What is acne, unfortunately, many peopleknown at all by hearsay - someone came across personally, someone from eels suffered from relatives or friends. It would seem that health pimples are in no way threatened, but the psychological state is very even. At the best, there will be uncertainty in yourself, and at worst - very resistant complexes can develop. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of acne, and the sooner the better. If the acne is expressed very strongly, it is best not to experiment on your own, but to go to a professional cosmetologist. The doctor will accurately assess the condition of your skin and the scale of the disaster, and then choose the best course for you to treat acne.
A little bit about acne
So, what is acne - it is understandable. In simple terms, acne is an acne and acne. In most cases, people are simply puzzled, where did such a misfortune come from, like an acne. In fact, there are a lot of reasons and it is reliable to establish what trigger trigger in your case is very difficult. But it is still necessary to own general information.
- Genetic predisposition
Very often there is a family trend -parents give their children a predisposition to acne. Of course, this does not mean at all that the daughter will have an acne, if her mother has acne. But to exclude such a probability is impossible, unfortunately.
- Hormonal changes
The first thing to exclude is violationhormonal background. It's not for nothing that acne usually appears in adolescence, as well as in pregnant women. In addition, acne can appear against the backdrop of any disease that results in a disturbance of the hormonal balance in the body.
- Wrong skin care
Any skin needs a correct, thorough andregular care. Especially if the skin is of a fatty type. Otherwise, there may be acne and even inflamed acne. Therefore, always pay due attention to skin care, so that there is no acne.
- Improper diet
Doctors have long proven a direct relationship between the diethuman nutrition and the state of his skin. If you are faced with acne, pay attention to your food. Too much flour, fatty and fried, artificial colors and preservatives, fizzy drinks and coffee at times increase the risk of acne and acne. Most often, rashes appear on the face - especially on the chin, forehead and nose. In addition, acne can affect the skin of the shoulders and back. The intensity of rashes can also be very different - from single acne to a huge number of them. And remember - the earlier you start the treatment, the easier it will be to cope with the problem. Nature offers us a lot of ingredients that are very effective in coping with acne. So why not use them? Moreover, the components for almost all recipes are very affordable and do not require almost no financial costs. But do not forget that the most important rule that is necessary to achieve success is systematic. In the event that you do masks and scrubs on a case-by-case basis, you will simply lose your time. Regardless of what kinds of masks and skin cleansing you choose.
Healing Masks
The action of therapeutic masks with acne is complex. First, they deeply clean the pores. Secondly, the pores under the influence of masks taper, and thirdly, prevent the appearance of new rashes. As a result, acne recedes. But you should not abuse masks. Remember that any mask should be applied to a well-cleaned and necessarily steamed skin. Rasparit skin is not difficult. Put three tablespoons of medicine chamomile in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. Then pour the chamomile broth into a deep container. Check the temperature of the steam so as not to burn the skin. Lean on the steam, top cover the head with a towel. The duration of such a steam bath is 20 minutes. In the event that you have certain diseases of the cardiovascular system or respiratory organs, it is better to refuse the steam bath. But since you still need to steam the skin, make compresses. Similarly, prepare a decoction of chamomile, lightly cool it, moisten a small gauze towel in it and apply to the skin of the face for about 15 minutes. But keep in mind that the compress cools down quickly enough, so periodically change it - as it cools down.
- Mask of egg white
Egg white - the most simple and very effectivemask. It not only narrows the expanded pores, but even an easy lifting effect gives. A large amount of vitamin A intensely nourishes the skin and gives it a smooth fresh appearance. To prepare the mask, separate the two egg whites from the yolks, place them in a deep container and beat very carefully until a dense white foam forms. By the way, it's easiest to do this with the help of a mixer, although the whisk is quite realistic - you just need a little more power and a lot more time. The resulting mask is applied to the steamed skin as thick as possible and leave for about 20 minutes. During this time you will begin to feel tight - it's perfectly normal. Then rinse the mask with cool water and allow the skin to dry itself without wiping it. Another 15 minutes should remain a sense of tightness. If it does not disappear, smear the skin with any moisturizer. By the way, in the event that you have a combined skin type, do not apply a mask on dry areas. A similar mask should be done three times a week during the treatment period, and then, for the prevention of acne, it is enough two times a month.
- Mask with bran
If there are a lot of pimples and acne, and get rid ofthey need as soon as possible, to help come the mask with bran. For it you will need one tablespoon of conventional baking soda, food bran and cold boiled water. How to mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass. Cleanse and rinse the face skin, then apply a mask on the acne with a uniform layer. Be sure to cover the top with a plastic wrap - it will enhance the effect of the mask. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask, but not with water, but with a previously prepared acidic solution. To do this, mix the apple cider vinegar and water, in the proportion of 1 to 8. Simply put, for every 100 grams of vinegar will need 800 grams of water.
- Mask of raw potatoes
Potatoes will not only purify the skin, but will also reducescars, which very often remain in places where there were heavily inflamed patches of skin. Peel one large potato, wash and grate it. Immediately apply on the steamed skin with a thick layer, from above apply a gauze pad and leave for about 30 minutes. Then rinse the skin with cold water, wipe it and apply a thin layer of sour cream, which is very quickly absorbed. During the treatment of acne mask should be done every other day, and then, to prevent new rashes, repeat the mask once a week. And it is unlikely that acne will return.
- Peanut mask
In the majority of shops you can find peanutoil - it can also be successfully used. The mask is prepared as follows: in any non-metallic container mix one tablespoon of peanut butter melted on a water bath and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, let the mass freeze. By the way, this mask can be cooked for future use - it can be stored for about a month. The main thing is in a tightly closed container and only in the refrigerator. Apply the mask to dry skin with a thin layer, top with a plastic wrap and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and allow the skin to dry naturally. By the way, it is most convenient to do this mask before going to bed, since for some time after it the skin may look a bit irritated. In about an hour it will pass. And to ensure that the skin does not dry, be sure to use a moisturizer.
- Mask of garlic
Garlic mask is most effective in thosecases, in addition to acne, a lot of inflamed pimples. However, be very careful not to burn your skin. Grind five cloves of garlic, mix with one tablespoon of sour cream and leave to infuse for at least an hour. Then apply the mask to the skin of the face with a uniform layer, cover with a gauze cloth and leave for 10 minutes, no more! Then wash your skin very carefully and lubricate it with a moisturizer. If you feel a burning sensation earlier than 10 minutes, immediately wash off the mask to avoid burns. Due to the bactericidal properties of garlic, the effect of using the mask is noticeable after the first time. However, do not abuse - do not make a mask more than twice a week. And the duration of the course of treatment is not more than one month.
- Chamomile Mask
The easiest way to get rid of the inflamedacne is a camomile mask. For its preparation, pour two tablespoons of dry chemist's chamomile with a glass of boiling water and let stand until the water cools. Strain the infusion with a gauze cloth and apply chamomile in a thick layer on the problem areas of the skin, on top of the overlay polyethylene film. The mask should be kept on the skin for at least 30 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.
- Almond mask
Another very effective way to cope withacne in the shortest possible time - almond mask. You will need a tablespoon of milk, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice, one ampoule of an oil solution of vitamin A and 5 pieces of almonds. Almond soak in boiling water and leave for about two hours. Then, using a blender or a normal fork, put almonds in a mash, add the juice and milk. Then cut the capsule and add vitamin A there. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, put in the fridge for 1 hour. Apply the mask on the steamed skin in the area of problem areas, cover with plastic wrap and leave for 40 minutes. Then rinse the skin with warm milk and allow to dry naturally, without wiping. In order to cure acne, you need to do these masks three times a week. And then, for the prevention of acne, repeat once every two weeks.
Cleansing Scrubs
In addition to therapeutic masks can not be circumvented and withoutcleansing scrubs. They can also be prepared at home. There are various types of scrubs that are effective for acne. Their description you will find below.
- Lemon Scrub
In a coffee grinder, grind two tablespoons of oatmealflakes, squeeze the juice from a half of lemon and mix with oatmeal. The resulting mass is applied to the steamed skin in problem areas, carefully massage and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. This scrub is enough to do twice a week.
- Strawberry Scrub
If you are faced with acne in the summer, whenthere is a fresh strawberry, you can try to defeat the disease with the help of strawberry scrub. To do this, with a fork, crush three to five large berries and apply strawberry puree to the acne area. Leave it for about 5 minutes, then carefully rub off the acne and rinse the scrub with water.
- Yeast Scrub
There are different types of scrub with yeast. One of the most effective acne we suggest you try. You will need one egg yolk, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of dry baker's yeast. Stir all ingredients and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place. After this, apply a scrub on acne, massage your skin and rinse with cool water. This scrub does not need to be done more than twice a week during the period when you treat acne, and then - once a week, for prevention.
- Banana Scrub
In a hot frying pan, fry one dining roomspoon buckwheat, cool and grind. Then remember a half of a fresh banana, add buckwheat flour and apply the entire mask on acne with a uniform layer. Massage the skin, leave it for about 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. During the treatment, acne scrub three times a week, and then two times a month. We advise you to read: