causes of ingrown hair Most female representativeswill agree with the fact that after the epilation of the legs begin to resemble the battlefield. Skin irritation in the form of red dots is the end of the contraction of the epilator with vegetation on the body. Of course, after a while redness and irritation will pass, the skin will remain smooth, but soon these hated hairs will reappear. And through all the suffering will have to go through again. And like you could get used to this vicious circle, if not for one unpleasant fact - ingrown hair after epilation.

Hair removal and ingrown hair

They arise because the hair with timeafter numerous epilations are thinned, weak, bent and no longer able to break through the epidermis, continuing to grow under the skin. This phenomenon is unpleasant in that it can promote reddening of the site, itching, inflammatory processes, leaving pigment spots after. Special inconveniences of ingrown hairs are delivered to girls with white skin, through which dark dots begin to shine through. Whatever it was, the appearance of hair, ingrown under the skin, suggests that hair removal is done incorrectly. Procedures for hair removal in the cabin in this sense are safer than hair removal in the home. A qualified master can choose the right angle of hair removal and take care of quality disinfection. This all minimizes the possibility of ingrown ingrown hairs. foot care after epilation

10 basic rules

With laser and photoepilation, the fact of ingrown hairsis completely excluded. But such procedures can not afford any woman. They are quite expensive. It will take several sessions to completely kill the hair bulb. In addition, such types of hair removal are unacceptable for women with swarthy skin, a large number of birthmarks, during pregnancy and during lactation. But how to be, if the hair removal in the cabin for some reason is not available? How to avoid the appearance of ingrown hair? Accurate implementation of some rules will help to avoid this problem.

  • Perhaps, it is necessary to change the preferred methodhair removal. For example, if you used plates for epilation, you can try an electro-epilator. The result will not be long in coming, and the ingrown hairs will disappear. After some time, you can go back to the old way.
  • Before hair removal proceduresbe sure to do a peeling, and this should not depend on the method of epilation. Peeling will remove the dead skin of the epidermis and lift the hairs, which will contribute to a better result of hair removal and prevent further ingrowth of hair.
  • Taking a shower or bath, try to use only hard wool.
  • Although it seems unusual, but hair removal should always be done in the direction of hair growth (from the knee to the foot, and not vice versa, as is often done).
  • In case the preference is givenclassical shaving, it is necessary to pre-rinse the skin and take care of the razor beforehand. In exchange for shaving foam, it is possible to use an air conditioner for hair.
  • Use of cosmetics with a label"Before" or "after" hair removal and products that have the properties of slowing the growth of new hair, significantly reduces the risk of ingrown hairs. In this case, do not forget that after the procedure, you must first apply the skin antiseptic, and then moisturizing.
  • Do not do hair removal if it'scritical days or no mood. Women at such moments are too irritable, can not concentrate, and this will necessarily affect the quality of the procedure performed.
  • It is necessary to completely abandon or minimize the use of poor-quality underwear and synthetic pantyhose.
  • It is advisable to remove the scalp before going to bed. In this night and bed linen should be made of natural fabrics. In the first hours after the procedure, still unattached microrasses are most susceptible to infection, and during sleep the skin regenerates and becomes more resistant to the processes of skin inflammation. In the absence of wounds or abscesses, there will be no seals, which are an ideal medium for the appearance of ingrown hairs.
  • It should be remembered that from sensitivity anddry skin depends on the frequency of the procedures of epilation, that is, the higher these parameters, the less often it is necessary to remove the hair. Otherwise, an injured epidermis is provided, which will cause suppuration and create difficulties in getting rid of hair that has grown into the skin.
  • scrub to avoid ingrown hairs

    Procedure for the removal of ingrown hairs

    The main reason for the appearance of ingrown hairis caused by their thinning and growth at the wrong angle due to frequent epilation. As a result, the hair tries to break the epidermis in the wrong place. The result is inflammation. In the fight against ingrown hair can help:

    • scrub;
    • tincture of calendula;
    • badyaga;
    • alcohol;
    • a means that promotes wound healing.

    The process of removing:

    • at the very beginning it is necessary to get rid ofdead skin particles. To do this, you can use a hard scrub. Scrub should resemble a cream or paste and have a thick consistency. From a liquid and easy means will not be of any use. Scrub should be applied not only before epilation, but also in the intervals - 1-2 times a week.
    • after that, it is necessary to dry the skin well, disinfect the area with alcohol and a pre-prepared thin needle with special care to pierce the ingrown hair.
    • The hair is carefully removed with tweezers or a depilator. The site of the operation is again treated with alcohol.

    Council. Tincture of calendula is suitable for disinfection. It disinfects and simultaneously promotes the rapid healing of small wounds. It is also effective in purulent and inflammatory processes. Calendula is an inexpensive remedy that can be found in any pharmacy. Experts say that after removing unwanted hair, it is necessary that the feet remain dry for a long time, since a moist environment promotes the multiplication of bacteria, which in turn leads to inflammation of the skin. Therefore, for 1-2 days should refrain from swimming.

    Pigmentation disorder

    The question of spots left on the skin from ingrownhair, undoubtedly disturbs many women. These spots appear at the points of the inflammation of the hair channel. The main problem is that suppuration can be repeated all the time. As a result, traces spoil the appearance of the legs for years, and they no longer look well-groomed and attractive. To get rid of traces, you need to speed up the process of skin regeneration. For example, you can use a gel containing badyag. Badyag used in the periods between the procedures of hair removal. However, one should not get carried away with too frequent use, because the spongy strengthens the flow of blood, which in addition to rapid healing leads to accelerated hair growth. waxing

    Epilation with wax

    If continued use of the epilator led tothe appearance of ingrown hair and stains from them, then a good alternative is a replacement for more effective hair removal with wax. Thanks to this method, you can completely get rid of the problem of growing hair. And the longer a lady uses this method, the fewer ingrowing hairs will be. Another advantage of wax epilation is the inhibition of hair growth. They will become softer and lighter. The main drawback of waxing is a rather short time between treatments. Therefore, the legs will please their smoothness and silkiness not all the time. Epilation with wax is done only with a length of hair equal to 5 mm or more. For summer time this option is not entirely convenient.

    Folk remedies

    Ingrown hair after hair removal may appeardue to improper hair removal at home. And then, by removing hair alone, it may happen that some part of it remains under the skin. As a consequence, such things as itching, redness and inflammation, and subsequently suppuration, can manifest themselves. If, with an independent removal of the hair, something went wrong and signs of skin inflammation appeared, you can use various folk remedies that are quite effective in such cases. Baked onions At first a small onion is baked in the oven, after which it is cut into two equal parts. One of the parts is applied by the cut side to the inflamed area and bandages. With a bandage, you need to walk about 4 hours. Then, having unbuttoned, the part which has adjoined to a skin is cut off, and all is bandaged again. Wear such a bandage until the inflammation disappears completely. Usually one bulb is enough. Also, the onion is baked in a dough or boiled in milk, crushing it then and applying it to the affected area as a compress. Treatment with Aloe A good way to eliminate the inflammatory process that has arisen from ingrown hair is aloe. It is necessary to cut a large bottom sheet, rinse it and crush it into a gruel. Then the gruel is laid out on the lesion site and pressed with a bandage. The dressing should be changed at least once a day until the inflammation and abscesses disappear completely. The next method is to cut the plant leaf into thin plates and squeeze the juice. The juice can be squeezed out by placing the plates in an improvised gauze pouch. Damaged skin areas are lubricated by the product. Also on its basis it is possible to make lotions and compresses. It is important that the juice is always fresh. And a couple of tips:

    • large sea salt. Sea salt is rubbed into pre-steamed skin. This helps to release the hairs from under the skin and prevents inflammation;
    • coffee. Freshly brewed coffee can serve as an excellent means for peeling before the beginning of hair removal.

    Ingrown hair will not cause much trouble if you do it on time. Treatment can not be delayed.

