A new collective is the same notorious alien monastery. And his charter will have to be studied. And, the earlier you do it, the easier it will be. Perhaps, we will not even talk about such trivial things as being late. I think that everyone understands that it's too late to work - especially in the first days! - absolutely unacceptable. But on the "clothes" it is worth to stop in more detail. Almost any company has its own dress code. Somewhere he is very strict, somewhere - quite free. But, nevertheless, it is. How to understand what style should be dressed on the first working day? Yes, it's very simple. For a day or two before your exit, do not be too lazy, and by the end of the day, drive up to the enterprise. Carefully look at the outgoing staff - most likely, you will understand everything. At home, carefully review your wardrobe and determine which items are most appropriate to the style of the company. Anything suitable was not found? Well, what to do - will have to "fork out". And, believe me, this is not a waste of money - it's an investment in a future career. And, of course, in order to feel confident and make a good impression, before going to work it is worth to visit the hairdresser's, - no "tails" or long loose hair! - to make a manicure and pedicure and to put in order "working" clothes. Yes, we should also be very attentive to the choice of jewelry - both large diamonds and bright costume jewelry will look equally inappropriate. With this, like, everything. What else needs to be done to make the adaptation easy?

    Adaptation in a new team

    Of all candidates for this positionit is you. So, you have those qualities that are necessary for this job and managed to prove it at the interview. Therefore, the very first and natural desire - "to take the bull by the horns" - immediately begin to prove that you are not mistaken. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common mistakes of "beginners". It is not necessary to rush and try to demonstrate on the first day to everyone their competence, firm character, "fresh look" and "creative approach". Most likely, such zeal will be perceived incorrectly - you will be considered an upstart, "know-it-all" and careerist, ready to go on their heads. In order to understand how to adapt to a new team, at the first stage it is better to listen more and talk less. To begin with, remember the names of new colleagues - it always makes a positive impression. If there are a lot of employees, and you do not rely too much on your memory - write down information, for example, in a notebook. Just try to do it so that no one will notice. And then they will think that you have started to collect the dossier! A few days, observe the staff. Pay attention to whom it is customary to apply to "you", and to whom to "you". However, before "poking" someone, it is better to clarify the person again which form of treatment he prefers. Select the one who is most respected. It is not difficult to do this. Just look at who is most often treated with questions and whose opinions are referred to in the conversation. Try to establish contact with this person - he can provide you with invaluable help. Only to do it it is necessary "on-clever". Do not "climb into the soul" or try to be frank and tell about yourself. It is better to seek advice on any matter related to your new job and job responsibilities. And you probably have questions! Do not be afraid to "fall in the eyes" of new colleagues - each company has its own subtleties, which you simply can not know if they came just recently. Ignorance of the nuances can cause serious mistakes. And the interest and desire to "get to the heart of", most likely, will cause only positive emotions. Someone from the staff rushes to you with "open arms" and actively tries to establish relations and offers help? This should be treated with caution. This style of behavior is typical for outsiders trying to attract supporters to their camp. Of course, the temptation to get someone's support - especially when you miss it so much! - is very large. But you are a new person, and yet you do not know either the relations that have already developed, nor the reasons why they have developed this way, and not otherwise. Therefore, the risk of making mistakes is very great. However, one should not repel a person - otherwise he may harbor grievances. Under no circumstances should you tolerate familiarity, do not let yourself be dragged into disputes and beware of demonstrating "sparkling humor" - such a "cocktail" can severely impair the nascent relationship. But if you are invited to dine together - you do not need to refuse! Time spent in an informal setting can help you get closer to people and join a new team. It's true that we should behave very carefully here. For example, if someone is discussing someone in your presence, do not rush to give your assessment of what is happening. It is better to keep "neutrality". Try to treat everyone calmly and friendly. Smile more often.

    "Strength test" in a new team

    What other surprises can prepare for younew collective? Perhaps, one of the most unpleasant is "checking for strength". Unfortunately, such methods are not uncommon. Do not be upset and think that you were disliked from the first day. It is possible that this is just a peculiar policy of the company. Incidentally, according to some reports, such checks on "entry" suited their employees and such "business sharks" as Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch. What is the essence of the test? The "newcomer" is loaded with work, and, almost from the first day, they are entrusted with performing some complicated task. And then - carefully monitor how he copes with the proposed situation, and how to respond to criticism. The main thing here is not to blunder! Do not express bewilderment or irritation in any way. Thoroughly find out what kind of result is expected of you. Clarify the timing of execution. If necessary, ask additional questions. Calmly and confidently proceed to the task. If you feel that you do not keep within the allotted time, ask if it is possible to stay longer in the workplace in order to meet the deadlines. Surely such diligence and responsibility will be appreciated. If your work has been criticized - do not panic and depressed. No catastrophe happened. Attentively and kindly listen to all the comments. Analyze your mistakes and try to correct them in the shortest time and do not repeat in the future. Even if you yourself came to a leadership position, then the question of how to enter a new team does not become less relevant. It is possible that subordinates will want to test your competence and firmness of character. In order to establish good and calm working relations between you and the employees, it is not necessary to "twist the nuts" and establish their orders on the first working day. First, take a closer look at the already existing rules and laws. Draw conclusions. And you can introduce different innovations after you get into all the details and feel confident. Regardless of the position you are in, try to make an impression of a calm, friendly and competent person. Then acquaintance with the new team will be smooth and painless. After all, your new colleagues are not enemies, but simply, while unfamiliar to you, people with their own character, way of life and habits. It will be a very short time, and you probably will not only be colleagues, but also friends. And maybe even find true loyal friends. In addition, a new job - it's always so interesting! These are new perspectives, new impressions and opportunities. And you will succeed. We advise you to read:

