On a journey with a babyHave you had a baby?This is not a reason to refuse to travel abroad - if you want to, of course. For example, Europeans travel with babies from three months and look very happy about it. In fact, they are right - babies under one year sleep quite a lot and do not yet have sufficient capabilities to climb everywhere where they are not needed. Moreover, at this age, you do not have to worry about food, since canned food is produced according to the same standards everywhere and has a guaranteed quality. Don't want to take risks? Take what you are used to from home - it keeps well and takes up relatively little space. You also do not need to worry about the flight - the same airline Avianova, for example, offers various options for traveling with very small children. Therefore, if you do not want to relax in your native latitudes and do not believe the intimidation of grandmothers and pediatricians, you can safely go to distant countries - in fact, the smaller the child, the easier he tolerates the plane. Just give your child a breast or a bottle during takeoff and landing so that his ears don’t get blocked, and enjoy the trip. As for the additional measures that you will need to take, they are as follows. First, choose a regular flight – charter flights, as practice shows, are often delayed. Second, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that baby things will take up most of your suitcases – be sure to take with you what you might not be able to buy abroad. Third, choose a reliable airline (buy tickets, for example, from Avianova). Fourth, book a private transfer from the airport – you can take the bus to the hotel another time, without the baby. Fifth, if you are returning to your homeland in the winter, just don’t go outside with the baby for several days. Where to go? There are quite a few options here. Egypt is traditionally very popular among travelers - the country is visa-free, the flight is short, the sea is warm. You need to fly to Cyprus for 3-4 hours, the climate here is comfortable, the cuisine is delicious - this option will certainly appeal to the parents of a toddler. If you want to relax in the cold season, pay attention to the UAE - here in November the season is just beginning. There will be no problems with tickets, but the flight will be quite long. Greece, Israel, Tunisia - if you want to relax with your baby, there are plenty of options for vacation.

