Each parent wants his child's thingswere not only beautiful, bright and fashionable, but also high-quality and safe. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately determine the quality of the purchased item. But substandard products not only after a short time will look sloppy, but can also harm the health of the child. Any items - clothes, shoes, hats, children's interactive toys should be certified. When buying products, you must pay attention to their labeling. If the purchased goods on the label indicates GOST, then such things can be bought without doubting. If there is a TU on the label or nothing is specified at all, then this is an occasion to ponder. Also it is necessary to pay attention to a fabric from which clothes or toys are made, for example, soft cubes for children from a plush or sateen. It is desirable that it was natural. Good fabric is soft, but durable. It does not emit unpleasant smells, as it happens, if in its manufacture, to add strength, add harmful synthetic additives. Be sure to look at the seams on clothes and toys. They should be even, all the details of clothing should be sealed with threads under the color of the thing. Sometimes not very decent manufacturers manage clothes made from coarse cloth, for example, jeans, or soft cubes for children to sew with a thin line. This is unacceptable, since the child can get injured by the sharp end of the line, if it is loose or torn. Very often parents try to buy cheap things for children. After all, children, especially in adolescence, grow rapidly and require constantly new fashionable things. But it's better not to try to save on your child's health and buy him only quality clothes. When buying toys from plastic, you also need to watch how neatly they are produced. Quality children's interactive toys have smooth edges without jags. All the details of the toy are securely fixed. In products intended for very young children, there should be no parts made of metal. Buy quality clothes and games for children can not be in every store. It is advisable to walk only a long-established and time-tested children's goods store or . Reliable and honest sellers cooperate withknown manufacturers. And it does not matter whether the manufacturers are foreign or local. The main criterion for selecting suppliers of clothes, shoes and toys from respectable stores is the quality of the children's products offered. And such shopping centers and online stores of children's toys always have a lot of positive feedback and recommendations from grateful customers. We advise you to read: