new teamWell, it would seem that the hardest part is behind us.— the interview has been successfully passed and the coveted position is already "in the bag". It's time to rejoice and be proud of yourself - so smart and successful. However, for some reason, my soul is not at peace ... However, there is nothing surprising here, because there is still another rather difficult stage ahead - smoothly integrating into a new team. According to most psychologists, changing jobs is one of the most serious stresses. According to statistics, complaints like: "I'm afraid of a new team and can't overcome this fear" are among the most common. During this period, even very sociable and self-confident people may have doubts about their own abilities and fears that the team will not want to accept a new employee. In fact, those "horrors" that your imagination helpfully draws for you will never come true and will remain a "scary tale". And then, everyone has to go through this stage at some point when getting a job. And, mind you, - everyone survives! Which means you can too. Well, in order for this process to pass with the least losses, you just need to remember a few simple rules and develop your own line of behavior.

Relations in the team

First, a little theory.Relationships in any team can be divided into three main types. The type present in the company determines not only your ability to professionally perform your duties, but also your entire future career. In order to understand how to adapt to a new team, in the first days you just need to carefully observe the employees and try to determine what type of relationships prevail. And only after that, “armed with knowledge,” adjust your behavior.

  • The most successful and stable companies havestrict hierarchy. Between the employees formal relations are established. In this case, you need to take everything as it is, and try not to discuss colleagues on a new job and, in particular, leadership.
  • Relations between employees are friendly anddespite the position and age. In this case, try to avoid unnecessary frankness and observe the distance. Do not try immediately, on the first day, to become "your boyfriend". Take a closer look at people.
  • In the team there is no clear personnel policy. Relations develop spontaneously, often there are conflicts and unsolved problems. It will be difficult for you to realize yourself and you will have to devote too much time to interpersonal relationships, which can go to the detriment of work. Just try to follow the job description clearly and avoid conflict situations.
  • how to enter a new team

    Acquaintance with the new collective

    Well, perhaps that's enough theory -It's high time to move on to practice. How can you make sure that getting to know a new team goes smoothly? How should you behave? How do you adapt to a new team? For some reason, the old as the world saying "don't go to someone else's monastery with your own rules" is often forgotten at the most inopportune moment. And in vain! A new team is that very notorious strange monastery. And you will have to study its rules. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the easier it will be. Perhaps, we will not even talk about such banal things as being late. I think that it is clear to everyone that being late for work - especially in the first days! - is absolutely unacceptable. But it is worth dwelling on the "dress code" in more detail. Almost every company has its own dress code. Somewhere it is very strict, somewhere - quite free. But, nevertheless, it exists. How do you know what style to wear on your first day at work? It’s very simple. A day or two before you leave, don’t be lazy, and arrive at the company by the end of the working day. Take a close look at the employees leaving – most likely, everything will become clear to you. At home, carefully review your wardrobe and determine which items best match the company style. Nothing suitable was found? Well, what can you do – you’ll have to “fork out”. And, believe me, this is not a waste of money – it’s an investment in your future career. And, of course, in order to feel confident and make a good impression, before going to work you should visit a hairdresser – no “ponytails” or long loose hair! – get a manicure and pedicure and tidy up your “work” clothes. Yes, you should also be very careful when choosing jewelry – and large diamonds and bright costume jewelry will look equally out of place. That seems to be all. What else needs to be done to make the adaptation easy?

    Adaptation in a new team

    Of all the candidates for this position, they choseименно вас. А значит, вы обладаете теми качествами, которые необходимы для данной работы и сумели доказать это при собеседовании. Поэтому самое первое и естественное желание — «взять быка за рога» — сразу начать доказывать, что в вас не ошиблись. К сожалению, это одна из самых частых ошибок «новичков». Не нужно спешить и пытаться уже в первый день продемонстрировать всем свою компетентность, твердый характер, «свежий взгляд» и «креативный подход». Скорее всего, такое рвение будет воспринято неверно — вас сочтут выскочкой, «всезнайкой» и карьеристкой, готовой идти по головам. Для того чтобы понять, как адаптироваться в новом коллективе, на первом этапе лучше побольше слушать и поменьше говорить. Для начала, запомните имена новых коллег — это всегда производит положительное впечатление. Если сотрудников очень много, а вы не слишком надеетесь на свою память — запишите информацию, например, в блокнот. Только старайтесь сделать это так, чтобы никто ничего не заметил. А то еще подумают, что вы начали собирать досье! Несколько дней понаблюдайте за сотрудниками. Обратите внимание на то, к кому принято обращаться на «ты», а к кому на «вы». Однако, перед тем как «тыкать» кому-то, лучше еще раз уточнить у человека, какую форму обращения он предпочитает. Выделите того, кто пользуется наибольшим уважением. Сделать это не сложно. Просто посмотрите, к кому чаще всего обращаются с вопросами и на чье мнение ссылаются в разговоре. Попробуйте наладить контакт с этим человеком — он может оказать вам неоценимую помощь. Только сделать это надо «по-умному». Не стоит «лезть в душу» или пытаться откровенничать и рассказывать о себе. Лучше обратитесь за советом по какому-нибудь вопросу, связанному с вашей новой работой и должностными обязанностями. А вопросы у вас, наверняка, есть! Не бойтесь «упасть в глазах» новых коллег — в каждой компании есть свои тонкости, которые вы просто не можете знать, если пришли совсем недавно. Незнание нюансов может стать причиной серьезных ошибок. А заинтересованность и желание «вникнуть в суть», скорее всего, вызовет только положительные эмоции. Кто-то из сотрудников сам кидается к вам с «распростертыми объятиями» и активно пытается наладить отношения и предлагает помощь? К этому следует отнестись настороженно. Такой стиль поведения характерен для аутсайдеров, пытающихся привлечь сторонников в свой лагерь. Конечно, соблазн получить чью-то поддержку — особенно, когда вам ее так не хватает! — очень велик. Но вы — человек новый, и пока не знаете ни тех отношений, которые уже сложились, ни тех причин, по которым они сложились так, а не иначе. Поэтому риск ошибиться очень велик. Однако и отталкивать человека не стоит — иначе он может затаить обиду. Ни при каких обстоятельствах не допускайте панибратства, не позволяйте втягивать себя в споры и остерегайтесь демонстрировать «искрометный юмор» — такой «коктейль» может сильно подпортить зарождающиеся отношения. А вот если вас приглашают пообедать вместе — отказываться не нужно! Время, проведенное в неформальной обстановке, может помочь вам сблизиться с людьми и влиться в новый коллектив. Правда и здесь следует вести себя очень осторожно. Например, если в вашем присутствии обсуждают кого-то — не спешите дать свою оценку происходящему. Лучше сохранить «нейтралитет». Постарайтесь отнестись ко всем спокойно и дружелюбно. Почаще улыбайтесь.

    "Test of strength" in a new team

    What other surprises can be prepared for you?new team? Perhaps one of the most unpleasant is the "strength test". Unfortunately, such methods are not uncommon. Do not be upset and think that you were disliked from the first day. It is quite possible that this is just a peculiar company policy. By the way, according to some information, such "business sharks" as Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch also arranged such "entry" tests for their employees. What is the essence of the test? The "newbie" is loaded with work, and, almost from the first day, assigned to perform some complex task. And then they carefully observe how he copes with the proposed situation and how he reacts to criticism. The main thing here is not to screw up! In no case do not express bewilderment or irritation. Find out in detail what kind of result is expected of you. Clarify the deadlines. If necessary, ask additional questions. Calmly and confidently approach the task. If you feel that you are not completing the task within the allotted time, ask if it is possible to stay at your workplace longer in order to complete the task within the set deadlines. Surely, such hard work and responsibility will be appreciated. If your work has been criticized - do not panic and become depressed. No disaster has occurred. Listen carefully and kindly to all the comments. Analyze your mistakes and try to correct them as soon as possible and not repeat them in the future. Even if you yourself have come to a management position, the question of how to enter a new team does not become less relevant. It is quite possible that subordinates will want to test your competence and strength of character. In order to establish good and calm working relationships between you and your employees, you should not "tighten the screws" and establish your own rules on the very first working day. First, take a closer look at the existing rules and laws. Draw conclusions. And you can implement various innovations after you have delved into all the details and feel confident. Regardless of what position you have come to, try to make an impression of a calm, friendly and competent person. Then getting to know the new team will go smoothly and painlessly. After all, your new colleagues are not enemies, but simply people with their own character, way of life and habits, who are still unfamiliar to you. It will take a little time, and you will certainly become not only colleagues, but also friends. And maybe you will even find real loyal friends. In addition, a new job is always so interesting! These are new perspectives, new impressions and opportunities. And you will definitely succeed. We recommend reading:

