On a journey with a baby Do you have a baby? This is not an excuse to refuse foreign travel - if there is a corresponding desire, of course. For example, Europeans have been traveling with babies since three months and look very happy at the same time. In fact, they are right - the babies sleep quite a lot for a year and still do not have enough opportunities to climb everywhere, where they do not need to. Moreover, at this age, one does not have to worry about food, since canned food is produced at the same standards everywhere and has a guaranteed quality. Do not want to take chances? Take the familiar from home - it is stored perfectly and takes up relatively little space. On the flight also worry is not necessary - the same Avianova airline, for example, offers various options for traveling with very young children. Therefore, if you do not want to rest in your native latitudes and do not believe the intimidation of grandmothers and pediatricians, you can safely go to distant countries - in fact, the smaller the child, the easier it is to carry the plane. Just take off and landing, give the child a breast or a bottle, so that he does not have ears, and enjoy the journey. As for the additional measures that you will need to take, they are as follows. First, choose a regular flight - charter, as practice shows, often delayed. Secondly, prepare yourself mentally for the fact that children's things will take up most of the suitcases - be sure to take with you something that you might not be able to buy abroad. Third, choose a reliable airline (buy, for example, Avianova tickets). Fourth, order an individual transfer from the airport - by bus to the hotel you will pass another time, without a baby. Fifth, if you return to your homeland in the winter season, just do not go out with the baby for a few days. Where to go? There are not so many variants here. Traditionally, Egypt is very popular among travelers - a country that does not need visa, a short flight, the sea is warm. On Cyprus, you need to fly 3-4 hours, the climate here is comfortable, the cuisine is delicious - this option will surely please the parents of the little girl. If you want to relax in the cold season, pay your attention to the UAE - here in November the season is just beginning. With tickets there will be no problems, but it will only take a long time to fly. Greece, Israel, Tunisia - there would be a desire to relax with your crumb, and there are lots of options for recreation.

