lack of vitamin D

What is vitamin D, and what leads to a lack of "sunny" vitamin

And you know that 75% of the white population of the planetis deficient in vitamin D? And this is not only residents of northern countries, where there are few sunny days. Even in countries filled with light, such as India, there is often a shortage of vitamin D, both in adults and children. What is this vitamin? In fact, the term "vitamin D" hides a whole group of chemically similar substances. Scientists have united in this group both substances entering the body with food (ergocalciferol), and the vitamin D, habitual to all, which is synthesized in the skin when sun rays hit it (its scientific name is cholecalciferol). It is the second form that is considered to be a classic vitamin d, because it performs many important functions in the human body. With a lack of vitamin d, normal growth and development of bone structures in the child is disrupted. A consequence of this can become such a formidable disease as rickets. But also to adults the decrease in the amount of "vitamin Sun" in the body brings a lot of trouble: osteoporosis, some skin diseases, nervous system disorders. Interest in the "sunny" vitamin is growing all over the world due to the fact that scientists are constantly discovering new facts, the connection of this chemical substance with the multitude of processes that take place in the human body. It turns out that the risk of getting cancer and diabetes increases several times if there is a lack of vitamins of the group in the blood. But let's talk about everything in order.

Rickets in children - when you need to sound an alarm

About the children's rickets mentioned even the ancient doctors. But the clinical description of rickets was made in 1650 by F.Glisson, an English orthopedist. He found that with this disease there is a curvature of the spine, and the Greek name of the spinal column sounds like rhachitis. To my great regret, rickets are not defeated today. He is considered a social disease, because they often suffer from children who grow up in adverse conditions. It may seem that with the improvement of childcare, with the advent of new diagnostic methods and new drugs, the disease should have long ago retreated, but so far this has not happened. The rate of morbidity, of course, is declining, but rickets are still a danger, especially for the youngest children. Causes of Vitamin d deficiency in babies The shortage of the most important vitamin causes the following chain of reactions: the calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the baby's body is disrupted, then the bone tissue is affected - the formation and growth of bones, their subsequent mineralization. Then the wrong work of the nervous system joins, internal organs begin to work worse. The main causes of vitamin D deficiency are: malnutrition, a small amount of sunlight (after all, a large amount of this vitamin is produced by the action of sunlight directly in the skin). For other reasons, doctors call various complications during pregnancy and during childbirth, maternal and child hypodynamia. Do not miss the symptoms of childhood rickets! An attentive parent will always pay attention to such manifestations in his child, as softening of bones. This is usually manifested in the fact that on the baby's head bone bumps (frontal and parietal) begin to protrude strongly, the nape becomes flat, and the head reminds not an oval, but a square. Bones on the arms and legs, even on the chest, are covered with so-called outgrowths, they are called "rosary." In the most severe cases, when there is a lack of vitamin D, the legs are bent in children, they become like the letter O or X. The abdominal muscles, due to incorrect development, also acquire a "flattened" shape, the stomach becomes bulging, unreasonably large. Parents also need to pay attention to the hair on the head of the child, because the formation of bald spots or complete baldness is also one of the signs of rickets. Prevention of rickets in children Like many diseases, rickets are easier to prevent than to treat later. After all, treatment is a long and complicated process. The following preventive measures are necessary:

  • Fresh air and sunlight

Even in cold weather, walking in the fresh airare necessary for the baby, and it is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the exposed skin. In the summer, this is given without much effort, but in winter one should try to substitute the baby's face with the sun's rays.

  • Organizing proper nutrition

In order that children do not formlack of vitamin d, it is necessary to organize its intake into the body with food. Firstly, these are products that contain a large amount of the necessary vitamin (fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, dairy products, cheese, butter, egg yolk). Secondly, it is necessary to follow a variety of dishes, include in the diet also vegetables and fruits. Thirdly, vitamin D in capsules can be given additionally, but before this it is necessary to consult with a doctor. If you have chosen fish oil, then the dosage is also better to check with your doctor.

  • Hardening, physical education and massage

A healthy lifestyle is considered the main enemy notonly rickets, but also many other diseases. Therefore, it is vitally important to deal with the health of children from infancy. It is not at all difficult to do the massage to the kid on your own, having studied pediatrician's simplest massage movements. Hardening and physical exercises necessary for the child, parents can also do themselves, turning it into a fun game. How to treat rickets in a child But the treatment of a lack of vitamins of group d and all its consequences should be carried out only under the supervision of a child's doctor. Self-medication here is unacceptable, because an overdose of vitamin D is very dangerous for a fragile organism. So, as pediatricians treat rickets in children:

  • Taking medications containing vitamin d

These drugs are taken under strict control of the blood composition: the amount of phosphate, calcium and other important components.

  • Ultraviolet irradiation

Irradiation with ultraviolet rays is carried out on a special schedule, based on the characteristics of the child's body. At the time of the treatment with ultraviolet, the intake of vitamin D inside is canceled.

  • Massage and gymnastics

Physical exercises and massage are done onthroughout the course of treatment. These activities are no less important than taking medications. In addition, children are bathed in infusions of medicinal herbs: bark of oak, plantain, string. lack of vitamin d

Lack of vitamins of group d in adults

In adults, a deficiency of this vitamin can also cause rickets. The disease does not go as clearly as in children, but the consequences can be quite devastating. There are 3 degrees of disease:

  • A slight degree of heaviness, most often flows imperceptibly.
  • The average degree - gives complications in the form of myopia and osteoporosis.
  • A severe degree is complicated by diseases of teeth and gums, osteoporosis.
  • Treatment of adults is also carried out onlyunder the supervision of a therapist. The necessary dose of vitamin D is prescribed (it varies depending on the severity of the disease). The course lasts about 2 months, but in the summer, the lack of vitamins of group d is replenished with the intake of fish oil, and not with tablets. In this case, you should pay attention to your diet. Here is the list of foods that contain this vitamin:

    • butter;
    • dairy products;
    • cheese;
    • cottage cheese;
    • raw egg yolk;
    • seafood.

    But the classic sources of vitamin D is the liver of fish: halibut, herring, mackerel, mackerel, tuna, cod. lack of vitamin d in children

    Deficiency of vitamin D leads to other problems too!

    Today the deficit of vitamins of group d is associated witha whole group of diseases - from diabetes to cancer and even some cardiovascular diseases. Even obesity, some scientists associate with a small amount of this vitamin. It is proved that the fatty layer in the human body increases with a deficiency of vitamin d. Polish scientists, in particular M.Holecki, have established a feedback between the production of vitamin D and weight loss. They noticed the pattern, after a slight weight loss (about 10 %) the content of vitamin d rises in the blood.It is also believed that vitamin D directly affects muscle strength. These discoveries seriously interested not only nutritionists and endocrinologists, but also professional athletes. Now special programs are being developed for healthy people who want to change their weight and improve body proportions. Doctors believe that taking vitamin D correctly can work wonders!

