sciatica Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, worn in medicinethe name sciatica, occurs occasionally in a fairly large number of people. Many mistakenly believe that this phenomenon in itself is a disease. However, this is not entirely true - most often the sciatica inflammation is only a consequence of various other diseases. In itself, this condition does not pose a particular danger, but it brings a lot of unpleasant minutes and painful feelings to the sick person. If you remember a little school anatomy, you can easily imagine the sciatic nerve - it starts in the region of the waist, and stretches through the coccyx and the back surface of both legs. It is the ischial rhythm that is responsible for the normal operation of the legs and the sensitivity of the entire surface of the legs. Of course, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, like any other disease, does not occur simply because certain reasons are necessary for this. Let's try to figure out what can lead to this problem:

  • Displacement - full or partial - of the vertebral disc.
  • The patient has pear-shaped muscle syndrome.
  • Any injuries of any organs, or even muscles located in the pelvic area.
  • The presence of a sick person with tumors, and of any origin.

As you can see, often the inflammation of this nerve canto testify about the presence of a certain disease, sometimes quite serious. Of course, it's not necessary to panic and get scared when you notice symptoms of inflammation, most often the reason is a trivial trifle, but you should not ignore the doctor's visit. Such a visit to the doctor will take much less time than the subsequent treatment of a serious serious illness that could dislodge you from the usual rut for a very long time.

Symptoms of sciatica

Do not worry about this pathologywill go unnoticed - if a person has a sciatic nerve, he must notice it. Too very obvious and very unpleasant symptoms. Although it will be more correct to say - a symptom. For a person who does not have medical education, the only visible symptom is pain. And this pain, caused by sciatica nerve inflammation, is so diverse that it is unlikely to be unambiguously characterized. Everything depends on several different factors: this is the general condition of the organism of the sick person, and the degree of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, and the individual pain threshold of sensitivity, and much more. Some people with soreal nerve inflammation characterize the pain sensations as weak, hardly felt tingling or sipping, someone complains that the pain is dull, and someone describes a very burning pain, which almost completely deprives the sick person of the opportunity to move. So it's impossible to predict what kind of pain it will be. But the fact that it will still be - can not be questioned. However, the pain caused by sciatica nerve inflammation has some distinctive features that allow the treating physician to suspect this malaise. In almost all cases, pain sensations are localized only in one half of the body. For example, very many patients experience sharp cutting pain in one thigh or leg, while at the same time in the other leg or thigh there is a strong numbness in the muscles. In addition, in some cases, pain can be felt even in one of the lower legs, while in the second one there will also be numbness. As a rule, numbness is periodically replaced by a strong tingling sensation. In addition, the sick person feels quite strong weakness in both legs, and sometimes in the hand, from the affected side. Although, fortunately, this is very easy. Painful sensations in the inflammatory process affecting the sciatic nerve, almost never occur immediately and intensively. First, the pain is very weak, but its intensity gradually increases. As shown by numerous observations, especially painful pains occur precisely at night. Pain can also enhance certain physical actions - when a person sits down or, on the contrary, gets up, laughs, sneezes or coughs. And in especially severe cases, a sick person can not even move without anesthetics at all. Therefore, most often doctors recommend that a sick person observe a strict bed rest.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to start the necessarywith sciatica nerve inflammation treatment, it must be diagnosed. Of course, an experienced doctor most often determines this inflammation at first sight. However, as already mentioned above, the inflammation of the nerve does not arise by itself, but is a consequence of a disease. And it is this disease that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible, until it starts to progress even faster, and does not entail any other problems. Diagnosis is carried out the most diverse - depending on the skills and preferences of the doctor, the general condition of the sick person, his complaints. But in any case, the doctor must conduct an examination of the patient. As a rule, in almost all cases of sciatica nerve inflammation, the doctor discovers during examination:

  • Violation of normal mobility or feet,either the knee joint, or both. This difficulty is especially obvious if you ask a sick person to extend the foot forward, or turn it to her.
  • Or simply weakened neurologic reflexes, or sometimes even abnormal.
  • A lot of pain if a sick person tries to lift his leg up.

In addition, the doctor will certainly appoint a patient to a person some research that will help to make a more accurate diagnosis:

  • Laboratory blood test, including biochemical.
  • Radiographic examination of the pelvis.

If necessary, if previous studies have not helped to establish a diagnosis, the doctor may decide on the need for magnetic resonance therapy. sciatic nerve

Treatment of sciatica

As it is easy to guess, in order toget rid of sciatica nerve inflammation, you must first start treatment of the underlying disease - which is the root cause of the pathology. Although, of course, there is a so-called symptomatic treatment, which is designed to facilitate the manifestation of the inflammatory process that affects the nerve. If a person has sciatica, the treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the intensity of pain. For this, there are several basic methods - both physical and pharmacological. In the first few days, doctors recommend making cool compresses. To do this, you can use a soft cloth soaked in cold water. And even better - wrap in the same soft cloth ice cubes. These compresses must be applied to those places where the pain is felt most. The duration of the compress should not exceed ten minutes. If pain hurts a sick person too much, he can take painkillers that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. For example, ibuprofen. However, all these measures will be effective only if the sick person complies with bed rest, even for the first two days. Return to normal physical activity after the disease is necessary gradually. At least a week, you should avoid not only lifting weights, but in general any excessive activity. After four weeks - you can return to sports, but in a gentle mode. And only after six weeks of physical activity can be restored in full. In some cases, if the pain is too strong and no "soft" ways can remove it, the doctor can prescribe the prescription for more potent painkillers. In addition, in cases where the inflammatory process is too strong, the doctor may prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Traditional medicine also offers a few simple but extremely effective recipes. However, before using them, make sure that the patient has no allergic reactions to the components.

  • Honey compresses. Melt three tablespoons of honey, mix them with one pre-powdered tablet of ordinary analgin. The resulting mixture must be applied a thin layer on the skin in the area that hurts. Top with a gauze napkin and leave for two hours.
  • Decoction of chemist's daisy. And again comes to the aid of a chemist's daisy. Prepare the broth as follows - pour into the enameled dishes five tablespoons of chamomile, pour a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Decoct cooling, strain and take three days a day for a glass.
  • Be careful - the danger!

    In any case, the ill person shouldseek medical attention. However, there are some situations in which a sick person should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This must be done if the person has the following situations:

    • The temperature rises above 38 degrees. Before you bring down the temperature, be sure to seek medical help.
    • The onset of swelling or redness of the skin on the back of a sick person.
    • Pain sensations that have arisen in the upper part of the leg, gradually move lower.
    • A strong feeling of numbness in the pelvis, hips, or legs. In such cases, a person simply "undermines" his legs, in other words.
    • The appearance of a burning sensation during urination, or the presence of blood in the urine.
    • In the prone position, the pain is greatly intensified, and also causes you to wake up at night. Increased pain on the second and third days.

    In all of the above cases, the patienta person in no case is unacceptable to try to get rid of the pain that causes inflammation of the sciatic nerve alone. Complications can be serious enough, so do not take risks. We advise you to read:

