Eh! I would have so many toys, in my childhood, I would not leave the room (la)! Such an expression quite often can be heard from parents who grew up in a period of total deficit and the same type of not bright goods for children made in the same manner. Of course, we can not say that only the quantity and quality of toys depends on the level of children's happiness, but still they play a very important role in the life of the child. And imagine a room of a modern child without a huge number of colorful plastic, rubber, plush, metal toys is almost impossible. They are available, they are necessary, so the question of whether or not to buy to your child what he wants is not worth it. The question is in another - what often modern parents face - what toys to buy, so they do not turn into a bunch of junk that is unnecessary to the child? Let's try to find the answers to this question.
When choosing children's products, do not impose your ownopinion of your baby. For example, well, why do you need this ship? Let's buy this car! You who choose a toy? Myself, because in your childhood did not have such a typewriter? Well, then be prepared that this machine can find itself in the far corner of the children's room, and remains unclaimed, because it simply was not desirable. If you want to surprise a kid and do not want to take it with you to the store, or directly ask about what he would like to receive as a gift, "go" with him in the and note that he is considering with special interest.
Buy children's products in accordance withthe age of the baby. For example, an expensive hard-to-handle machine on the remote control will not be appreciated by a child under five years old. To your great disappointment, she may simply not "live" until the moment when the child becomes interested in playing with her. And this is explained by the fact that a child under five is difficult to cope with complex techniques, it is much more interesting to see what is inside.
Buy children's goods only of high quality. Why? Yes, so as not to scold the baby for another broken toy. The child is really not to blame for the fact that the new doll or typewriter of questionable quality falls apart. What do you want? It is therefore cheap, which is not done qualitatively. In addition, substandard toys bear a direct threat to the health of the child. It is also about toxic dyes, which are often used by negligent manufacturers of children's products, and about broken parts that can injure a baby.
Buy baby products according to genderbaby. No, of course, a girl may have a couple of toy cars in her arsenal, and a boy may have several bobbleheads. But in general, it is a toy for a boy, and a house for a Barbie is purely girly fun.
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