Japanese diet 7 days There are several varieties of Japanesediet, today we will consider two particularly popular and effective options. And, despite the significant difference in the menu, both these options will help you to lose up to five kilograms in 7 days. Naturally, the Japanese diet, as well as other "hunger strikes" has its drawbacks. But we will discuss them a little later, now let's take time to the advantages and useful tips on how to achieve that the effect of the diet exceeded all expectations.

Japanese diet based on seafood

A few tips:

  • Dairy products such as yogurt or yogurt can be consumed, but it is better to replace them with mineral water, rich in calcium;
  • If for some reason you do not have mineral watersuitable, drink green tea, its use is not limited. Thanks to the beneficial elements contained in tea, you will not only lose weight, but also help the body get rid of toxins;
  • Salt in the Japanese diet is contraindicated. But since the main dish of your diet will be seafood, which already contain a sufficient number of salts, it does not affect your body in any way;
  • Bakery products successfully replaces rice, it is better to use Thai or brown;
  • The Japanese diet means daily consumption of fruits, any - what you like more. They help the body survive the shortage of calcium and vitamins.

Do not be surprised that in the menu below,you will not see restrictions on the consumption of fish and seafood. In this version of the Japanese diet for 7 days they simply do not, so this can also be considered an important plus. So, we start to lose weight! First day:

  • For breakfast - a cup of ground unsweetened coffee;
  • Lunch - two boiled eggs, 150 grams of cabbage stewed in olive oil, and a glass of juice, best of all tomato;
  • We are having dinner with boiled fish, preferably sea.

The second day:

  • Lunch a small portion of boiled rice, which we drink with a cup of coffee;
  • For dinner - one small zucchini, sliced ​​and fried in sunflower oil, two apples;
  • For dinner - a piece of boiled beef in 250 grams.

On the third day:

  • Lunch is the same as yesterday;
  • We have dinner with boiled fish and a salad of fresh vegetables, you can take those that you have at the moment;
  • We have a salad of sea kale, not more than 100 grams of two boiled eggs and fresh cucumber.

On the fourth day:

  • For breakfast, we simply drink a cup of coffee brewed in a Turkish;
  • For dinner - a soup made from any seafood - a portion of 250 grams;
  • We have dinner with fruit.

On the fifth day:

  • We have a salad of raw, grated carrots, seasoned with juice, half a lemon;
  • For lunch - boiled fish, tomato juice;
  • We have supper, as well as yesterday, with fruits - 4-5 pieces.

On the sixth day:

  • For breakfast - rice and coffee;
  • For dinner - soup, prepared from seafood, 200 grams of tomato juice;
  • We have dinner with fruit.

And, finally, the last day:

  • For breakfast - a small cup of green tea without sugar, fish.
  • For lunch - again fish, you can not boil, but fry in sunflower oil, green tea;
  • Supper again with fruit, in an amount of 2-3 pieces, we drink a cup of tea.

If necessary, the diet can be extended for another 7 days. Japanese diet for 7 days

Diet with five meals a day

This Japanese diet is carried by the bodyeasily. Since its principle is the frequent use of food in small portions, the hunger will not be felt so sharply. In addition, this diet contains a fairly diverse menu, which is its undoubted advantage. Such a diet for 7 days is calculated. Monday and Thursday:

  • Breakfast consists of 100 grams of milk, rye toast with 10 grams of butter and 150 grams of vinaigrette;
  • The second breakfast is low-fat cottage cheese, in the amount of 100 grams and a piece of bran bread;
  • In the afternoon - borscht on vegetable broth, rye bread and salad from any vegetables;
  • Snack - boiled sea fish - 150 grams with a slice of rye bread;
  • We dine with any porridge, drink it with half a glass of milk.

Tuesday and Friday:

  • The menu of the first breakfast consists of one boiled egg, a sandwich with butter and otrubnym bread, 100 grams of salad from vegetables;
  • The second breakfast - a piece of rye bread and a glass of milk;
  • Lunch menu - 200 grams of low-fat borsch, a small slice of boiled chicken meat, about 150 grams of vinaigrette;
  • Afternoon snack - slightly fatty cottage cheese, not more than 100 grams;
  • Supper with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, no more than 200 grams.

Wednesday and Saturday:

  • For breakfast - a piece of bran bread with butter and cheese, 135, 10 and 15 grams, respectively, a teaspoon of honey and green tea;
  • The second breakfast - half a glass of low-fat milk with a slice of rye bread;
  • Lunch - 200 grams of lean soup, 150 grams of salad, a small piece of boiled beef, a slice of rye bread;
  • Snack - 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Dinner - a portion of vinaigrette, a cup of black tea without sugar with a piece of cheese.

This Japanese diet for 7 days impliesthe last day of the week is a complete refusal of a full-fledged diet, that is, organize a day of unloading. You can drink kefir, green tea, water. And eat no more than two green apples. If your diet is in summer time, you can replace apples with watermelon - it will be even better. By the way, in any of the days it is possible, even desirable, to consume mineral water and green tea without restriction. the correct Japanese diet 7 days

The disadvantages of the Japanese diet

Despite the fact that the Japanese diet guaranteesyou have an effective result in a short time, it has its drawbacks. If you do not follow the diet after a diet, this can lead to the fact that the lost weight will return in a few days. After the diet comes to an end, do not rush to lean on high-calorie foods, try to introduce them into your diet gradually. The Japanese diet is designed for 14 days maximum, you can not extend it for a longer period. This can lead to a malfunction in the body and many unpleasant diseases. And with diseases of the stomach from starvation should be abandoned altogether. During a diet, especially in its last days, be sure to take vitamins, after consulting with a doctor. We advise you to read:

