how to conduct job interviews You will be interviewed byseveral candidates for any position - that's why you are interested in an article on the topic of how to conduct an interview when hiring. And this is absolutely the right step, because this depends on the benefits brought by the future employee. If you have a poor interview, the post may be unoccupied or occupied by an amateur. But in case of the right organization of the interview with the candidates you are likely to be able to find the one you were looking for. What do you need to do for this?

Prepare for the interview

The Internet is full of headlines about howThe applicant must prepare for a meeting with the employer. However, the person conducting the interview also needs some preliminary actions. A simple conversation about "why you want to work in our company" is not enough: you need to fully evaluate the potential employee: check the level of his qualifications, get acquainted with personal and business qualities, etc. ... Without all this you can not weigh all the pros and cons and make the right decision on hiring a particular person. That's why the preparation for the interview can not be allowed to drift. It begins with the creation of a professionalogram - so in professional psychological jargon is called a full description of the vacancy and requirements for the employee occupying it. There is no strict pattern, but it should include the recommended sex, age, social status, education requirements, the functional duties of a specialist, the necessary business skills (teamwork, good memory, analytical ability, etc. ...) and personal (accuracy, stress resistance, independence, responsibility, etc.) quality. It is desirable for each of the features to assign a mandatory level: one - necessarily, two - preferably, three - optional, but will be a plus. After you have decided on the image of the ideal worker, we recommend that you make a list of questions and activities aimed at checking the skills and qualities listed in the profiogram. Many of them you can appreciate simply by observing the applicant and asking him a couple of simple questions. But to determine some of the features you may need special psychodiagnostic methods, which will be discussed a little later. So, you have decided on who you need. Not one dozen people have responded to your vacancy, and you want to meet with many of them personally. Make an accurate list of these people and decide on the time and place of the interview. Of course, this should be a separate, well-lit and well-equipped office - then you and the competitors will be comfortable in it, and no one will pull you and distract you. You should invite everyone to the time (the approximate duration of one standard interview is twenty to thirty minutes, but maybe more, and less, depending on the circumstances). Take care of places to sit in the corridor - in case someone comes early, and he did not have to feel uncomfortable while waiting. how to interview at work

Conduct an interview

Organizational moments behind, and before youDirectly conducts an interview directly. It will be right to start a conversation not with questions related to the vacancy, but with some general themes or with jokes - this is important for establishing contact. It is not necessary to duplicate the questions during the conversation, the answers to which are indicated in the resume - it's better to spend time on more important and interesting things. In the course of a conversation, you can write down the key points of your conversation in a notebook, of course, by notifying the applicant about it. What activities need to be included in the interview? Certainly, questions concerning professional experience and duties in the previous work. Unfortunately, the attempts of the competitor to deceive the employer are not uncommon and to embellish something. Fortunately, it's easy to overcome: it will be enough for you to ask the candidate a few narrow-profile questions. If a person is really engaged in this, he can find more or less adequate answers. And if not, then he will say something vague or just wrong. A successful step will be questions relating to the description of duties and projects in the previous position of the applicant. Let the candidate tell you about what he did, and then you ask him some clarifying questions: what result was achieved or how many people participated in the project. The applicant, who implemented the project, can easily remember the details you need, and they will not contradict each other. Many candidates prefer to embellish their work skills. If you are not the first time to conduct an interview, you are surely faced with the fact that the applicant indicates in the resume "excellent knowledge of English", and in person can not clearly tell about himself in this very language. And if the verification of this skill does not take much time, then what about the rest? For this, there are special case assignments, which the head of a particular unit in the organization must prepare in advance. A good candidate must successfully cope with their decision. Agree, the desired for the employer is a quality such as the ability to work independently - it is so difficult to find among applicants! In order to evaluate it, try to ask the candidate several situational questions, concerning, for example, the levels of coordination at the previous place of work or difficult situations that the applicant could (or could not) manage on his own. With the candidate it is necessary to talk about those recommendations that he provided - they are often a confirmation of the professional skills and competencies of the applicant. Most often they are positive, because what kind of person will suffer negative recommendations to the potential employer! However, it happens, and in these cases it is worth taking with a little doubt about the characteristics of a specialist who has worked in the company for a long time: perhaps the recommendation simply reflects the emotions associated with the loss of a valuable frame. Much more effective will inquire about the scope of his powers and working achievements. Do not forget to ask the candidate to ask the questions that are of interest closer to the end of the interview. Firstly, it is a courtesy, secondly, he also needs to receive some information at the interview, and, thirdly, so you can best observe the activity and initiative of the applicant. The person conducting the interview should have respect for each candidate applying for a vacancy. That is why it is so important at the end of the interview to announce at least some preliminary results (and not be limited to dry "we'll call you"). Even if this is the accepted standard in the company, it frustrates the candidate and makes him look for another job. Therefore, if you want to keep the attention of the applicant interested in you, be sure to express to him the opinion that you have developed and agree on options for further interaction with him. how to conduct an interview

Analyze the results of the interview

Correct analysis of the results of the meeting is onefrom the keys to how to conduct an interview. Create a separate file for each candidate, which will reflect the main results - this will help you quickly and easily navigate in a large number of applicants for the post. First of all, indicate the candidate's compliance with your most necessary requirements. As a rule, it is education, the availability of professional knowledge, work experience, communication skills, the general level of intelligence and, maybe, something else. Note the presence or absence of each of these candidates. Important steps in the analysis of the results of the interview is the evaluation of business and personal qualities. You again need a professionalogram, drawn up in preparation for the interview. Open it and write down those characteristics, the assessment of which was available to you in the course of direct observation. For each quality, assign an importance factor - from one to three. Further, evaluate the severity of these qualities for a candidate on a five-point scale. Amount of points multiplied by the importance factor and calculate the total amount. It is this figure that will be very useful to people who rely on rational arguments and mathematical calculations in everything. If you have used special tests, do not forget to invite a specialist who will help you interpret their results. You can, of course, try to do it yourself, but remember: many psychodiagnostic questionnaires are much more complicated than the notorious summation and scoring of scores - their interpretation is related to the knowledge of the deep structure of the test, which usually people do not possess without a higher psychological education. However, you can use these figures as an auxiliary source of information. Analysis of specialized cases may also require the involvement of a specialist who is versed in the sphere in which a person will work. If this specialist is you, then you can do without outside help. It will be enough for you to analyze the results of the work of candidates on the following items:

  • How effective is the solution to the problem?
  • What did the candidate rely on when searching for him?
  • Is the solution found economical and least energy-intensive?
  • Did the candidate see possible other solutions and how did he comment on them?

And, finally, the most difficult thing is that you willTo do is to make a decision on hiring by analyzing the results of the interview. Some employers fall into a stupor with this need, because they think that everything depends on their solution. This also happens (when the vacancy of a top manager closes, for example, and it can double the company's profits, but it can ruin it), but in many cases the error is not so fatal. Yes, of course, it is better to find the ideal employee right away. But, unfortunately, they are so very rare in nature! And all you have to do is choose from far-off people who will be able to bring real benefits to your company. Of course, you can do this - if you apply in practice everything that we told you about. We advise you to read:

